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Forty-eight dead, 150 injured in Karachi's Shia area bomb attack

Four accused of Karachi blast nabbed, says Malik

Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Tuesday claimed on Tuesday four terrorists had been arrested form Karachi in connection with Abbas Town incident and he would reveal more facts about Quetta blasts in National Assembly’s Wednesday sitting.

“A joint session of the assembly should be called and all provincial chief ministers be invited here. I would share factsheet with the House,” Malik said, adding apart from Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) some other elements were also conspiring to destabilise the country.

“The nefarious designs of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi could be foiled only by political unity,” he maintained. The minister also proposed that DG Rangers and all chief ministers should be invited to Wednesday’s sitting so that they could also be held accountable before the House.

Malik also asked the Punjab government to hold a closed-door meeting with him for making a strategy against terrorism. He was of the view that killing of Shia community was a conspiracy to delay the upcoming elections.

“Though security personnel were deployed at the bomb blast area but the terrorists finding some opportunity when security officers were relaxed did this,” he said. “Why do all political parties not get united against a nationwide threat when all clues are leading to LeJ,” Malik posed a question.

He said the bloodshed in Karachi was not carried out by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan rather some other elements were conspiring to destabilise country and delay elections. The Karachi blast was the repeat of Quetta incident, he added.

He said the designs of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi could be foiled only through political unity.

Malik said during the raids the law enforcement agencies have removed the flags of defunct outfits from different localities in Karachi and also sealed their offices.

“Let us not flow into emotions. We should stand united for sake of country’s security setting aside our political differences,” Malik urged the political forces.

He appreciated the religious scholars who avoided any blame game following the Karachi blast, respecting a commitment they had made under oath.

The interior minister said some elements had tried to persuade victim families not to bury the dead bodies; however the Sindh Governor and Sindh Deputy Speaker convinced them to bury them.
Four accused of Karachi blast nabbed, says Malik | The Nation
“The nefarious designs of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi could be foiled only by political unity,”

Arrest the entire leadership of LeJ, top to bottom.
Arrest any politician who tries to save them.

Confiscate all their assets - it will be a good excuse to strip the feudals of their lands.
Arrest the entire leadership of LeJ, top to bottom.
Arrest any politician who tries to save them. Confiscate all their assets - it will be a good excuse to strip the feudals of their lands.
They are the one who supports and funds these parties who run the govt. Will this happen ?
They are the one who supports and funds these parties who run the govt. Will this happen ?

I don't think the LeJ funds the politicians; it's the other way round.

But you guys are right that this will never happen. That is why a strong, activist media would keep the issue in the international spotlight to put these guys on the spot.
I don't think the LeJ funds the politicians; it's the other way round. But you guys are right that this will never happen. That is why a strong, activist media would keep the issue in the international spotlight to put these guys on the spot.
I meant the Feudals and Industrial class who do corruption of highest sort.
Just the media ? What about the govt. ,politicians, police , judiciary ?

govt. -- packed with corrupt feudals
politicians -- predominantly feudals or their proxies
police -- the honest ones will lose their jobs if they dare go against the corrupt politicians
judiciary -- can't do anything without evidence which must be provided by police/investigators

I meant the Feudals and Industrial class who do corruption of highest sort.

Both do corruption, but only the feudals support religious extremism.
Industrialists don't benefit when shops and factories close down due to terrorism.
Yara, no it's not like that. Feudals and Industrialists cheat on taxes only (other than PMLN - who endeavor to become the first Islamic emirate of Arabistan)

LeJ and other Le's are self sustained monsters. The funding is mostly divided as:

1. Chanda / Charity is collected in the name of Allah in mosques that were funded by the Al-Wahab gang. ~ 60%
2. 20% is directly (different banking funnels) funded by various Gulf and Saudi masters.
3. 20% is funded from gunda tax / abductions / small arm smuggling / paid target killings etc etc.

The time to kill the monster was when it was being created by the Arabs, and when ISI / MI / FIA turned a blind eye for "supposed national interests". Few even joined-in to have all the fun.

Right now another monster is being created in every household, which is such a hush hush topic that people try to avoid it. It's called "Al-Huda Academy", terrorists of tomorrow are being manufactured there, who will show their true colors within a few years time. This will complete the whole picture, as the ones being converted at the said facilities are highly educated, and will cause maximum damage to society in years to come. These centers are being DIRECTLY run by wealthy Arabs, yet no one wants to do anything about it.

I meant the Feudals and Industrial class who do corruption of highest sort.
Nope. They don't. Name ONE feudal involved in such an activity? They maybe the BIGGEST thieves in this world, however, DO NOT DEFLECT incompetency and general lack of vision of the bureaucrats and armed forces their way.

Feudal's divide on the basis of caste, never ever religion...

govt. -- packed with corrupt feudals
politicians -- predominantly feudals or their proxies
police -- the honest ones will lose their jobs if they dare go against the corrupt politicians
judiciary -- can't do anything without evidence which must be provided by police/investigators

Both do corruption, but only the feudals support religious extremism.
Industrialists don't benefit when shops and factories close down due to terrorism.
Nope. They don't. Name ONE feudal involved in such an activity? They maybe the BIGGEST thieves in this world, however, DO NOT DEFLECT incompetency and general lack of vision of the bureaucrats and armed forces their way.

Feudal's divide on the basis of caste, never ever religion...

google "lej pmln"
Yara, no it's not like that. Feudals and Industrialists cheat on taxes only (other than PMLN - who endeavor to become the first Islamic emirate of Arabistan)

LeJ and other Le's are self sustained monsters. The funding is mostly divided as:

1. Chanda / Charity is collected in the name of Allah in mosques that were funded by the Al-Wahab gang. ~ 60%
2. 20% is directly (different banking funnels) funded by various Gulf and Saudi masters.
3. 20% is funded from gunda tax / abductions / small arm smuggling / paid target killings etc etc.

The time to kill the monster was when it was being created by the Arabs, and when ISI / MI / FIA turned a blind eye for "supposed national interests". Few even joined-in to have all the fun.

Right now another monster is being created in every household, which is such a hush hush topic that people try to avoid it. It's called "Al-Huda Academy", terrorists of tomorrow are being manufactured there, who will show their true colors within a few years time. This will complete the whole picture, as the ones being converted at the said facilities are highly educated, and will cause maximum damage to society in years to come. These centers are being DIRECTLY run by wealthy Arabs, yet no one wants to do anything about it.

Wait a minute . You mean to say that this is just the beginning ? :unsure:
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