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Former intelligence heads of Israel/Saudi Arabia debate


Nov 29, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
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Former intelligence heads of Israel/Saudi Arabia debate – Brussels

Debate with Former Saudi head of intelligence and former Israeli head of military intelligence

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) hosted the first public panel discussion on May 26 in Brussels between a former Saudi head of intelligence and a former Israeli head of military intelligence. This conversation addressed the most pressing foreign and security policy issues currently facing the Middle East including the future of the Middle East Peace Process, the impact of a potentially nuclear Iran on the region, and the conflict in Syria.

Watch the video here:

Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3

Former intelligence heads of Israel/Saudi Arabia debate – Brussels « German Marshall Fund of the United States
Why are they meeting?

I can't watch 1.5 hours of debate right now. A more detailed summary if possible would be nice, @Hadbani.

Or maybe I should just watch it.

So is Israel interested in joining the GCC?:lol:
Once u are done watching it, I need a summery. :D

I skipped it. Going to the city "beach" here in a few minutes. The weather is great. The videos are too damn long. Anyway will give it a try later and report back. If anyone is going to watch it in the meantime they are free to give us all a summary. That would be highly appreciated.:D
It's about the Arab Sunni-Israeli alliance, and how to effectively counter the Shia together.
Great, great performance by HRH Turki bin Faisal Al-Saud. Proving once again to be a great representative of KSA and the Arab and Muslim world. Very articulated, calm, straightforward, humorous and most importantly honest.

He definetely "won" the debate against that former Israeli general and former intelligence head. Although Amos Yadlin also had good points and he genuinely seem to want peace and a two-state solution.

A great deal was spent on discussing the Arab Peace initiative from 2002 (led by the current King Abdullah - back then Crown Prince but de facto ruler) and the first Arab peace initiative led by King Fahd back in 1981 or 1983 if I recall.

I also liked Turki's personal anecdotes (let us not forget that he is the son of the late and very respected King Faisal) and the comment of the general as well when he spoke about European infighting and his comments about WW1 and WW1 and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict being a drop in the ocean in comparison. That can be seen in part 3.

Regarding the nuclear thing (which only lasted for about 15 min.) Turki (wisely in my opinion) emphasized the need for a nuclear free ME which INCLUDES that of Israel. He openly said that Israel has nuclear weapons and that no Arab, ME or Muslim state would be foolish enough to attack a nuclear armed Israel.

His proposal was for the 5 permanent members of the Security Council to actively secure a nuclear free Middle East but at the same time guarantee the safety of every ME state and if ME state x or y broke the agreement that not only financial and political sanctions would be a consequence but also militarily action. As I remember it.


I think that you should watch it. Especially part 1 about Palestine/Israel. The longest. You will get the KSA's perspective of the conflict as well and dare I see the majority of the Arab world.

It's a shame that Turki is getting old. He would have made a good king and leader.
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