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France expects the West to deploy military forces in Mali


Apr 10, 2012
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France expects the West to deploy military forces in Mali

In a significant change in policy, France is now considering Western military intervention in Mali. The change was triggered by the spread in northern Mali of Ansar al-Dine (Defenders of Faith), a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Mali's government in Bamako in southern Mali has been in complete chaos for several months, following a coup, allowing the Tuareg ethnic group to take control of northern Mali earlier this year. However, since then, the Tuaregs have been displaced by Ansar al-Dine militant terrorists.

France warned that Western forces would be drawn into an offensive against al-Qaeda strongholds in Mali as concerns mount that fundamentalists have established a mini-state.

Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, warned that the spread of al-Qaeda allies in Mali could create a base for radical extremists to train and stage attacks on Europe.

The US State Department spokesman added that America was gravely concerned about the Islamist takeover of a vast swathe of territory surrounding Timbuktu.

In a significant shift of French policy, Mr Fabius said that its forces would deploy and spearhead an assault on the area. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an offshoot of the terror outfit, and Ansar al-Dine, a local group, took advantage of a coup and the virtual collapse of the Malian state in January to seize control of the area.

"It's a serious situation because it is the first time terrorists have taken root in important cities and could be in a situation to implant themselves in an entire country," Mr Fabius said. "They have a lot of money, heavy weapons, they are ready to die and their main enemy is France. You have this risk ... and threat that what is happening in northern Mali can happen in other areas."

Mali's fledgling government has sought international backing for a military campaign to retake the territory. Officials said it would ask the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate killings, rapes, torture, and attacks on cultural sites in the rebel-controlled north.

The ICC said it was considering investigating rapes and killings that had been committed since fighting erupted in Mali's desert north in January.

President Barack Obama authorised the use of $10 million (£6.5 million) in emergency funds on Thursday for people displaced by the conflict in northern Mali.

The funds will support efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, White House National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

Almost 230,000 Malian refugees have fled to Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger, while an additional 155,000 Malians are internally displaced.

To a great extent, this is all a consequence of last year's war in Libya. The Tuaregs were the principal defenders of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and when he lost, the well-trained Tuareg fighters returned and took control of northern Mali. Then the Islamists moved in and displaced the Tuaregs, and they are extremely well armed, thanks to large stores of sophisticated weapons that fell into their hands following the collapse of Libya's government.

According to France's foreign minister Laurent Fabius:

"It's a serious situation because it is the first time terrorists have taken root in important cities and could be in a situation to implant themselves in an entire country. They have a lot of money, heavy weapons, they are ready to die and their main enemy is France. You have this risk ... and threat that what is happening in northern Mali can happen in other areas."

What Fabius is referring to is not only the spread of violence throughout the Maghreb (northern Africa), but also the use of northern Mali as a base for launching terrorist attacks on France and the rest of Europe.

France warns West would be drawn into Mali offensive - Telegraph

Thats why i don't like French cheese it just spoils the appetite from inside out.
Mali how the West cleared the way for al Qaedas African march.html

Ever since the September 11 attacks, Western counter-terrorism policy has been designed to prevent al-Qaeda from controlling territory. Yet that is exactly what AQIM has now achieved.
Its new domain covers the regions of Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal in northern Mali. This area is already serving as a base for training and recruitment. But AQIM’s new domain also lies across a trans-Saharan smuggling route employed to run cocaine to Europe. The movement will have every opportunity to profit from drug trafficking.

I predict drones soon....
No oil no deployment who will finance the war France hahaha french are so simple
Muslims Mali Azavad against al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Din
The National Movement for the Liberation of Azavada MNLA Sufi Muslims - against the entrenched Wahhabis Al Qaeda and Ansar al-Din
there is war and chaos and destruction!
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