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For India, 'God particle' is as much boson as Higgs


Oct 16, 2009
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he release on Wednesday of dramatic new data pointing to the existence of the Higgs boson "God particle" sent a special flutter of pride, mixed with frustration, through India's scientific community.

The "Higgs" of Higgs boson is well known to refer to Peter Higgs, the Britishresearcher who in 1964 laid much of the conceptual groundwork for the presence of the elusive particle.
What is largely unknown, at least to non-specialists, is that the term "boson" owes its name to the pioneering work of the late Indian physicist, Satyendra Nath Bose.

Born during British colonial rule in 1894 in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Bose was a lecturer at both the universities of Calcutta and Dhaka.

In 1924, he sent a paper to Albert Einstein describing a statistical model that eventually led to the discovery of what became known as the Bose-Einstein condensate phenomenon.

The paper laid the basis for describing the two fundamental classes of sub-atomic particles -- bosons, named after Bose, and fermions, after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi.

While several Nobel prizes have been awarded research related to the concepts of the boson, Bose himself was never honoured by the Nobel academy.

Archan Majumdar, an astrophysicist at the eponymous Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences in Kolkata, said Bose's name would be better known if his discoveries hadn't been made during the colonial era.

"If India had been an independent nation he could have got more recognition than he has," Majumdar said.

"Also, if he had the Nobel prize which he deserved more than many others he would have been more known, but unfortunately it didn't happen."

In 1954 Bose awarded the Padma Vibhushan -- India's second highest civilian honour. He died in 1974
'God particle': The Indian connection with Higgs boson - The Times of India

GENEVA: As all eyes today focus on the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, famously known as CERN, Indian scientific and technological contributions are among the many that keeps the world's biggest particle physics laboratory buzzing.

In a 'quantum' leap in physics, CERN scientists today claimed to have spotted a sub-atomic particle "consistent" with the Higgs boson or 'God particle', believed to be a crucial building block that led to the formation of the universe.

There is an intrinsic Indian connection to what is happening at CERN - Satyendra Nath Bose. It is Bose after whom the sub-atomic particle 'boson' is named.

His study changed the way Particle Physics has been studied ever since. The Higgs boson is a particle that is theoretically the reason why all matter in the Universe has mass.

The name Higgs boson came from a British scientist Peter Higgs and Bose. The work done by Bose and Albert Einstein, later added by Higgs, lead to this pioneering day.

"India is like a historic father of the project," Paolo Giubellino, CERN spokesperson had said back in October last year when PTI visited the facility.

At the core of the CERN, spread over two countries as it is situated near the Swiss-Franco border, is the 27-km long tunnel, over 70 metres beneath the ground, where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or commonly referred to as the Big Bang experiment was conducted last year.

The experiment had aimed to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, when the universe is thought to have exploded into existence about 14 billion years ago.

The CERN runs a number of experimental projects and over 100 Indian scientists are working round the clock.
India is Life.... Everything happened since earth born was connected to land named as india.... Nobody can keep india away from connection to universe.... Everybody on earth is indian. World scientists always involves indian scientists but always steal our achievment.... We found water on moon and NASA tried to steal that achievment but they couldnt because the thing took them on moon was Chandrayaan.... The God Particles discovery was planned by someone who controls humans by Frequency.... Have u seen the parcticles that traveld and collided had Triangle inside? That's Life.... Thats symbol of Arcturians (eye on triangle the 3rd eye).... Why in 2012 it happened? Do you know the day we solve God particles there would be treatment for every disease on earth? Even internet would be faster? Even time travel will be possible? Indians will play huge role in everything new we do.... Nobody can keep indians away.... We need to stop them taking credit for our creation and achievments.... Kungfu art was indian yet today people think of kungfu then they says its chinese.... There are many stuffs india created. Even india was the first country who invented vimanas but still people thinks it was the american brothers.... Golden age is about to begin and this is our step to step into advanced 3rd dimension. Everything happeneds for a reason. 2012 was choosen over 5000 years ago.... India was the country who found 9 frequencys.... Here is the love frequency that people forgot in time.... 528 hz....
SomaEnergetics article on the Solfeggio Frequencies and David Hulse's Journey
India is Life.... Everything happened since earth born was connected to land named as india.... Nobody can keep india away from connection to universe.... Everybody on earth is indian. World scientists always involves indian scientists but always steal our achievment.... We found water on moon and NASA tried to steal that achievment but they couldnt because the thing took them on moon was Chandrayaan.... The God Particles discovery was planned by someone who controls humans by Frequency.... Have u seen the parcticles that traveld and collided had Triangle inside? That's Life.... Thats symbol of Arcturians (eye on triangle the 3rd eye).... Why in 2012 it happened? Do you know the day we solve God particles there would be treatment for every disease on earth? Even internet would be faster? Even time travel will be possible? Indians will play huge role in everything new we do.... Nobody can keep indians away.... We need to stop them taking credit for our creation and achievments.... Kungfu art was indian yet today people think of kungfu then they says its chinese.... There are many stuffs india created. Even india was the first country who invented vimanas but still people thinks it was the american brothers.... Golden age is about to begin and this is our step to step into advanced 3rd dimension. Everything happeneds for a reason. 2012 was choosen over 5000 years ago.... India was the country who found 9 frequencys.... Here is the love frequency that people forgot in time.... 528 hz....
SomaEnergetics article on the Solfeggio Frequencies and David Hulse's Journey
Are you high man :drag:
There is an intrinsic Indian connection to what is happening at CERN - Satyendra Nath Bose. It is Bose after whom the sub-atomic particle 'boson' is named.
He was from India, the United one, one under British rule. By your logic, I can say he's a Pakistani

do you even know what 'racism' means??
Thinking others as inferior or yourself as superior based on race. Is he not doing this when saying India is life?
He was from India, the United one, one under British rule. By your logic, I can say he's a Pakistani

Thinking others as inferior or yourself as superior based on race. Is he not doing this when saying India is life?

So when did he think or say others are inferior ??
He was from India, the United one, one under British rule. By your logic, I can say he's a Pakistani

Thinking others as inferior or yourself as superior based on race. Is he not doing this when saying India is life?

in 1920, India was ruled by British..but Pakistan did not exist.....
and he was from Kolkatta....
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