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Four NATO Patriot batteries are now operational in Turkey


Dec 25, 2011
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NATO now has command and control of two Dutch and two German Patriot batteries located in Adana and Kahramanmaras in the south of Turkey. These four Patriot anti-missile systems are now actively defending these locations from missile threats.


(Two Patriot air defence missile systems of German army are now deployed in Turkey on the border with Syria.)
Does anyone know how effective the PAC3 is against smaller projectiles like mortars?
A C-RAM could be brought in to defend against smaller threats.
and turkey will be the play ground of nato just like how veitnaam was for the russians and the americans

and turkey will be the play ground of nato just like how veitnaam was for the russians and the americans


Same way is Afghanistan.. northern alliance warlords, butchered Pashtoon race, later used their kids for medical experiments and organ trade.

clever politics.. in middleast by US... the moment they saw Turkey is growing strong politicaly they launched theatre of Syria.
Does anyone know how effective the PAC3 is against smaller projectiles like mortars?
A C-RAM could be brought in to defend against smaller threats.
Efficiency of PAC3 is non existent against artillery projectiles. Doesn't matter, we have our own means to detect and destroy those threats. We lack ballistic missile protection and PAC3s are here to do just that.
and turkey will be the play ground of nato just like how veitnaam was for the russians and the americans
You'd be right if Turkey didn't request these systems in the first place :) Turkey is NATO :) We didn't ask for help from some random countries. These are allied forces, and we are still the only player in our region.
^^what disappointing us is Turkey can't allow to operate Patriot systems. Russia arming Syria is more 20 times stronger than Turkey.

Russia arms Syria with powerful ballistic missiles

Hours after NATO agreed on Tuesday to send Patriot missiles to Turkey because of the crisis in Syria, Russia delivered its first shipment of Iskander missiles to Syria.

The superior Iskander can travel at hypersonic speed of over 1.3 miles per second (Mach 6-7) and has a range of over 280 miles with pinpoint accuracy of destroying targets with its 1,500-pound warhead, a nightmare for any missile defense system.

According to Mashregh, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard media outlet, Russia had warned Turkey not to escalate the situation, but with Turkey’s request for Patriot missiles, it delivered its first shipment of Iskanders to Syria.

Reporting today, Mashregh said the handover occurred when Russian naval logistic vessels docked at Tartus in Syria.

The Iskandar is a surface-to-surface missile that no missile defense system can trace or destroy, Mashregh said. Russia had earlier threatened that should America put its missile defense system in Poland, it would retaliate by placing its Iskander missiles at Kaliningrad, its Baltic Sea port.

Russia’s delivery of Iskanders to Bashar Assad’s embattled regime clearly shows that the security and stability of Syria remains Russia’s red line, Mashregh said. It is unknown how many of these missiles have been delivered but the numbers given are sufficient to destroy any Patriot missiles in Turkey, it said.

The delivery of the missile not only threatens the security of Turkey but also Israel, which would have to recalculate its strategy with its defensive and offensive capabilities.

As reported in a WND exclusive on Dec. 5, Iran’s Islamic regime also sees the toppling of the Assad regime as its red line and has 170 ballistic missiles targeting Tel Aviv in underground missile silos, some with biological warheads.

In August, a commentary in Mashregh, representing the regime’s views, warned America and Israel that further instability in Syria would spark a pre-emptive attack on Israel in which the use of weapons of mass destruction – biological, chemical and even nuclear bombs – won’t be off the table. It stated that certain groups (proxies, such as Hezbollah) have been armed with WMDs and that Israel will be their target.

The Mashregh commentary charged that Israel is one of the conspirators behind the Syrian crisis in order to strategically change the geopolitics of the region and defeat one of the main players in the Islamic world’s “resistance front” (Iran, Syria and Hezbollah). It warned Israel that with the direction it has chosen, “There is a dead end, and the threat of mass killing awaits.”

The Islamic regime in Iran for its part continues to ship arms to Syria via Iraq both by air and ground while its Quds Forces help the Assad regime in killing its own people. To date, over 40,000 people, including many women and children, have died since the Syrian uprising began in March of 2011.

Reports indicate that Assad has decided to use chemical weapons on his own people as a last attempt to save his rule. Speaking in Prague on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Syria that the use of chemical weapons would be a red line, indicating that America would retaliate.

Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has ordered the Guards and its Quds Forces to use all of their capabilities to protect Assad and has threatened war against those helping the rebels in Syria, primarily Saudi Arabia and Turkey, according to a source who had served in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit but who has since defected.

The source added that the recent Gaza conflict was a warning to America and Israel that the Islamic regime in Iran can destabilize the region further should the push in Syria continue to topple Assad. The region will witness terrorist attacks, assassinations and incitement for uprisings in countries allied with America as the situation in Syria further deteriorates, the regime has promised, according to the source.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and author of the award winning book “A Time to Betray” (Simon & Schuster, 2010). He serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the advisory board of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI).

Syria Receives 72 Yakhont Missiles from Russia

Fulfilling a contract signed in 2007, Russia has supplied Bastion coastal missile systems with Yakhont cruise missiles to Syria under a contract signed in 2007, a diplomatic source in Moscow has told Russian media.

Objecting to Western fears that the defensive weapons system will fall into the hands of terrorist groups, a diplomatic source says that Moscow has fulfilled its obligations as laid out in the five-year-old contract.

"The Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles have been supplied as part of Bastion mobile coastal missile systems," the source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Interfax.

However, delivery of the weapons systems is just the first part of the process, and now “more time is needed to complete Syrian personnel training," the source said, adding that the missile system will “enable Syria to protect its entire coast from a possible seaborne attack."

Damascus is expecting to receive at least two Bastion systems with 36 Yakhont missiles per each system.

According to unofficial estimates, the contract carries a $300 million price tag.

The announcement comes as a Russian naval group, led by the nuclear aircraft-carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, is en route to the Syrian port of Tartus.

Russian military officials rejected suggestions that the naval visit has any connection with the present turmoil gripping the Arab republic, saying the visit was planned a year ago. In addition to Syria, the aircraft carrier and its escort ships will pull into port at the Lebanese capital, Beirut, Genoa in Italy and Cyprus, says the former Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko.

Speaking on the missile delivery to Syria, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov told reporters earlier this year that Russia intended to fulfill the 2007 contract.

"We are going to supply Yakhonts to Syria. We are going to fulfill the contract," he said.

"Russia strictly specifies the terms of weapons supply and maintenance and properly formalizes end-user certificates. And they [the Syrian side] undertake commitments," he explained.

The Yakhont 3M55E supersonic anti-ship cruise missile is capable of hitting targets at ranges of up to 300 km and carrying a warhead weighing more than 200 kg and can combat single surface ships or groups of ships under heavy fire and electronic counteraction.

The completion of the deal comes at a time of increasing political uncertainty for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is struggling to maintain his grip on power in the face of a nine-month conflict with anti-government protesters.

With the situation in Syria appearing to be teetering on civil war, many observers fear another “Libyan-scenario” will occur complete with another NATO military operation.


Turkey is now more safer under NATO puppies. :lol:
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^so what? It proves my point only. Syria has ballistic missiles, probably armed with chemical warheads. So we have PATRIOT batteries. These systems are supposed to protect the population to the southeastern Anatolia from a preemptive chemical strike. We use our conventional armed forces if we have to.
^so what? It proves my point only. Syria has ballistic missiles, probably armed with chemical warheads. So we have PATRIOT batteries. These systems are supposed to protect the population to the southeastern Anatolia from a preemptive chemical strike. We use our conventional armed forces if we have to.

Hope both these situations will ease soon and improve better. I don't think Syria and Turkey will confront with all-round attacks. Patriot missiles is ineffectives against Russian multiple missiles, not one.

Come on Syria, let's get over with it.
^so what? It proves my point only. Syria has ballistic missiles, probably armed with chemical warheads. So we have PATRIOT batteries.

This is true.

Patriots are there in Turkey because of NATO.

Turkey has supported NATO in Afghanistan for so many years, and the minimum NATO can do is put few defenses in Turkey.

On the issue of ex-Commie Russian giving bigger missiles to Assad the butcher, the answer is so what?

The day Assad the butcher dared to attack Turkey, it will be his last day on this earth. He doesn't know what Turkey can do to him.

And those Ruskie missiles are not helping if Assad the butcher has to fight even within the capital city of Damascus.

So all those pro-Assad the butcher, count your blessings so far. But the day is not far when he will be kicked out.

by his own people.

^ 72 hours :coffee:

Syria will never attack Turkey... Syria is already in war and will not open another front with NATO member... I still do not understand why Turkey needs those missiles... and please do not tell me because of chemical weapons and stuff... those missiles are not because of Syria... :coffee:
I don't recall Syria ever threatening Turkey...
^ 72 hours :coffee:

Syria will never attack Turkey... Syria is already in war and will not open another front with NATO member... I still do not understand why Turkey needs those missiles... and please do not tell me because of chemical weapons and stuff... those missiles are not because of Syria... :coffee:
I don't recall Syria ever threatening Turkey...

They are protecting American base, not Turkey. Of course against Iran, not Syria.
They are protecting American base, not Turkey. Of course against Iran, not Syria.

But AKP says they are for protecting the Turkish people... so those missiles are not for the Turkish people but for Americans..
What is the general out put capacity of these batteries ? how many planes can it take out in its max capacity
4 Missiles (4 planes) or how many times it can reload etc

Does 1 Battery mean 1 Unit with 4 missiles or , am I assuming incorrectly here
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