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Forging of the Mandarin mermaid-Ye Shiwen

Still there is a lot of difference between the life with freedom and without it.

Rly? Pls say this to a kid who is hungry every day. Hunger is one of the most pain. But u r a keyboard warrior, u probably dont know it. for u its easy to say.
In the same way Chinese produce cheap products from prison camps. This is the communist way of doing things.

Democratic India is only a big pile of enormous cr@p, from where nothing can be produced but carcases from starvation.

Back to the topic.

"No pains no gains." This is well known western phrase.

The Chinese gain in economics, because they take the pain in hard working. Lazybones from a country that had double China's GDP 60+ years now only 1/5 of China's.

The Chinese gain in sports, because they take the pain in hard working. Lazybones from a country that had near-0 medal as China 60+ years ago now still has near-0 medal, whereas the China top the medal list of the world.

Now jump out the lazybones crying: you work too hard...


Funny lazybones! You deserves nothing but the proper name: lazybones and near-0 medal and 1/5 or less GDP. No electricity, no literacy, no food, no housing...

Poor lazybones... laughing stock lazybones...jealous lazybones... :lol:
Still there is a lot of difference between the life with freedom and without it.

We all know Indians' definition of freedom: freedom to starve, freedom to reduce GDP from doubling that of China to 1/5 only, freedom to illiteracy, freedom to get near-0 medal in Olympics.

In fact, freedom to achieve none of the humanities as human being but reducing to quasi-animal level.

Indeed a big difference.

don't insult your follow Indians even they can't perform in Olympics.

Indians deserve a life better than a stray dog.
We all know Indians' definition of freedom: freedom to starve, freedom to reduce GDP from doubling that of China to 1/5 only, freedom to illiteracy, freedom to get near-0 medal in Olympics.

In fact, freedom to achieve none of the humanities as human being but reducing to quasi-animal level.

This is a brilliant post!
Truly disgusting Britshit scum article. The problem with these white Britshit mentality is that no one in the world have the guts to expose their lies and destruction in the world. People in the West constant attack Chinese, Indian, etc. yet in China and India, we rarely see someone beat the **** out of Britshit and kill them for simply being Britshit. Unlike the Anglo-American, where people are beaten up simply for looking Indian or Chinese. They have gotten so confident that now they feel they can tarnish other people hardwork and nothing will happen to them.

These Britshit lack any empathy for developing country forging heroes where there was none. The West was cunning enough to force other to follow their twisted religion and made people fight against one another to in order robbed resource and made their country rich. They used word like "civilizing the native", "democracy", and false mission like the 'white man's burden'. After a few hundred years, people have forgotten the untold destruction caused by them.

These Britshit scum doesn't realize without a state sponsor athletic program, who in China can afford to send their kids to swimming camp for the summer. Who would encourage these kids to pursue sports? What heross will China have to look up that doesn't look like a pale white racist? Chinese are force to forge heroes to give people pride and confidence until she can become rich enough to pursue sport in their own leaisure. Look at India (with all respect), India has 1 billion people as well, but so much potential is being loss because talented Indian athlete are not being discover or trained.

The disgust mentality of these Britshit scum makes my blood boils. These Britshit made it to the top on the back of blacks, Indians, and native around the world. The native resource was robbed to feel these white Britshit while Indian starve. Now that these Britshit made it to the top they don't even have the decency to be courteous to someone who broke the world records.

They make accusations yet, never a story interviewing these athlete that the Chinese supposed forced them to be Olympian. If that is the case, then why don't these Britshit feature a story about these olympian and their parents so they can hear in their own words. A lot of time, these kids are poor and the sport schools are their escape from poverty that sadly stil exist in many part of China. It is better than the alternative of losing their potential beacuse of poverty.

This article by the Britshit is truly disgusting.
Also, this article is a recycle article every olympic year to attack China. I seen article with the same picture attacking China in 2008. In 2016, you will see the same article again. This is simply a Britshit propaganda tactics. I think people around the world need to tell every Britshit person they meet about their disguishing government and rabid royal inbred family.
I like the information in the article but how the article is written is not quite honest. See the second paragraph opening:
Just like China’s Ye Shiwen, East German Petra Schneider had astonished -
The story discusses Schneider's terrible experience but the opening "Just like" implies Ye Shiwen is experiencing the same thing, even though that's not proven at all. The pictures of young Chinese girls in hard (possibly tortuous; is that coach carrying a club?) training reinforces this. With this kind of writing and photos the casual reader will conclude that Ye is just like Schneider.

Ye referred to this in her speech. I find it notable that she was speaking authoritatively for the entire Chinese delegation. Apparently the Chinese have decided to "go clean" this year and let all their athletes know it.. I doubt any Western athlete could make such a blanket statement about their own team.

All elite level athletes have to start training in childhood, especially gymnasts and swimmers. Training can be extremely painful, regardless of whatever nation you're from. I'm sure you can find photos of American kids crying during practice and title it "American parents oppressing their kids". If you want to be good at something, there is a price to be paid.
I have several times witnessed young American kids in competitive swim training in the U.S. and I've never, ever, seen treatment similar to that meted out to the Chinese girls in the photographs.
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