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Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suffered cardiac arrest after being shot in the chest during a speech, and the suspect was arrested

Nonsense. People have been saying the same thing about Japan since i was a little boy. Saying how Japan will collapse soon, and how its economy will turn into trash and be relegated to a 2nd world country . lol
However , Japan's economy is still strong, they have one of the highest(if not the highest) living standards in Asia and even the world, they are still among the most developed country in the world and probably the most developed in Asia. They are still among the most productive country's on earth( in fact if China can reach more than half of Japan's productivity relative to population then China will have a far bigger GDP than the U.S). Japan has reached a stage of saturated development, which means the country has reached a stage of such high development such that its difficult for them to grow as much as a developing country like China, Vietnam, Indian, Africa, etc etc developing countries who are still relatively poorer and thus have more space to grow coming from a lower base. Once they reach Japan's level of development and living standards(if they ever do), their growth will also plummet as they reach saturation point/developed status they don't have that much leeway .

We must be rational in our observations. However, i have noticed that memebers here are so ultra nationalistic so much so that they let their emotions have the best of their judgement and obviously bias.
If Japan was friendly to China and a chinese ally , then im 100% sure you will all be singing their praises and about how they managed to developed despite all odds and how disciplined/hardworking and orderly their society is etc etc..😁 lol you are just saying such silly things about Japan becasue Japan is more friendly to the U.S. lol
To say that without China Japan will be poor country in 2 decades is the joke of the century. 🤣🤣 When China was dirt poor under Mao's silly ideology so much so that Japan was providing you guys aid, did Japan become a poor country? Lol when China was carved out by western powers and RUSSIA, was Japan a poor country? Lol You guys should be objective at times instead of indulging in such rants due to personal bias and hositlity towards Japan.
Considering their demographics, a steady GDP contraction is inevitable. There is only so much that can be expected of worker productivity in a shrinking consumer market.

A few percent a year of GDP contraction in that context is understandable, especially considering the relatively high living standard they have to maintain. The affordability and increasing quality of Chinese products are subsidizing Japanese living standards though, similar to here in the states.
He always seemed like such a decent and quiet man. I can't imagine why anyone would want to do this and it's the last place on Earth I'd imagine it happening as well
You don't know his politics. The man makes enemies with practically every neighbor countries, with the exception of Russia, at behest of USA.

Now with him dead, we can only hope that Japan will prevail against Abenomics (his curse on Japan) and get back to the hi-growth period.
Technology transfer? What do you mean by technology transfer?

Most of the technical patents of lithium battery vehicles belong to China, a small part to the USA and South Korea, and Japan has only hydrogen energy vehicle patents.

As for Europe, do you know that BMW, Audi and other German companies have to pay patent royalties to Ningde times and other Chinese companies every time they sell an electric car?

There is no new energy vehicle technology in Europe, let alone technology transfer.

As for BMW and Toyota, with the growth of the EU new energy vehicle market, BMW's new energy vehicles will indeed have a good growth period. However, BMW new energy vehicles should not expect to challenge the two giants of BYD and Tesla. BMW is unlikely to even win Wuling. BMW should eventually have the same sales volume as Xiaopeng. As for Toyota, Chinese enterprises will not give it the right to use patents. Chinese new energy vehicle enterprises can abandon the Japanese market and let the Japanese play with hydrogen energy vehicles on their own territory.

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The BMW EVs I was watching retail about 80k and 100k euros. You seriously believe if people buy such expensive cars they would buy a x,y chinese car? Why people don’t buy zzz watches instead of Rolex? Wuling car, wuling watch?
Even if chinese patents inside as you said, Bmw would pay how much are the fees?
If they pay 100 euros per car then that’s nothing to 100,000 euros price tag.
Battery is expensive ok however the more important stuff is the computer that controls the battery. That’s how I see it.
Nonsense. People have been saying the same thing about Japan since i was a little boy. Saying how Japan will collapse soon, and how its economy will turn into trash and be relegated to a 2nd world country . lol
However , Japan's economy is still strong, they have one of the highest(if not the highest) living standards in Asia and even the world, they are still among the most developed country in the world and probably the most developed in Asia. They are still among the most productive country's on earth( in fact if China can reach more than half of Japan's productivity relative to population then China will have a far bigger GDP than the U.S). Japan has reached a stage of saturated development, which means the country has reached a stage of such high development such that its difficult for them to grow as much as a developing country like China, Vietnam, Indian, Africa, etc etc developing countries who are still relatively poorer and thus have more space to grow coming from a lower base. Once they reach Japan's level of development and living standards(if they ever do), their growth will also plummet as they reach saturation point/developed status they don't have that much leeway .

We must be rational in our observations. However, i have noticed that memebers here are so ultra nationalistic so much so that they let their emotions have the best of their judgement and obviously bias.
If Japan was friendly to China and a chinese ally , then im 100% sure you will all be singing their praises and about how they managed to develope despite all odds and how disciplined/hardworking and orderly their society is etc etc..😁 lol You are just saying bad silly things about Japan becasue Japan is more friendly to the U.S. lol

To say that without China Japan will be a poor country in 2 decades is the joke of the century. 🤣🤣 When China was dirt poor under Mao's silly ideology so much so that Japan was providing you guys aid, did Japan become a poor country? Lol when China was so poor and weak that the country was being carved out by western powers and Russia, was Japan a poor country? Lol
You guys should be objective at times instead of indulging in such rants due to personal bias and hositlity towards Japan.
The yen has fallen from 109 to 135. In other words, even if Japan can achieve the expected growth, Japan's per capita GDP in 2022 will only be $31440. In fact, the real number will be lower, because the yen will obviously continue to depreciate.

In 2022, China's per capita GDP is expected to reach US $14150 (figure from IMF). Japan's per capita GDP is 222% of China 's.

Japan's economy has been experiencing zero growth for decades. At China's growth rate, it doesn't take much time for GDP to grow by 122%.

China's GDP in 2021 was $17.7 trillion. China's GDP in 2011 was $7.8 trillion.
In other words, China can achieve 122% growth in only 10 years.

So let's wait until 2032 to see the per capita GDP of China and Japan.

The BMW EVs I was watching retail about 80k and 100k euros. You seriously believe if people buy such expensive cars they would buy a x,y chinese car? Why people don’t buy zzz watches instead of Rolex? Wuling car, wuling watch?
Even if chinese patents inside as you said, Bmw would pay how much are the fees?
If they pay 100 euros per car then that’s nothing to 100,000 euros price tag.
Battery is expensive ok however the more important stuff is the computer that controls the battery. That’s how I see it.
You should mean electronic control technology.
Sorry, most of the patents in this area also belong to China, and a small number belong to the USA and South Korea.
Let me be more clear. Only the shell of BMW's new energy vehicle belongs to Germany.
Of course, you don't have to be ashamed. In this regard, Tesla is not much better than BMW.
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It's so weird
Why are some Vietnamese so anti china, while some are very pro china

Usually countries are not that polarized on their opinions of other countries
Some viets are anti-China because they are brainwashed by US propagandas.
If you spend times in Vietnam's Facebook and social media, that sh*t is non-stop.
Other than that, the previous 1979 war left deep scars on both sides on who's right and wrong.

Too bad Vietnam hasn't banned Twitter and Facebook yet.
It's so weird
Why are some Vietnamese so anti china, while some are very pro china

Usually countries are not that polarized on their opinions of other countries
It is a fact that there are many extreme Pro Chinese and anti Chinese in Vietnam at the same time. Chinese people are also very strange about this. Because we found that Vietnamese Chinese may not be pro China, and Vietnamese non Chinese may not be anti China.
But it doesn't matter, because Vietnamese are much smarter than Indians, they are very rational. So we don't care much about what they say.
There are a few theories around, in chinese space of course:
1. Abe's schedule was changed mid-way today, so somehow his changed schedule was leaked to the assailant.
2. The assailant was too well-prepared (he made his own gun) to be just a random coincidence.
3. The assailant didn't try to flee and in fact fully cooperated with the arrest.
4. The assailant said he was dissatisfied with Abe but no "grudges in politics".

This is probably an inside job, probably the LDP cleaning house since Abe is the kingmaker in Japan's politics and he was overreaching even the japanese prime minister.

Picture is the gun-used.


  • japanese homemade gun.jpg
    japanese homemade gun.jpg
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"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over"
A former PM has such poor security cover?
Because Japan is a very secure and peaceful country with very low violent crime rates. You have to live there to know just how surreal the crime situation (or lack thereof) is.

Of course there is petty crime and organised crime, but violent crime that many western people are accustom too is very isolated in Japan.
Abe was probably the most influential man in japanese politics nowadays, and fully connected with yakuza.
Even the laws cannot touch him.

He probably thought he was untouchable until today.
Modi is as powerful as Abe if not more.

But you won't see him without a good security cover.

This is just suspicious.

A common citizen gun downs a former PM in Public with a hand made gun.

How did the gunman get so close to him? Pulled out a gun shot him in the heart.
Modi is as powerful as Abe if not more.

But you won't see him without a good security cover.

This is just suspicious.

A common citizen gun downs a former PM in Public with a hand made gun.

How did the gunman get so close to him? Pulled out a gun shot him in the heart.
As I said, high chance it's an inside job.

And Modi isn't as powerful as Abe in his own country, comparatively, Modi just has the ruling coalition, Abe got that + yakuza support + US CIA support. He cannot even be criticized by the press.
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