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France Introduces Tougher Immigration Bill, Raising Outcry


Feb 25, 2014
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President Emmanuel Macron is putting the unity of his parliamentary majority to a test with legislation that will tighten controls over immigration to France, speed up deportations and tighten qualifications for asylum, and which human rights organizations are casting as repressive.

The government presented the bill Wednesday during its cabinet meeting. It will then be discussed by the laws committees in the two chambers of Parliament, with amendments put forth by opposition parties on both the right and the left, before being debated in April, officials said.

The proposal is straining the cohesion of Macron’s left-and-right majority as several members have openly criticized it. Migrants associations and the French Human Rights League expressed their disapproval while workers at the asylum seekers’ state office OFPRA were planning a strike Wednesday.

Tougher Rules

France’s last reform of immigration rules dates to July 2015, before the massive waves of arrivals to Europe of asylum seekers and migrants fleeing war and economic struggle in the Middle East and Africa.

Macron has said repeatedly that he would seek with European Union partners to toughen immigration rules and ensure that the 27-member bloc is better equipped in terms of regulations and staffing to counter unwanted arrivals. In a September speech on Europe, Macron called on the EU to set up a joint immigration policy within a year.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said last month the future law aims to put France on par with its European neighbors since the country’s existing rules are “much more favorable” than those of other nations.

The bill faces opposition from both the conservative Republicans party, which says the proposal isn’t tough enough, and leftwing parties and human rights groups that say it goes against France’s long tradition of solidarity and asylum.

Accelerate Integration

The bill aims to double to 90 days the time that illegal migrants can be detained for, and to shorten deadlines to apply for asylum. It will make the illegal crossing of borders an offense punishable by one year in jail and fines. It also includes some measures to help accelerate legal migrants’ integration into French society.

An Elabe survey published in January showed 61 percent of the respondents didn’t believe the government would be able to reform the immigration laws while a BVA poll this month showed 63 percent of respondents say there are too many immigrants in France.


Raising outcry only from few leftists and human rights groups and charities who think they have some kind legitimacy.

To me it seems balanced. @Nilgiri
fair enuf, asylum is simply getting abused by lazy slobs. Illegal immigration has given rise to human trafficking business. High time its brought under control if not genuine asylum seekers will get affected badly.
Good for France, we Belgians are already very strict on immigration, after the fake news attempt of 'torture' were proved to be false, we're sending anyone who isn't a real refugee back home.

Raising outcry only from few leftists and human rights groups and charities who think they have some kind legitimacy.
Anything less than accepting half the world under the mantra of 'refugees' is deemed 'repressive' by those human right watch organization, like the bunch of socialists they are...
Meanwhile they are having underaged prositutes...
Good for France, we Belgians are already very strict on immigration, after the fake news attempt of 'torture' were proved to be false, we're sending anyone who isn't a real refugee back home.

With the tightening asylum laws pretty much everywhere in Europe,we have to be careful about the real refugees and those who will come with all kind of BS stories so not to be deported. Obviously,the economic migrants are going to change their strategies and try to pose as refugees fleeing war,fleeing political persecution,if they are deported,they are going to be killed/tortured,all kind of such BS.

Anything less than accepting half the world under the mantra of 'refugees' is deemed 'repressive' by those human right watch organization, like the bunch of socialists they are...
Meanwhile they are having underaged prositutes...

Few days ago on TV,one was comparing the French state to the nazis for trying to determine the real age of 'minors'. :omghaha:

We should trust them.:omghaha:
President Emmanuel Macron is putting the unity of his parliamentary majority to a test with legislation that will tighten controls over immigration to France, speed up deportations and tighten qualifications for asylum, and which human rights organizations are casting as repressive.

The government presented the bill Wednesday during its cabinet meeting. It will then be discussed by the laws committees in the two chambers of Parliament, with amendments put forth by opposition parties on both the right and the left, before being debated in April, officials said.

The proposal is straining the cohesion of Macron’s left-and-right majority as several members have openly criticized it. Migrants associations and the French Human Rights League expressed their disapproval while workers at the asylum seekers’ state office OFPRA were planning a strike Wednesday.

Tougher Rules

France’s last reform of immigration rules dates to July 2015, before the massive waves of arrivals to Europe of asylum seekers and migrants fleeing war and economic struggle in the Middle East and Africa.

Macron has said repeatedly that he would seek with European Union partners to toughen immigration rules and ensure that the 27-member bloc is better equipped in terms of regulations and staffing to counter unwanted arrivals. In a September speech on Europe, Macron called on the EU to set up a joint immigration policy within a year.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said last month the future law aims to put France on par with its European neighbors since the country’s existing rules are “much more favorable” than those of other nations.

The bill faces opposition from both the conservative Republicans party, which says the proposal isn’t tough enough, and leftwing parties and human rights groups that say it goes against France’s long tradition of solidarity and asylum.

Accelerate Integration

The bill aims to double to 90 days the time that illegal migrants can be detained for, and to shorten deadlines to apply for asylum. It will make the illegal crossing of borders an offense punishable by one year in jail and fines. It also includes some measures to help accelerate legal migrants’ integration into French society.

An Elabe survey published in January showed 61 percent of the respondents didn’t believe the government would be able to reform the immigration laws while a BVA poll this month showed 63 percent of respondents say there are too many immigrants in France.


Raising outcry only from few leftists and human rights groups and charities who think they have some kind legitimacy.

To me it seems balanced. @Nilgiri

Y'all are doing lot better on it than Sweden (its worst case reference for me right now in Europe).

Macron is impressing me, hes getting stuff done. I dont see FN doing politically well if Macron does good common sense pragmatic policy like this....and hopefully France also gets a better political renewal long term...given a new party can work.

What is macron current overall approval rating out of interest?...and does he face any kind of election polling this year?
Most immigrants in are from ex French colonies like Algeria. France raped their land for centuries. That included nuclear explosions carried out in Algeria. France should be thankful to these nations instead of mistreating them.
Y'all are doing lot better on it than Sweden (its worst case reference for me right now in Europe).

Macron is impressing me, hes getting stuff done. I dont see FN doing politically well if Macron does good common sense pragmatic policy like this....and hopefully France also gets a better political renewal long term...given a new party can work.

The only thing that's going to weaken the FN is to answer to the concerns of its electorate. Making the blind or deaf is only going to make things worse.

What is macron current overall approval rating out of interest?...and does he face any kind of election polling this year?

Macron's popularity is doing a yoyo effect. And there are quite big differences between the polling institutes. The higest from Ifop-Paris Match,gives Macron an approval rating of 48% in February,while the lowest is from ipsos at 38%.

2018 is going to be a risky year for Macron with major reforms to be voted. Reform of the justice,immigration,institutions,housing,unemployment benefits,pensions,railways...... among the most important ones.

There's also putting Europe back on track,which isn't going to be simple.

The next elections during Macron's term are ;

2019 : European elections
2020 : Municipal elections
2021 : Departemental and regional elections.
President Emmanuel Macron is putting the unity of his parliamentary majority to a test with legislation that will tighten controls over immigration to France, speed up deportations and tighten qualifications for asylum, and which human rights organizations are casting as repressive.

The government presented the bill Wednesday during its cabinet meeting. It will then be discussed by the laws committees in the two chambers of Parliament, with amendments put forth by opposition parties on both the right and the left, before being debated in April, officials said.

The proposal is straining the cohesion of Macron’s left-and-right majority as several members have openly criticized it. Migrants associations and the French Human Rights League expressed their disapproval while workers at the asylum seekers’ state office OFPRA were planning a strike Wednesday.

Tougher Rules

France’s last reform of immigration rules dates to July 2015, before the massive waves of arrivals to Europe of asylum seekers and migrants fleeing war and economic struggle in the Middle East and Africa.

Macron has said repeatedly that he would seek with European Union partners to toughen immigration rules and ensure that the 27-member bloc is better equipped in terms of regulations and staffing to counter unwanted arrivals. In a September speech on Europe, Macron called on the EU to set up a joint immigration policy within a year.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said last month the future law aims to put France on par with its European neighbors since the country’s existing rules are “much more favorable” than those of other nations.

The bill faces opposition from both the conservative Republicans party, which says the proposal isn’t tough enough, and leftwing parties and human rights groups that say it goes against France’s long tradition of solidarity and asylum.

Accelerate Integration

The bill aims to double to 90 days the time that illegal migrants can be detained for, and to shorten deadlines to apply for asylum. It will make the illegal crossing of borders an offense punishable by one year in jail and fines. It also includes some measures to help accelerate legal migrants’ integration into French society.

An Elabe survey published in January showed 61 percent of the respondents didn’t believe the government would be able to reform the immigration laws while a BVA poll this month showed 63 percent of respondents say there are too many immigrants in France.


Raising outcry only from few leftists and human rights groups and charities who think they have some kind legitimacy.

To me it seems balanced. @Nilgiri

Not tough enough... Europe needs to completely ban immigration. Period.
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