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Earlier Europeans were wary about the Russian expansionist dreams, and you are a primary example of this.
First You want an EurAsian Empire, then you want Europe to break the connection with the country
which saved Europe (and Russia)
during two world wars, and finally you want to assume leadership
over a divided Western Europe, which obviously needs to adapt to Russian laws.

I am going to cite General McAuliffe in Bastogne.

- "NUTS"

Hope You get it better than Waffen-SS.

America's entrance into WW2 was purely for the sake of capitalistic ambitions, NOT to save Europe or Russia.

Europe under the influence of banker mafia via American boots presence has fared no better than it would have/has (Eastern Europe) under soviet Communist rule.

Its like Europeans have to choose between being American or Russian vassals.

The discontent amongst the Native European population over their gov.t's liberal policies as well as the membership of their respective countries in the E.U. has lead to a drastic increase in Nationalistic movements.
You have the means - you guys are in the western, capitalist, democratic, and heavily-industrialized nations, with the tools - NATO -

This block can also benefit from maintains stronger ties with pro-Westerner countries like the UAE, and Jordan - which are anti-Russia as well.

Inshallah, this will be so.
Stalin got absolute power only in 1939 , when he finally managed to dislodge Litvinov - last real agent of Western financial impact on the USSR ( Litvinov long before the Revolution oversaw financial flows between Western intelligence and revolutionaries ) .
Stalin stopped killing priests. Stalin restored office of Moscow Patriarch.
USSR period - the peak of Russian power . Of course I would love it and admire the achievements of the Soviet period. It would be foolish to repent for Gagarin, victory over Hitler mad dog , social package and other achievements .
Russia certainly will regain its former power, but ideology of new Union will be different. It will be based on spirituality , collectivism , morality, honor. And all the political forces and just people living in Europe will see in Russia the last bastion of white Christian European civilization.

I don't know why you don't seem to understand that it was Hitler who wanted to establish Europe as a powerful and independent entity, free of capitalist shackles and international banker influence.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
  • Speech of May 1, 1927 as quoted in John Toland (1976), Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography, p. 224

"The people were not put here on earth for the sake of the economy, and the economy doesn't exist for the sake of capital. On the contrary, capital is meant to serve the economy, and the economy in turn to serve the people." - Adolf Hitler

Socialists’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism (AKA Communism). Marxism (Communism) is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism (Communism) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, if efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.” – Adolf Hitler, Sunday Express, 28 September 1930.

Hitler saved Germany from the moral degradation and rampant decadence prevailing in his nation in the 1920's.

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Sounds a bit just like the old , collapsed Soviet Union.

How so? Since you propose lands to be included into this new Russia -- to include areas that are inhabited by muslims , particularly central asians. If you propose a collectivist unity , then your government would make sure not to favor one religion over the other. Thus, this being the case, it would be antithetic for this new Russia to be a 'white Christian European civlization' at the same time touting itself to be a Eurasian union.

You need to check yourself, dude. Hypocritical comments and nonsensical.

In my honest opinion, it would be beneficial for Romania to form strong military partnerships with its neighbors with a common goal to contain further Russian movement. Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece need co cooperate even closer.
Eighty percent of the Russian population - White Orthodox. And this percentage will continue after unification with Ukraine and Central Asia ( except maybe Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan).
The main enemy of Europe now even not Muslims , and extreme liberalism that destroys nationality , Christianity, traditional family values . And in Russia , on the contrary - these values are submitted in the first place . Muslims - a minority in Russia and they integrated in Russian culture .
The fact that Russia has traditionally Muslim , Buddhist and even Judaic regions - does not change the fact that today exactly Russia becomes a stronghold of Christian civilization.

I don't know why you don't seem to understand that it was Hitler who wanted to establish Europe as a powerful and independent entity, free of capitalist shackles and international banker influence."We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
  • Speech of May 1, 1927 as quoted in John Toland (1976), Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography, p. 224

"The people were not put here on earth for the sake of the economy, and the economy doesn't exist for the sake of capital. On the contrary, capital is meant to serve the economy, and the economy in turn to serve the people." - Adolf Hitler

Socialists’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism (AKA Communism). Marxism (Communism) is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism (Communism) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, if efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.” – Adolf Hitler, Sunday Express, 28 September 1930.

Hitler saved Germany from the moral degradation and rampant decadence prevailing in his nation in the 1920's.

Hitler himself was a project of the Western financial clans. And he and his party were brought to power with a single purpose - to destroy whether at least weaken the USSR. No other purpose Hitler had not.
And anyway - at what here Hitler? This monster is in the past - has long been plagued by demons in the darkest depths of hell.
We're talking about that today Europe patriotic forces will increasingly rely on the support of Russia. That Russia wants to preserve the great European nations and their culture. At the same time as the U.S. wants to create a kind of ephemeral "pan-European nation," devoid of their own culture.
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Good. Multiculturalism has failed. Either adapt to the host country's cultural ethos or bugger off back to place of origin. This applies equally to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, or the 'Religion of piece'.
To quote Gen. George S. Patton,

"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk."

:-) I've used this very quote on this forum to.

If Patton had his way the Soviets would have been history in 1946 and EE wouldn't be in this economical/social situation today.
Yugoslavia was already dismembered, only Tito could keep the country together.
They have hated each other for 100 years+.

It was Serbia which was bombed due to repression of Albans in Kosovo.
they were not exactly popular for taking Europeans hostages, and used as human shields.
No territorial demands behind that one. Only punishment for outrageous behaviour/Crimes vs Humanity.
None of this action was taken for the benefit of E.U. nor U.S.A.

Saddam started the first Gulf War. He is to blame for that.

The second Gulf War, as I see it was a result of Left Wing symphatizers
who wanted to lift all sanctions on Iraq, combined with Russia, which wanted to
protects its investments and thus blocked most things in the Security Council.
The US would have none of that.

This war had much less support in Europe than the first Gulf War.
Technically, while U.S. intelligence mostly failed in WMD, Saddam tried to assassinate
George H. Bush after the first Gulf War. This is a reason for a new war.
Very hard to sell to both E.U. and Amerians though.
Americans are now mostly out of Iraq, so again no war for territorial gain.
Saddam gone is good. now he Sunni and Shias need to learn how to share power,
but that is their problem.

Russia on the other hand, first let its armed forces take control, then it speeds through an election
without political debate, with the goal of territorial gain.
It is funny, that out of 2 M Crimeans, only 100,000 applied for a Russian passport.

If Crimeans had done it like Scotland, noone in West would complain.

Russia has the same right to claim Ukraine and Bielorussia as Hitler had the right to claim Sudetenland - None.
Bordes can change, but only after mutual agreement.

There is a TV series alled "The Rise of the Nazi Party"
Episode 5:
Hitler had two goals.
First unite Germans to become a stronger nation, then start conquering territory.
Hitler sent in thugs to start trouble in Sudetenland, then demands a referendum, then demanded
annexation because of 100s of Germans killed every day (false claim).
What happened later we all know.

Putin follows exactly the script of episode 5.

A parallell story in E5 is the assassination planned by German Officers.
Maybe the world is saved from World War III by Russian Officers.

As for the US Civil War, this was started by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumner.
FYI in 1999, NATO bombed exactly Yugoslavia - so called state of Serbia and Montenegro. That Kosovo Albanians guilty in most of victims of ethnic cleansing that period. Even the President of Kosovo - warlord of terrorist group involved in the kidnapping of Serbs and selling their organs (in addition to drug and slave trade, racketeering and other things).
official U.S. in UN showed some white powder and said that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. U.S. bombed Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And then just said "we made a mistake." ???
In the context of the coup, the emergence of illegal armed groups, the lack of constitutional authority - Crimea held a referendum on self-determination to protect its people from the turmoil. Especially because some of representateves of fascist junta in Kiev openly threatened and still continue to threaten the south and east of Ukraine ethnic cleansing.
Comparing Russia with Hitler - it's not funny.
If you want to find parallels in history, the Russian position now resembles a states of Italy and Germany before the unification in the 19th century.
If you want to find modern Hitler - it fascist junta that seized power in Ukraine. They act in the spirit of Nazism - prohibit political parties, prohibit other languages, have policies glorification of the Nazis, carried out revision history, carried out arrests of political opponents.
However, you can not know it all. Yours median telling about "Kiev occur peaceful democratic demonstrations".
Hitler himself was a project of the Western financial clans. And he and his party were brought to power with a single purpose - to destroy whether at least weaken the USSR. No other purpose Hitler had not.
You don't make any sense.

Reality seems to disagree with you here.

Look at Stalin, smiling and laughing with his Western capitalist BROTHERS:


And anyway - at what here Hitler? This monster is in the past - has long been plagued by demons in the darkest depths of hell.
We're talking about that today Europe patriotic forces will increasingly rely on the support of Russia. That Russia wants to preserve the great European nations and their culture. At the same time as the U.S. wants to create a kind of ephemeral "pan-European nation," devoid of their own culture.

Maybe Russia still has considerable influence over Slavic countries who were once a part of the Soviet bloc, but Central, Western, and even some Eastern European countries don't see you as a part of Europe, but rather a adversary.

Russia itself can never influence Europe, rather it has always been Europe which influenced Russia since Europe has always been the center of innovation.
We had debating with you about Hitler for some times. He was insane addict , loves Britain and hate Russia. His rise to power sponsored West. And he fulfilled his task , though he failed to destroy the Soviet Union, but he killed 10 million Soviet soldiers and 17 million Soviet citizens.
In the nineteenth century Russia was called " the gendarme of Europe " - namely Russia suppressed the revolutions , watching jealously preserving traditional European monarchies. Set of educated people from Europe went to Russia to earn money. This situation will soon be restored. European white patriotic forces will try to conclude an alliance with Russia . The first signs that we 're already seeing - Marine Le Pen , Hungary. The weaker will be the U.S. position in Europe - the stronger the position of Russia .
We had debating with you about Hitler for some times. He was insane addict , loves Britain and hate Russia. His rise to power sponsored West. And he fulfilled his task , though he failed to destroy the Soviet Union, but he killed 10 million Soviet soldiers and 17 million Soviet citizens.
In the nineteenth century Russia was called " the gendarme of Europe " - namely Russia suppressed the revolutions , watching jealously preserving traditional European monarchies. Set of educated people from Europe went to Russia to earn money. This situation will soon be restored. European white patriotic forces will try to conclude an alliance with Russia . The first signs that we 're already seeing - Marine Le Pen , Hungary. The weaker will be the U.S. position in Europe - the stronger the position of Russia .

So then where is Hitler in this picture??? I only see Stalin.


Why isn't Hitler smiling with Western Capitalist Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman in these pictures???

FYI in 1999, NATO bombed exactly Yugoslavia - so called state of Serbia and Montenegro. That Kosovo Albanians guilty in most of victims of ethnic cleansing that period. Even the President of Kosovo - warlord of terrorist group involved in the kidnapping of Serbs and selling their organs (in addition to drug and slave trade, racketeering and other things).
official U.S. in UN showed some white powder and said that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. U.S. bombed Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And then just said "we made a mistake." ???
In the context of the coup, the emergence of illegal armed groups, the lack of constitutional authority - Crimea held a referendum on self-determination to protect its people from the turmoil. Especially because some of representateves of fascist junta in Kiev openly threatened and still continue to threaten the south and east of Ukraine ethnic cleansing.
Comparing Russia with Hitler - it's not funny.
If you want to find parallels in history, the Russian position now resembles a states of Italy and Germany before the unification in the 19th century.
If you want to find modern Hitler - it fascist junta that seized power in Ukraine. They act in the spirit of Nazism - prohibit political parties, prohibit other languages, have policies glorification of the Nazis, carried out revision history, carried out arrests of political opponents.
However, you can not know it all. Yours median telling about "Kiev occur peaceful democratic demonstrations".

The right wing fascists only got a couple of percents in the last election.
While they exist, they are not the long term future of Ukraine, if democratic fair elections are held.

I agree, it is not funny having to compare Putin with Hitler, but
the behaviour is a clone of Hitlers behaviour in 1938.
So then where is Hitler in this picture??? I only see Stalin.


Why isn't Hitler smiling with Western Capitalist Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman in these pictures???

And you can guess why on this photo Stalin not with Hitler, but with his enemies? Because Hitler invaded the Soviet Union! And Hitler could not do otherwise, although even fool understand that Russia - not Poland and France. Here, people will fight to the death. Hitler could not not attack because he received power from the West and the whole of Europe almost without a fight only with one task - to attack the USSR.
The right wing fascists only got a couple of percents in the last election.
While they exist, they are not the long term future of Ukraine, if democratic fair elections are held.

I agree, it is not funny having to compare Putin with Hitler, but
the behaviour is a clone of Hitlers behaviour in 1938.
Bandera - the driving force behind the coup . They have already planted their people into key positions in the force structures. They are not doing negotiations - if they do not like some official somewhere , they just come to him, beaten and forced to write a letter of resignation on his own accord. And in its place put Bandera . They captured the media and now besides Nazi propaganda Ukrainian news show nothing . Sometimes it is very funny. Recently they showed on the news story that was captured Russian spy from Main Intelligence Directorate ( GRU ) . AND SPY HAS DOCUMENT OF WORKER OF GRU there was written that he is SPY . WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS ! Then they showed some ridiculous man in a leather coat with two daggers at his belt - and said that he was a Russian spy! They created the National Guard , to take members of terrorist Nazi groups - the number to twenty thousands ! They engaged in racketeering , corporate raids of plants. They continue to rob and kill in Kiev. They have repeatedly threatened to all Russian and Russian-speaking with physical violence and torture. And if not Putin - blood woul flew as river. Because Ukrainian Nazi hate Russia and the USSR. During World War II, their grandfathers fought for Hitler , and our - against . And now these rabid dogs want revenge.
gruop of bandera seized local parliament in Vasilkov
group of bandra beaten chief of National Teleradio Company
bandera beaten prosecutor
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Bandera - the driving force behind the coup . They have already planted their people into key positions in the force structures. They are not doing negotiations - if they do not like some official somewhere , they just come to him, beaten and forced to write a letter of resignation on his own accord. And in its place put Bandera . They captured the media and now besides Nazi propaganda Ukrainian news show nothing . Sometimes it is very funny. Recently they showed on the news story that was captured Russian spy from Main Intelligence Directorate ( GRU ) . AND SPY HAS DOCUMENT OF WORKER OF GRU there was written that he is SPY . WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS ! Then they showed some ridiculous man in a leather coat with two daggers at his belt - and said that he was a Russian spy! They created the National Guard , to take members of terrorist Nazi groups - the number to twenty thousands ! They engaged in racketeering , corporate raids of plants. They continue to rob and kill in Kiev. They have repeatedly threatened to all Russian and Russian-speaking with physical violence and torture. And if not Putin - blood woul flew as river. Because Ukrainian Nazi hate Russia and the USSR. During World War II, their grandfathers fought for Hitler , and our - against . And now these rabid dogs want revenge.
gruop of bandera seized local parliament in Vasilkov
group of bandra beaten chief of National Teleradio Company
bandera beaten prosecutor

Well aware of Ukraine Independence Army and the Civil War in Ukraine until 1950.
And the beating of the Chief of TV is also well known.
Given chance, democracy will beat thugs. Traditionally,
elections show there are many more not Svoboda than Svoboda in Ukraine
which should result in them being marginalized after any kind of fair elections.

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