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Foreign policy reveals Biden's sinister plan in case of JCPOA


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The Foreign Policy is an American news publication, founded in 1970 and focused on global affairs, current events, and domestic and international policy. It produces content daily on its website, and in six print issues annually.

In this report published by FP it is mentioned that Biden wants to satisfy his democrat allies by returning Iran to the deal that was torn apart by Trump admin at same time giving Iran almost zero consessions.

The article describes Biden's intentions :
Biden wants to offer Iran removing some (not all) of Trump imposed sanctions in Exchange for Iran returning to the deal.
First we have to evaluate what he means by some of Trump made sanctions. It was announced by Malley that USA is willing to lift sanctions against IRGC imposed by Trump admin along with other ridculous sanctions that was announced out of desperation of Trump admin such as sanctioning of Ayatollah Jannati. First of all it will not include the sanctions that Trump had imposed under the excuse of human rights and terrorism. The ridculous consessions that Biden has decided to offer Zarif and his team of incompetents has already taken the headlines of extremist reformist newspapers as a Giant victory for Zarif and co.

In reality Biden admin offers no consessions and asks Iran to return to a deal that had no benefits for Iran on the ground but Endless sabotages and terrors against its nuclear facilities/scientists.
It is an undeniable fact that Biden would try his best to seal the deal with incompetents of Rouhani admin and as the election day approaches in Iran, Biden considers it as a redline to his wishes about JCPOA. If a patriot and anti West government wins the election in Iran then Biden will lose all his chances to curb Iranian nuclear program and Limit Iran's missile program also the Iranian role in the region.

That's the reason Biden is jumping up and down suggesting Zarif and his incompetents bunch of ridculous sanctions relief.

In the meantime the patriots in Iran are waiting on the election day to Choose someone who would revive the nuclear program and also revives the industrial plans that were all suspended by Rouhani and co such as local civilian airplane, military Satellite program, local refineries avoiding selling oil, etc.

@mohsen @Aramagedon @Dariush the Great and others. Fyi,
I think Americans do want to pacify Iran with JCPOA. But the Israelis are not standing for it.

Or it could very well be bluff. While U.S plays good cop. Israel could do the damage it wants to do.
@Muhammed45 JCPOA is a plan to take away Iran's arms and influence and keep Iran under the Western influence or like what the poster above wrote ''pacify Iran'' through open market, investment etc It is a trap.. even a moron can see it. We are doing not that bad anyway now with the sanctions even the IMF predicted growth in Irans economy in the coming years. Why do we need the JCPOA ? Let all the sanctions remain... we should just continue growing further. Solidify and strengthen the partnership with China and work on better relations with our neighbours like that presidential candidate said. We need to have better relations with all our neighbours including the Arab states in the Persian gulf. Turkey,Pakistan,UAE,Bahrain etc... they are in the same neighborhood as us they should feel safe with us and not run to any other country for partnership.
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