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Former stone pelters chasing new entrants


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
Srinagar, July 25: The strategy of recruiting constables from the stone-pelting hotbeds by police after the 2010 summer agitation in the Valley has paid dividends as these recruits have proved effective in

curbing street protests.
“The new recruits also proved effective in curbing street protest after the hanging of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru,” a senior police officer said on the condition of anonymity.
Putting to practice the adage of 'diamond cuts a diamond', the police force had deployed the new recruits, who "knew the game of stone-pelting inside out" in their respective areas.
"After all, the people we had recruited in the aftermath of 2010 knew the game of stone-pelting inside out. Their knowledge of the youth involved in these kind of activities proved pivotal in dealing with the situation," the officer said.
In a multi-pronged approach, the government launched an on-the-spot recruitment drive in 2011 in various parts of Srinagar city and the worst affect district of the Valley due to stone-pelting.
The main aim of the recruitment drive was to increase the representation of the youth hailing from Srinagar city in the constabulary.
The officer said the main grouse of the youth, many of them educated, was that there were not many employment avenues for them to pursue.
"We launched the drive as a confidence building measure and it worked wonders for us. The presence of local youth in the force has acted as bridge between police and people. The best result we have had of their presence so far was the way we were able to deal with the fall out of Guru's hanging," he added.
While the police officers are encouraged by the promise shown by the new recruits, questions were asked about their commitment to the discipline of the belt force after they went on a rampage at the Police Training School at Manigam in Ganderbal district last month.
The officer said a departmental inquiry is going on into the incident as indiscipline cannot be tolerated.
"However, we will also have to factor in that there was an inordinate delay in conduct of their passing out parade. They should have been out (of the training school) six months before the incident took place," the officer said.
He indicated that the department will take a lenient view of this "transgression" by the recruits but with the caveat that another act of indiscipline will be treated as per laws of the police force.
Over 900 fresh recruits, mostly hailing from hotbeds of stone-pelting in Srinagar city, went on a rampage on June 20 inside the Police Training School over the delay in the conduct of their passing out parade, a ceremonial induction in the regular police force.

Bring those stone pelters in the position of power-
Inevitable will soon follow-
Nice idea of recruiting the culprits.

Bring those stone pelters in the position of power-
Inevitable will soon follow-
You guys somehow love to live in old times or dreams.
Nice idea of recruiting the culprits.

Its a simple case of solving unemployment. Dump money into Kashmir , give them extra quotes over those already allotted.. and this whole insurgency idea will disappear. The problem is how to balance that out with the rest of the country's youth.
My sentiments exactly. Economics is and always will be, the best weapon against any grievances of a certain segment of society. Money may not be able to solve certain individual health issues, however, it surely does solve everything else.

Its a simple case of solving unemployment. Dump money into Kashmir , give them extra quotes over those already allotted.. and this whole insurgency idea will disappear. The problem is how to balance that out with the rest of the country's youth.
My sentiments exactly. Economics is and always will be, the best weapon against any grievances of a certain segment of society. Money may not be able to solve certain individual health issues, however, it surely does solve everything else.

Screw that. I want an unprecedented arms race between us so that we can finally rend asunder your economy once and for all. :)
Bring those stone pelters in the position of power-
Inevitable will soon follow-

They already have poistion of power -------- to vote in indian democracy under indian constitution, and choose their own leaders , or be the leaders themsleves...
Dude, don't forget: Allah himself guides the destiny of all that is green with his invincible hand. How can your insignificant blob of country, sunder the holy land of Pakistan or it's divine economy?

Naswar, Pakistan and our passport shall always remain green. Now don't catch fire on your way back to saffron land..... :D

Screw that. I want an unprecedented arms race between us so that we can finally rend asunder your economy once and for all. :)
Dude, don't forget: Allah himself guides the destiny of all that is green with his invincible hand. How can your insignificant blob of country, sunder the holy land of Pakistan or it's divine economy?

Naswar, Pakistan and our passport shall always remain green. Now don't catch fire on your way back to saffron land..... :D

The lord doesn't like you folks. Not since you mutilated his word- do you disagree with that my dear Hype? The day you gave your land to the mullah, Allah ne apna haath tumhare siron ke upar se utha liya. As you know well enough, benevolent he might be but he does not seem to suffer fools too well. Now wait and watch the wonders of Al Baki$tan. :devil:

Besides who wants to sunder your land- a pointless goal which will achieve nothing. Best to keep all the trouble makers behind one fence. Pakistan shall remain- now and forever indeed. :)
Its a simple case of solving unemployment. Dump money into Kashmir , give them extra quotes over those already allotted.. and this whole insurgency idea will disappear. The problem is how to balance that out with the rest of the country's youth.

kashmir is both economic and political issue. One need to solve both. And political solution is very much possible, kashmiris need a leader who has their turst and can bargain with India. Its possible to agree to 80 percent of their demands without crossing red line.
The old man wants everything and like arafat will die a disappointed man.
Its a simple case of solving unemployment. Dump money into Kashmir , give them extra quotes over those already allotted.. and this whole insurgency idea will disappear. The problem is how to balance that out with the rest of the country's youth.
Hope It's true. I was very disappointed after talking to some of the Kashmir's. The way they think, its very hard for Indians to keep it cool. A. lot of them have brainwashed into thinking Indians are evil, it is super easy to get them to protest. They do not care to verify facts. I am not saying we did not made mistakes, we did. However currently the people deployed try their level best to avoid confrontation. Its not bad with less than 20 people killed a year. Some of them are stuck in 90's they quote example only from 90s, nobody talks 2010 onwards. See everyone has to be realistic here, Kashmir's does not seem to like one. I feel some regions are in problem because the people does not have realistic expectation on solution.
Dude, don't forget: Allah himself guides the destiny of all that is green with his invincible hand. How can your insignificant blob of country, sunder the holy land of Pakistan or it's divine economy?

Naswar, Pakistan and our passport shall always remain green. Now don't catch fire on your way back to saffron land..... :D

Sorry for being off topic, but Naswar I have seen is a brown powder. When it that go green?
Nato also hired many locals to fight Taliban, soon they discovered insider attacks. :)
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