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France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

It does not matter. In coming years, in Europe will be a strong conservative movement, the head of which will be considered Russia. U.S. stronger, not because they have a lot of blacks or Latinos, but because in the territory of U.S. was no World Wars. And yet, despite all the efforts the power of dollar falling. And without dollar USA - is Australia, only with a huge bunch of minorities. The world will be multipolar, and the European countries need to decide - stay vassals, or expel the occupants and together with Russia build a new Europe.

I agree 100 %, and the major signs of this is that E.U. is negotiating a free trade agreement
with the U.S. and put economic sanctions on the Russian economy. :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Russians will have to do their Christmas Shopping in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria
among the Great Powers supporting Russia.
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I agree 100 %, and the major signs of this is that E.U. is negotiating a free trade agreement
with the U.S. and put economic sanctions on the Russian economy. :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Russians will have to do their Christmas Shopping in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria
among the Great Powers supporting Russia.
Not all want to stay America 's vassals in Europe. United States from a Christian country has become godless , and soon will turn into Satanist state . New Sodom , Gomorrah of West .
I understand that earlier Europeans were afraid Russia because of Bolsheviks. But now the main enemy of Europe - the New World. This is Americans who spying every step of the Europeans. This is Americans who forced Europeans die in unnecessary for Europe wars. The Americans in 1999 staged the bombing and then dismembered Yugoslavia without a referendum .
Europe or wake up and turn to Russia or dissapear from the world stage . We want to see on western borders of the Eurasian Union white Christian states of high European culture , not the United States of Europe , populated by migrants and rapidly reaching into chaos and becoming Africa.
more gibberish from romanian gyspy.

Gypsies are, actually, from Northern India. You are far closer, genetically speaking, to being a gypsy than @flamer84 , who is a native Romanian. Native Romanians are actually decendendents of the ethnic Dacians, as well as Illyrians. These are ancient peoples who were strong enough to resist the Roman Empire for a while (read about Decebelus the Great).

The gypsies came from Northern India (Punjab/ Rajasthan) and migrated west towards Europe. Since you claim to be half Indian and half Slav, your blood line is closer to a gypsy. @flamer84 , most probably is a decedent of his Dacian and Illyrian or perhaps Thracian ancestors who inhabited present day Romania.

NOTE: The Thracians, Dacians and Illyrians were not Slavs. These were the native peoples who originally inhabited South Eastern Europe; the same as the Greeks and the Latins (Romans, Etruscans).

I agree 100 %, and the major signs of this is that E.U. is negotiating a free trade agreement
with the U.S. and put economic sanctions on the Russian economy. :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Russians will have to do their Christmas Shopping in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria
among the Great Powers supporting Russia.

great powers, indeed. lol.

da ! si ! :omghaha:


please examine the phenotypic resemblance of a european gypsies and an indian rajput:




Indian Rajputs.
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European gypsies seems better fed than those of India.

@general_yermolov_stalin You might want to consider moving to Europe bud.

I just find it ironic how this @general_yermolov_stalin is trying to degrade @flamer84 by using the word 'gypsy', which does carry a negative connotation. Yet ironically, at the same time, he himself is actually genetically speaking -- far closer to being a gypsy than our Romanian colleague.

Let's debate the topic, not using degrading words. Sometimes, just sometimes, it backfires.

I just find it ironic how this @general_yermolov_stalin is trying to degrade @flamer84 by using the word 'gypsy', which does carry a negative connotation. Yet ironically, at the same time, he himself is actually genetically speaking -- far closer to being a gypsy than our Romanian colleague.

Let's debate the topic, not using degrading words. Sometimes, just sometimes, it backfires.


He should have known that it would backfire when he so proudly declared his heritage. Oh well, he sure know it now. Time for him to sharpen his acting a Russian skills.
He should have known that it would backfire when he so proudly declared his heritage. Oh well, he sure know it now. Time for him to sharpen his acting a Russian skills.

i really hope these far right movement spring up in every corner of europe.at least it will put a hold on growing islamic fundamentalist
Actually, it'll do the opposite.

You really don't have a clue how politics and culture work, do you?
Not all want to stay America 's vassals in Europe. United States from a Christian country has become godless , and soon will turn into Satanist state . New Sodom , Gomorrah of West .
I understand that earlier Europeans were afraid Russia because of Bolsheviks. But now the main enemy of Europe - the New World. This is Americans who spying every step of the Europeans. This is Americans who forced Europeans die in unnecessary for Europe wars. The Americans in 1999 staged the bombing and then dismembered Yugoslavia without a referendum .
Europe or wake up and turn to Russia or dissapear from the world stage . We want to see on western borders of the Eurasian Union white Christian states of high European culture , not the United States of Europe , populated by migrants and rapidly reaching into chaos and becoming Africa.

Earlier Europeans were wary about the Russian expansionist dreams, and you are a primary example of this.
First You want an EurAsian Empire, then you want Europe to break the connection with the country
which saved Europe (and Russia) during two world wars, and finally you want to assume leadership
over a divided Western Europe, which obviously needs to adapt to Russian laws.

I am going to cite General McAuliffe in Bastogne.

- "NUTS"

Hope You get it better than Waffen-SS.
Earlier Europeans were wary about the Russian expansionist dreams, and you are a primary example of this.
First You want an EurAsian Empire, then you want Europe to break the connection with the country
which saved Europe (and Russia) during two world wars, and finally you want to assume leadership
over a divided Western Europe, which obviously needs to adapt to Russian laws.

I am going to cite General McAuliffe in Bastogne.

- "NUTS"

Hope You get it better than Waffen-SS.
Russia has no plans for expansion. Russia only wants to restore its territorial integrity, impaired in 1991. Russia is vital for the reunification of Ukraine and Belarus - the rest does not matter.
Western Europe should be white and Christian. And do not become a United States of Europe, inhabited by Arabs, blacks and Asians. In what ways will bring countries of Europe is not so important at the moment, how to save European civilization itself.
Russia has no plans for expansion. Russia only wants to restore its territorial integrity, impaired in 1991. Russia is vital for the reunification of Ukraine and Belarus - the rest does not matter.
Western Europe should be white and Christian. And do not become a United States of Europe, inhabited by Arabs, blacks and Asians. In what ways will bring countries of Europe is not so important at the moment, how to save European civilization itself.


First thing,

United States of America is far more successful than Europe.

Millions of diverse people living together and forming a dynamic thriving culture under the rule of law is a great thing.

Europe, if anything, should learn FROM United States of America.

Secondly, Western Europe is very diverse already...specially the largest and most important industrial,cultural, and economic centers of Western Europe--for example London--are very diverse.

Muslims, Christians, Whites, blacks, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Austrailians, and other people living together and working for a prosperous society is the way forward.

Stop this retardness of 'white purity' blah blah...Come out of the age of myths.
You stop thinking definitions and think about things. Stalin restored the Patriarchal Throne of the Russian Orthodox Church . He studied in seminary and he already was a revolutionary. Even communists were atheists, but had a proper code of honor , officer valor, courage , love for the Motherland .
But then why didn't Stalin protest against the renaming of Russian /Germanic Cities after Communist "revolutionaries" such as the City of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) to Leningrad, or Konigsberg to Kaliningrad, etc Why didn't he return the old names of these cities.

Typical of Soviet Communism, erasing European heritage and replacing it with a Bolshevised version.

Soviet Union in NO WAY was considered to be a European/Christian entity.

And the Communists have always blamed moral depravity and moral degradation of the West. Those liberals who are now in power in Europe - have no relation to these communists.
Obama and other Liberals in power in the West all have a active Communist/Marxist history. The writings of Karl Marx and his book The Communist Manifesto has had a great influence on their political ideology and world view.

The same Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto from which your Soviet Union and its Bolshevik founders derive their political ideology.

Perhaps Stalin might have differed a little here and there, but he had the same expansionist/globalist Atheistic Communist agenda as did his Bolshevik predecessors.

Marine Le Pen stands for Eiropean Europe , Christian and not godless Atlantic one.She stands for an alliance with Russia . All healthy nationalist forces ( God forbid to confuse them with mad bastards of Hitler ) of Europe will see Russia as salvation of European culture and European morality. And these forces will become more and more popular. And soon Russia will become a European spiritual leader and defender of Christian around the world (as well as defender of normal , not radical Muslims ) .
Today's Russia, perhaps yes, but your beloved Soviet Union, NO!!!

Soviet Union, founded on the slaughter of the Czarist monarchy as well as millions of wealthy peasants, who were the only European soul within Russia, cannot be considered a European Christian entity by any means whatsoever.

Secondly, whether you like to believe it or not, Hitler's Germany was a thousand times more Christian and European than Atheistic Soviet Union which is why Hitler had the support of millions of Europeans from all over Europe both Christians and Muslims alike:


Russia has no plans for expansion. Russia only wants to restore its territorial integrity, impaired in 1991. Russia is vital for the reunification of Ukraine and Belarus - the rest does not matter.
Western Europe should be white and Christian. And do not become a United States of Europe, inhabited by Arabs, blacks and Asians. In what ways will bring countries of Europe is not so important at the moment, how to save European civilization itself.

* "No more territorial requests after this...".
* "Peace in our Time"

Sorry, but we already saw that movie, and we gave it bad reviews.

What is important is true democracy, and respect for International Law.

First thing,

United States of America is far more successful than Europe.

Millions of diverse people living together and forming a dynamic thriving culture under the rule of law is a great thing.

Europe, if anything, should learn FROM United States of America.

Yeah, sure, with a rising crime rate and gang activity:



Secondly, Western Europe is very diverse already...specially the largest and most important industrial,cultural, and economic centers of Western Europe--for example London--are very diverse.

Muslims, Christians, Whites, blacks, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Austrailians, and other people living together and working for a prosperous society is the way forward.

Stop this retardness of 'white purity' blah blah...Come out of the age of myths.
Yes, indeed, London is very Diverse:

How about you allow millions of Africans to flood Turkey, lets see how Turks would like that!!

You Turks can't even handle a few million Kurds.
* "No more territorial requests after this...".
* "Peace in our Time"

Sorry, but we already saw that movie, and we gave it bad reviews.

What is important is true democracy, and respect for International Law.
"True democracy"? Bombing and dismembering Yugoslavia - this is democracy? Bombing of Iraq - democracy? When in France, a million people came to the protest rallies against the legalization of same-sex "marriages" - but the government pretended it did not see or hear people - democracy?
A referendum on the reunification of the Crimea with Russia - not a democracy?
Russia has the right to restore its territorial integrity. Any country has the right to do so. In the U.S., there was a war to prevent secession of the southern states. And it was right. Russia also has the right to reclaim the ancient Russian lands.
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