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Foreign ambassadors visit the so called "Launch Pads" in AJK


Nov 11, 2015
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Indian are Jahil gawar Qom.

i dont think ISPR should give importance to Indian media blabbering as no one in the whole world do it. Indian media has no credibility.
Now Indian will say why we took two days to arrange this visit. They will never consider why their embassy in Islamabad is dragging feet now. Their elite is keeping them in perpetual state of euphoria where they convert their sheer sense of inferiority into sheer sense of superiority through media frenzy, communal unrest, and political manipulation at highest level.

Indian are Jahil gawar Qom.

i dont think ISPR should give importance to Indian media blabbering as no one in the whole world do it. Indian media has no credibility.

No. We must counter all their lies. We need to penetrate into common Indians mind. Of course, not all but few who still have their conscience intact will be enough to keep them uncomfortable at social level. We need to collect all minds who can logically think and question their elite.Plus, not saying anything would simply means that we are accepting whatever their media is selling. For reference you can see how international media covered events of 27/2.
Indian are Jahil gawar Qom.

i dont think ISPR should give importance to Indian media blabbering as no one in the whole world do it. Indian media has no credibility.
Bhai they are speaking lies with so much sincerity and repeating them again and again and winning the war of minds even if in Indian or foreign media who reads them. You need to counter them. Your media is useless and can't counter them so dg Ispr has to .
There waj camps. We dishtroyed them so they are not there any more
All India knows is to lie & bark.
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