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Footprints: Dispatches from North Waziristan

Why our Indians friends gets so emotional when ever Taliban and Israel in trouble?
I believe the army above Taliban scoundrels like yourself. Taliban and their supporters like yourselves are hypocrites. You want to hold the army responsible for their reported atrocities, while ignoring the fact that over 95% of civilian casualties are caused intentionally by none other than your buddies the Taliban.

Whether the civilians killed are 20k or 50k. The fact is, most of these are killed by the Taliban. The army does not intentionally target civilians. There is the difference between you and me.

Any mosque that shelters killers of Pakistanis deserves to be flattened. As for schools? Lol, really? a Taliban supporter lamenting the destruction of schools? the Taliban have destroyed thousands of schools, and they proudly claim they will continue to destroy them.

What say you, Mr Taliban? Why don't you get off the internet and go join your fellow cave buddies so our army can add you to the list of causalities inflicted on the Taliban.

Haha. Now that the facts don't support you, like a typical jahil, you have started using your emotions rather than your brain (which I believe you don't have)
You saw the figures and yet say "most" were killed by Taliban? I think you are naturally retarded when it comes to numbers.
Anyways, if you have anyone in the army (half my extended family serves) ask them, Army does believe in collective punishment. The bombardment it does was to teach the "tribals a lesson".
If you learn to read, do read the other side as well. Many of "talibans" also send their kids to schools in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Taliban only target the "schools" where Army makes a base or those run by missionaries.

Taliban blow schools where Army is present. Army blows up schools where Taliban are present.
Army blows up mosque saying Taliban... and vice versa

Unfortunately, there are too many "boots" in the army like you, who don't think from their brains. They have destroyed my country and claimed victory. Mirza, Yahya, Ayub, Zia, Mush, Kiyani and now Sharif all have rich rich families, heavy bank accounts and too much security. They don't care about the common man (or the common soldier for that matter).

First you need to clarify if you support the Taliban or you want accountability.

Typical Pakistani's automatically assume if you talk against the army, you are Taliban... (previously it was RAW agent)..
Typical Pakistani's automatically assume if you talk against the army, you are Taliban... (previously it was RAW agent)..

What would that make you? A non Pakistani operating from our soil then?
Be slightly more intelligent and answer the question.
the truth will never satisfy you. sleep peacefully.

Nationalism makes one blind? Compare your statement and attitude to the Israeli jews. They say the same thing about Palestinians

If the army is so good, why doesn't it let journalists go in that area? (dont tell me safety... they can go to Iraq/Syria/Palestine/Somalia/Afghanistan but not FATA)
To me you sound like typical Hizbul Tehreer supporter.
As narrated to mentioned at the end tells a lot more than the whole propaganda from a select few people fleeing of the last remaining stronghold , most probably TTP sympathizers or its operatives themselves . Ironically I didn't see a lot of such articles when the Taliban fitna was in full swing some time back . Apparently a lot of Mullahs were all happy and elated when the religious psychopaths were maiming , killing and running parallel Govt in different areas but they are all sad and depressed now that the cancer is being taken care of . Why does the brotherly love only awakes when the terrorist are at the receiving end ?

If you learn to read, do read the other side as well.

60k+ Pakistanis dead speaks a lot louder than whatever twisted rationalizations / justifications the other side has for us . In response to your earlier query , yes your army is killing terrorists in FATA who have carried out acts of terror and taken up arms against the state even if you consider them Muslims , the state doesn't work on your religious preferences and principles , it always respond worst when its writ is challenged and when acts of treason are committed against it .
Collateral damage, the Taliban living among civilians will have body count of both - though the PA did give a long period of notice and let most of the civilians leave the targeted areas before mounting an offensive - not to forget - the chance to talk peace which they didn't take seriously. One thing though that they could have done better is manage the IDP's properly. JUD, Taliban, LEJ are recruiting cadres from them in the guise of humanitarian assistance.
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