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Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf arrested

Technically they are laughing at him. I think they are applauding us for putting him in trial.


I don't know why this is so hard to understand for some pakistanis. If he is tried by a court of law and punished, it would be a victory for the people of pakistan. Armymen will not dare to take away power from the people again. It would be a victory for pakistani society in the long run. As far as I can see, everybody in pakistan should be happy at that, including right thinking armymen who's loyalty is to the people of pakistan and its civil institutions, rather than to power hungry generals who subvert the very institutions they swore to protect.

I hope the judges and politicians and policemen have the mettle to take this to its conclusion. Pakistan can only emerge stronger as a nation and as a society from that. Anybody who laughs at pakistan for doing the right thing is an idiot. Anyone who cannot laugh at musharaff for the current tamasha he is creating, lacks sense of humor.

I don't know why this is so hard to understand for some pakistanis. If he is tried by a court of law and punished, it would be a victory for the people of pakistan. Armymen will not dare to take away power from the people again. It would be a victory for pakistani society in the long run. As far as I can see, everybody in pakistan should be happy at that, including right thinking armymen who's loyalty is to the people of pakistan and its civil institutions, rather than to power hungry generals who subvert the very institutions they swore to protect.

I hope the judges and politicians and policemen have the mettle to take this to its conclusion. Pakistan can only emerge stronger as a nation and as a society from that. Anybody who laughs at pakistan for doing the right thing is an idiot. Anyone who cannot laugh at musharaff for the current tamasha he is creating, lacks sense of humor.

Well U Still Nt Sure Wht U Talking About Pakistan ! & Yes I Can Smelll Kargill In Your Democratic Mind?
Bt Let Me Tell You, Its Pakistan you Can Think Wht You May want sitting Back in New dehli , But reality Is Too Different Here In Islamabad?
This Whole Episode Of Dam Damocrazy will end Up, Very Bad very Soon , Thats All I Can Tell you now, So keep watching Your Babyhood Day Dreams?;):lol::wave:
There are so many threads created about Musharraf. I have read all of them. The more i am seeing "Indians jumping in, and showing their hate towards Musharraf", the more i am getting convinced that General Musharraf is a great man.
Well U Still Nt Sure Wht U Talking About Pakistan ! & Yes I Can Smelll Kargill In Your Democratic Mind?
Bt Let Me Tell You, Its Pakistan you Can Think Wht You May want sitting Back in New dehli , But reality Is Too Different Here In Islamabad?
This Whole Episode Of Dam Damocrazy will end Up, Very Bad very Soon , Thats All I Can Tell you now, So keep watching Your Babyhood Day Dreams?;):lol::wave:

i concur this thing has the potential to end up being bad really really bad lets hope its ends in a great note.
i concur this thing has the potential to end up being bad really really bad lets hope its ends in a great note.

Now it Is Going To happen bad, Thts Sure!
Bt How Bad It Has To Be Seen Now?;):smokin:
Wht You Think Whts Going On In The Minds Of Uniformers?
That All Of Monte Carloo Judges & Morally , Financialy Crupt Politicians Will Decide Thier Future?
& I Am Nt Talking ! About Kiyani The Saviour Of Croupts, His Time Is Over ! Its After him?:wave:
Now it Is Going To happen bad, Thts Sure!
Bt How Bad It Has To Be Seen Now?;):smokin:
Wht You Think Whts Going On In The Minds Of Uniformers?
That All Of Monte Carloo Judges & Morally , Financialy Crupt Politicians Will Decide Thier Future?
& I Am Nt Talking ! About Kiyani The Saviour Of Croupts, His Time Is Over ! Its After him?:wave:

Army might not act today it will act tomorrow. I have this gut feeeling that Pakistan might not see Elections this year
There are so many threads created about Musharraf. I have read all of them. The more i am seeing "Indians jumping in, and showing their hate towards Musharraf", the more i am getting convinced that General Musharraf is a great man.

Please let it stay that way, Ameen.
It scarcely affects us; what you think. It only affects you!
Well U Still Nt Sure Wht U Talking About Pakistan ! & Yes I Can Smelll Kargill In Your Democratic Mind?
Bt Let Me Tell You, Its Pakistan you Can Think Wht You May want sitting Back in New dehli , But reality Is Too Different Here In Islamabad?
This Whole Episode Of Dam Damocrazy will end Up, Very Bad very Soon , Thats All I Can Tell you now, So keep watching Your Babyhood Day Dreams?;):lol::wave:

Sorry, I can't type in your SMSspeak.

The words I said are what I would have said if I was a pakistani. I am typing it as a neutral and objective observer, and speaking from the universal conviction that power should reside with the people, and not with dictators.

If you want me to speak as a cynical Indian from an Indian POV, I hope pakistan gets lots more generals like mushy, who go on several more misadventures while army chief, and then wage war against their own govt. After all, mushy served India's interest more than any previous president, by shutting down terrorist networks and ending support for kashmir insurgency. A self serving Indian would fully support musharaff, because the welfare of pakistanis wouldn't be the first thing on his mind.

It is so funny when you think that Indians are all angry with musharaff for Kargil. Believe me, not a single Indian has fallen for the delusion here that the kargil misadventure was a victory for pakistan. If you are proud of what mushy did in 99, then all power to you - from a jingoistic Indian POV, I would wish you lots more such "victories".

When I comment on the pakistani threads, usually I do so from a neutral POV, and when I comment on the Indian threads, I do so from an Indian POV. But you are free to disbelieve me on that.

The only Indians who talk about strengthening democratic and other civil institutions in pakistan are the ones who can think from the POV of the common good of humanity. Others would love to see more military takeovers, more general subverting your legislature andd judiciary, more army takeover of your civil institutions, more people like musharaff who lead your country into unwinnable and ill conceived wars.
I wish he gets jail for the coup, so that there is a precedence set for future generals.
There is nothing wrong with trying Musharraf under article 6 as well as other cases and letting the judicial process take its normal course. I also completely agree that no one is above the law, but pray tell when well-known thieves and criminals regularly get out on bail, why is Musharraf denied and arrested? Musharraf is already on the ECL list and he is too well-known a person to be able to slip thru.

It is clear that judges in Pakistan are highly biased and vindictive. When did you hear Supreme Court asking the Federal gov’t to try any anyone? Video of the attack on Supreme Court engineered by the Sharif brothers in 1997 is still available on YouTube. (PML-N Attacks Supreme Court Part 1 - YouTube)

Did any SC judge ask the Central or Provincial Gov’t to try any of the Sharif brothers?
I may not have been a great fan of Musharraf but now certainly he has my sympathy. I repeat, I am not for letting Musharraf go scot free, but to put him behind bars is certainly act of a highly vindictive judge. Don’t think you can expect justice for Musharraf as long as the Iftihkar Chaudhry is in power.

Sheikh Rashid rightly declared that currently Pakistan Army is led by ‘Homeopathic Generals’. How can Army sit back and see an ex-chief humiliated by a two bit judge?

My worry is that so far all the coups in Pakistan have been bloodless. If Musharraf is made a scape goat; if & when there is another military coup; it will be accompanied by a blood bath as the new leaders will ensure that all those who can potentially harm them are eliminated.
I wish he gets jail for the coup, so that there is a precedence set for future generals.

You know what morally ill politicos gave indemnity to that particular act of Mushsraf by two third majority. However his act of imposing emergency in 2007 is vulnerable, a case pertaining pursuing a case of treason for suspending the constitution is in court. Lets see how things unfold!
You know what morally ill politicos gave indemnity to that particular act of Mushsraf by two third majority. However his act of imposing emergency in 2007 is vulnerable, a case pertaining pursuing a case of treason for suspending the constitution is in court. Lets see how things unfold!

Giving indemnity to the act is not as reprehensible as the act itself.

Mush was able to abrogate the civilian government only because he had guns, and gunmen at his command. Politicos did not voluntarily invite him to take over their job. If so, there would have been no need for a 'coup'.

I'm not aware of the circumstances leading to the indemnity, but I suspect that it may have been done in the larger interest of the nation, to let bygones be bygones if that is what it took to bring the country back to civilian rule.
Aaya tha prime minister banne , ban gaya prisoner :omghaha:

His problem is , he is too daring for his own good. Daring to the point of stupidity.

First he entered Kargil , India and now he entered Pakistan. Both places turned out to be very deadly for him :lol: Two fiascos .

What term in jail could he be looking at ?
Giving indemnity to the act is not as reprehensible as the act itself.

Mush was able to abrogate the civilian government only because he had guns, and gunmen at his command. Politicos did not voluntarily invite him to take over their job. If so, there would have been no need for a 'coup'.

I'm not aware of the circumstances leading to the indemnity, but I suspect that it may have been done in the larger interest of the nation, to let bygones be bygones if that is what it took to bring the country back to civilian rule.

Giving indemnity to the act is not as reprehensible as the act itself.

Well it is! He can't be prosecuted for his coup now. Act of validating a coup is as reprehensible as the act of coup.

Indemnity was given back in 2002, at that time nobody was even thinking of getting rid of him - Same parliament elected him as the president of Pakistan for 5 years & allowed him to keep the post of COAS intact.
Nawaz Sharif, Raja Pervez Ashraf, Gillani and 23000 other corrupt candidates are Sadiq and Ameen except Musharraf. What a shame for the word.

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