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Fortune: Is Trade with China Literally Killing Middle-Aged White American Men?

Americans have gotten used to the bargain and great deal at the mall but the real price being paid for that great deal is the very fact they don't have manufacturing jobs. We can't expect Mexicans and Chinese to work at farms or build cheap electronics for a great deal yet maintain those same jobs at same pay in the U.S.. Also when Americans worked at factories as unionized labor they had more rights and CEO's didn't run away with all the margins now with all the outsourcing the margins have increased but they have gone in the pockets of those who managed books, salesmen, managers and most of all the executives! On top of that Americans used every form of credit to buy buy every luxury one doesn't need but that however has put added pressure on every family just to stay afloat at the same time when pay is reducing and the world is catching up U.S. is shoulders high under debt not just the fed but the states, counties, cities, towns, corporations to each individual. This mere fact has made money THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the lives of each and every American. So when you feel like all doors of money have closed maybe your will to live is gone?
How can the Chinese be a threat. If they make quality products at cheaper prices then that's great for everyone even USA.
Americans need to compete with china, you need to be smart like the germans. Work on your strengths like high tech machines and services. let the Chinese take care of mass production.
Learn from the Germans, they are the best example.
People still think that China delivers quality at cheaper prices? Perhaps they no longer understand what quality is.

Anyways, revival of American Industry is necessary to create jobs for the Americans at home. Outsourcing manufacturing and other jobs to save costs, is a significant problem. Of-course, some level of foreign investment is necessary to stimulate economy so a balanced approach is the only way forward. Both extremes are problematic.

You know Canadian immigration site crashed the night trump won. Americans want to come to Canada lol
Those would be so-called Liberals mostly.

B/W U.S. can create much more jobs than Canada.

Americans have gotten used to the bargain and great deal at the mall but the real price being paid for that great deal is the very fact they don't have manufacturing jobs. We can't expect Mexicans and Chinese to work at farms or build cheap electronics for a great deal yet maintain those same jobs at same pay in the U.S.. Also when Americans worked at factories as unionized labor they had more rights and CEO's didn't run away with all the margins now with all the outsourcing the margins have increased but they have gone in the pockets of those who managed books, salesmen, managers and most of all the executives! On top of that Americans used every form of credit to buy buy every luxury one doesn't need but that however has put added pressure on every family just to stay afloat at the same time when pay is reducing and the world is catching up U.S. is shoulders high under debt not just the fed but the states, counties, cities, towns, corporations to each individual. This mere fact has made money THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the lives of each and every American. So when you feel like all doors of money have closed maybe your will to live is gone?

Americans need to understand that too much materialism is not good for health and economy. They also need to understand the importance of centuries-old nuclear family system to perpetuate. Feminism and Materialism are the greatest threats to the well-being of a society.
People still think that China delivers quality at cheaper prices? Perhaps they no longer understand what quality is.
Many hi tech equipments of very high quality are build in China, Iphone is one example.
Americas major telecom networks have Chinese subsystems.
So China can manufacture good stuff and it can also manufacture not so good stuff, its where you look that matters.
Dont generalise all Chinese made equipments as cheap and bad quality.
Many hi tech equipments of very high quality are build in China, Iphone is one example.
Americas major telecom networks have Chinese subsystems.
So China can manufacture good stuff and it can also manufacture not so good stuff, its where you look that matters.
Dont generalise all Chinese made equipments as cheap and bad quality.
I have bought (Made in China) goods - expensive and cheap. My experience have been bad with both.

China doesn't have stringent regulations for manufacturing quality. This is the problem.

Apple products are American regardless of where they are assembled or manufactured. The company decides the standards.

Military hardware might be a different story. But I am not sure about that either.
People still think that China delivers quality at cheaper prices? Perhaps they no longer understand what quality is.

Anyways, revival of American Industry is necessary to create jobs for the Americans at home. Outsourcing manufacturing and other jobs to save costs, is a significant problem. Of-course, some level of foreign investment is necessary to stimulate economy so a balanced approach is the only way forward. Both extremes are problematic.

Those would be so-called Liberals mostly.

B/W U.S. can create much more jobs than Canada.


Americans need to understand that too much materialism is not good for health and economy. They also need to understand the importance of centuries-old nuclear family system to perpetuate. Feminism and Materialism are the greatest threats to the well-being of a society.
Nope. Percentage wise base US create less jobs than Canada. US jobless rate is unreliable. 44 million Americans using food stamp. 1.1 million file for bankruptcy per day on average.
You know there are many Americans living in Canada, more than you think.
Besides trade , the standard American diet is also killing white middle aged Americans. As well as taking on an extra mortgage for surgery.
Besides trade , the standard American diet is also killing white middle aged Americans. As well as taking on an extra mortgage for surgery.
I have heard of many tourists traveling to America without proper medical insurance who became poor just because of emergency fee of fracture repairment or appendicitis surgery.
I have heard of many tourists traveling to America without proper medical insurance who became poor just because of emergency fee of fracture repairment or appendicitis surgery.
Better travel eksewhere instead. Unless you want to see the real America and not bs Hollywood shit. I tell you many homeless in American cities
Better travel eksewhere instead. Unless you want to see the real America and not bs Hollywood shit. I tell you many homeless in American cities

Better die than receive medical aid in the US. It is a black hole, literally. I am sure that healthcare premiums kill more white men than China does.
On top of that Americans used every form of credit to buy buy every luxury one doesn't need but that however has put added pressure on every family just to stay afloat at the same time when pay is reducing and the world is catching up U.S. is shoulders high under debt not just the fed but the states, counties, cities, towns, corporations to each individual. This mere fact has made money THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the lives of each and every American. So when you feel like all doors of money have closed maybe your will to live is gone?

Well said.

Speaking as an average Chinese, I have no ill wish on average Americans, and I do not question American ways of high spending, low savings, or debt culture. What I question is, how US government manages the macroscopic financials, both fiscal and monetary? Cos that not only affect Americans, like the middle-aged white working class as says by the article, but it affects foreigners as well, especially those who hold dollar-denominated assets.

You are right on "money THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the lives of each and every American". Have you ever asked where your tax money is gone, War on Terror? Even your tax is not enough, they borrow "public" debt, yes in your name, again where these monies are going? Your spending, in dollar, is fueled by "cheap" imports, have you ever wondered why imports from over 100 countries, not just one or two, are so "cheap" in the first place?
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Well said.

Speaking as an average Chinese, I have no ill wish on average Americans, and I do not question American ways of high spending, low savings, or debt culture. What I question is, how US government manages the macroscopic financials, both fiscal and monetary? Cos that not only affect Americans, like the middle-aged white working class as says by the article, but it affects foreigners as well, especially those who hold dollar-denominated assets.

You are right on "money THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in the lives of each and every American". Have you ever asked where your tax money is gone, War on Terror? Even your tax is not enough, they borrow "public" debt, yes in your name, again where these monies are going? Your spending, in dollar, is fueled by "cheap" imports, have you ever wondered why imports from over 100 countries, not just one or two, are so "cheap" in the first place?

Maybe tax money went here?
Fortune: Is Trade with China Literally Killing Middle-Aged White American Men?
Is this Trump's failure??:lol::lol:

I have bought (Made in China) goods - expensive and cheap. My experience have been bad with both.

China doesn't have stringent regulations for manufacturing quality. This is the problem.

Apple products are American regardless of where they are assembled or manufactured. The company decides the standards.

Military hardware might be a different story. But I am not sure about that either.

I have used a t-shirt bought in the border town of Hekou in 2002. And now it is still excellent and looks new, after 15 years. Amazing for me. I am not sure but possibly that t-shirt has contributed to changing my view on quality of Chinese products.

My family is also using a second-hand TV made by TCL for at least 7 years. It is excellent too, therefore, I do not want to replace it, although I can easily buy a 50 - 100" Samsung. I just do not want my children to watch TV too much.

The quality of Chinese products, I guess, depend very much on what type of products you bought, what manufacturers and of course, the price. Since China is so large and sophisticated in manufacturing, every one of us may have very different experience.
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I have used a t-shirt bought in the border town of Hekou in 2002. And now it is still excellent and looks new, after 15 years. Amazing for me. I am not sure but possibly that t-shirt has contributed to changing my view on quality of Chinese products.

My family is also using a second-hand TV made by TCL for at least 7 years. It is excellent too, therefore, I do not want to replace it, although I can easily buy a 50 - 100" Samsung. I just do not want my children to watch TV too much.

The quality of Chinese products, I guess, depend very much on what type of products you bought, what manufacturers and of course, the price. Since China is so large and sophisticated in manufacturing, every one of us may have very different experience.

What the general lowly educated middle-aged white males in US urgently need is these types of jobs such as assembling workers to produce clothes, TVs, computers, etc.

But those jobs will never go to US, they will stay in East Asia-ASEAN.
The market is here, this is the Asian century.

They will continue to be killed, not just by China, but by the entire East Asia-ASEAN supply chain, by this new Asian era.
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