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For US Economy, Worst of Coronavirus Shutdowns May Be Over


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The worst is behind US.

opposite. the worst is yet to come. the only reason I leave my house is to go to work. I wear goggles, double mask and gloves, cover my head, and remove gloves/wash hands/shower whenever I get home. also bought a UV lamp for disinfecting clothes.

people might laugh, but that's only until they start showing symptoms of fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Then they physically won't be able to laugh anymore.
opposite. the worst is yet to come. the only reason I leave my house is to go to work. I wear goggles, double mask and gloves, cover my head, and remove gloves/wash hands/shower whenever I get home. also bought a UV lamp for disinfecting clothes.

people might laugh, but that's only until they start showing symptoms of fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Then they physically won't be able to laugh anymore.
2 million will get inflected and since they open up so soon, it will spread even faster. I predict 200k dead and 4 mil infected.
I still don't get why the US locked down. 1918 to 1920 flu killed millions in the US and the US never locked down, leading to the economically prosperous Roaring 20s.

Some cities did do a city wide lockdown. I don't recall that the lockdown in the 1910s were nationwide.
opposite. the worst is yet to come. the only reason I leave my house is to go to work. I wear goggles, double mask and gloves, cover my head, and remove gloves/wash hands/shower whenever I get home. also bought a UV lamp for disinfecting clothes.

people might laugh, but that's only until they start showing symptoms of fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Then they physically won't be able to laugh anymore.

I live in a hotspot area (Massachusetts) and it appears the majority of cases (not all obviously) are centered in the poor dense urban areas among people who unfortunately tend to work as low wage orderlies/nurses in Retirement homes.

Towns that immediately banned them from entering public elderly housing have no cases and zero deaths. However they couldn't ban them from privately run ones and those have numerous cases and deaths. To me it's an easy wrongful death lawsuit in the making.

So it's not that scary where I am. People are out and about. Governor forced us all to wear masks outside 2 weeks ago. Only issue is going to popular big chain supermarkets where they only allow in a certain amount of people at a time. That's when I don the double masks, double gloves, and double eye protection. Which may be a little extreme considering I'm seeing the same older people working there week after week with what we'd consider "minimal" protection.

Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 12.44.43 PM.jpg

Seems the people dying already have conditions.
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There are few problems that could undermine fast recovery in the U.S.A.
1-Lack of containment of the virus: The U.S need to put themselves above the virus to contain the disease therefore you need to increase testing and contact tracing and that has to be done at the Federal level not just leave it to the states. The problem is that because the slow reaction to the pandemic of this administration the U.S. need to increase 5X their current testing capacity in other to contain this virus until a vaccine come. If you reduce the lockdown and people start lettering their guard down by not respecting social distancing and not wearing mask you will have a second wave and the summer wont help you because there are enough infected people and not enough immunity to reduce the spread rate only less that 7% of the population have some immunity. If they have a second wave will be game over.
2- Politics: U.S. politicians they move too slow in helping people, they like to play politics with everything. Just look how the British avoided massive job losses they moved quickly and they did it simpler, in the U.S. politics and cronyism created this over complicated system the slowed the response and blunted the effectiveness. U.S. need a good and effective economic exit strategy and politicians are not delivering.
3- The cult of the stock market: The stock market IS NOT THE REAL ECONOMY throwing money to the stock market only creates imbalances because money become unproductive, companies become more worried of stock performances, instead of investing in R&D or creating new jobs they buy stocks to create fake wealth.
This create Asset bubbles that will hurt the economy in the long run, this also will create zombies companies that will dependent of cheap FED money forever.
The government need to stop this cult of the Stock markets and focus in the real economy.
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