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Footage of Palestinian boys being shot is genuine, says Israeli rights group


Jun 1, 2012
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Footage of Palestinian boys being shot is genuine, says Israeli rights group | World news | theguardian.com


A wounded Palestinian protester is carried during clashes with Israeli troops near Ofer prison. Photograph: Ammar Awad/Reuters
The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has concluded that footage capturing the moment two Palestinian youths were shot dead by Israeli soldiers despite posing no risk to them is "genuine and consistent", contradicting claims by the Israeli army that the footage is likely to have been forged.

A short section of edited CCTV footage was released earlier this week showing Nadim Nawara, 17, and Mohammad Salameh, 16, being shot and killed. Since then Israeli military sources have been quoted anonymously on several occasions in the local media attempting to undermine the veracity of the tape.

The two youths were killed on Thursday last week during a rally involving stone-throwing outside Ofer prison on the West Bank on "Nakba Day", when Palestinians mark the mass displacement that occurred during the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948.

(Link to video: 'Israeli soldier shot me through my back')

When footage from CCTV cameras installed on a business close to the shootings was first circulated on Monday evening by the group Defence for Children International – Palestine, senior Israeli army sources suggested it had been edited in a "biased" and "tendentious" way.

By Thursday morning army sources were being quoted in Haaretz claiming either that the tape was a forgery or that an unknown Palestinian gunmen had killed the two youths and badly injured another. [Oh, I wonder, why can't Israel settle for one lie at a time? If it can't even tell what happened to the boys, it has no business calling the video fake if it were sincere. -- RFS]

The emergence of the CCTV footage this week, showing the moment of the two boys' deaths, sparked international controversy as it sharply contradicted the initial Israeli police and military accounts of the day, which insisted no live ammunition had been used and the boys had died in the midst of violent clashes that had threatened the lives of soldiers. [Oh, so Israel admitted responsibility before, when it could pretend its savages with guns were "threatened"! -- RFS]

Senior US and UN officials are among those who have called for a full inquiry, while the US secretary of state, John Kerry, has also raised his concern.

Several journalists from international news organisations were at the demonstration outside Ofer prison when the incident occurred, including CNN and a photographer for Agence France-Presse, Abbas Momani, whose still photographs appear to duplicate action from the CCTV images.

The full CCTV camera footage – amounting to hours of tape – was reviewed and logged by researchers for B'Tselem, which has provided copies to Israeli military police and planned to release more of the footage.

Invited by the Guardian to provide evidence the footage was faked, a senior Israeli military spokesman on Thursday would only say it had been edited to "misrepresent the extensive Palestinian violence that day", adding that the army's investigation was ongoing. [Edited? faked? So many options! -- RFS]

Sarit Michaeli of B'Tselem said on Thursday that researchers had now reviewed all the CCTV footage taken from the four cameras installed at the scene of the killings, showing several different angles. They concluded that the edited footage was consistent with the sequence of events as it was captured on the full-length tapes.

Michaeli said: "The footage is continuous, as you can see from the time stamps.

"It starts just before midday and finishes around three. Taken together it shows that there is a light demonstration with some stoning. Soldiers fire rubber bullets and teargas until the fatal shootings. Then you see the youths get shot and fall."

Footage shot by CNN of the killings appears to confirm this picture, showing Nadim Nawara throwing stones at one stage close to the building where he was shot and killed, but still at some distance from where witnesses have placed the closest Israeli soldiers.

Whether violence took place earlier or not, Israeli open fire regulations are unequivocal in stating that it is only permissible to use live rounds – or lethal force – against stone-throwers when there is an immediate risk to life.

Neither of the youths was throwing stones when they were killed, and one was walking away from the Israeli position, with his back to soldiers, when he was shot.

The wounds to the two boys and the other who survived appear consistent with small-calibre, high-velocity live rounds, including the described entry and exit wounds and the way the bullets travelled in the body.

Commenting on efforts to cast doubt on accounts of the affair in +972 online magazine, Dahlia Scheindlin, a public opinion analyst in Tel Aviv, attempted to explain recent comments: "Public figures are well aware that the postmodern mindset makes it hard to pin down facts. Throwing out theories, no matter how wild, raises doubts even if far-fetched. Using words inaccurately, or not admitting to one's actions is another form. Accusing the other side of full-out conspiracy and elaborate fabrications is another."
The question is not whether footage is genuine or not but who was behind the trigger, the accusation is towards IDF when there is no evidence for it.
The question is not whether footage is genuine or not but who was behind the trigger, the accusation is towards IDF when there is no evidence for it.
Actually there are a huge questions about its genuinity. They only confirm that footage was not edited, but they did not conform whether falling on camera was staged or not.

1) Why both fall exactly on same spot, exactly in the center of camera field of view?
2) Why there is no any blood stains seen there?
3) Why for many years no Palestinians were killed on cam and suddenly two in one day on one cam on same spot?

There is nothing easier than stage death on cam: you walk, then fall then people take you away.

The wounds to the two boys and the other who survived appear consistent with small-calibre, high-velocity live rounds, including the described entry and exit wounds and the way the bullets travelled in the body.

1) Not. There is a claim that first guy (Nadim Nawara) was injured in his chest, but photo clearly shows there is no such injury. Again, no blood although M16 bullets leave huge wounds usually:


2) Here photos of the second (Mahmoud Odeh Abu Thahir):



Again u cant see any blood, although two "died" on same spot, again masked (so u cant see his face).

Most probably real Nadim Nawara and Mahmoud Odeh Salameh died in some other place. Then these two guys decided to stage their deaths on cam. They put masks (to not be recognized) and fainted on cam. Voila. They forgot about blood, but nevermind.
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For the JEWS, only their snipers shooting syrian zionist Al Qaeda to provoke war are genuine videos of SAA oppressing freedom lovers

Genuine videos of israelis terrorists shooting palestinians are fake
The 'palestinans' fake deaths all the time. They are masters of propaganda. We have all seen the videos of their 'dead' falling from the stretcher and getting up to climb back on it.

This one reeks of propaganda.
We practically never see videos from Paletine because JEWS control the videos they send
It is interesting to note that the footage is being pushed by an Israeli organisation that is opposed to it's own government.
Actually there are a huge questions about its genuinity. They only confirm that footage was not edited, but they did not conform whether falling on camera was staged or not.

Bt'selem has all four videos unedited and are offering them to anybody. Bring a 32GB flash drive with you.

1) Why both fall exactly on same spot, exactly in the center of camera field of view?

That's a security camera they were unaware of and one of the cameras there. Further, the man was asked for footage a day or two later and agreed to release it.

2) Why there is no any blood stains seen there?


3) Why for many years no Palestinians were killed on cam and suddenly two in one day on one cam on same spot?

You're so desperate it's funny....

There is nothing easier than stage death on cam: you walk, then fall then people take you away.

Yeah, they died in an accident but the Palestinian community found it difficult to report that so faked their deaths....

You know at first the IDF said they were killed in 'clashes' until the footage came out. So why don't you explain that to us.
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Bt'selem has all four videos unedited and are offering them to anybody. Bring a 32GB flash drive with you.

That's a security camera they were unaware of and one of the cameras there. Further, the man was asked for footage a day or two later and agreed to release it.


You're so desperate it's funny....

Yeah, they died in an accident but the Palestinian community found it difficult to report that so faked their deaths....

You know at first the IDF said they were killed in 'clashes' until the footage came out. So why don't you explain that to us.
You could not answer any of my questions. Where is blood? Ive seen videos of protestors shot in Syria, tons of blood.

When they show Israeli soldiers firing u can see they have a device for rubber bullets installed on their rifles.



Also when they show second footage when guy rushed to ambulance not a single drop of blood remained.
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You could not answer any of my questions. Where is blood? Ive seen videos of protestors shot in Syria, tons of blood.

I gave you pictures of blood, you don't need piles of blood when small caliber rounds are being used. Your army has gotten medical examples to conclude their investigation so we'll see what they say.

When they show Israeli soldiers firing u can see they have a device for rubber bullets installed on their rifles.

Okay, then release the IDF footage so we can distinguish the sound of a live bullet versus rubber ammunition.
I gave you pictures of blood, you don't need piles of blood when small caliber rounds are being used. Your army has gotten medical examples to conclude their investigation so we'll see what they say.
I cant see any blood. The "small" M16 bullet actually starts to rotate in body and causes much bigger injuries than big bullets. When they take him out no blood remained on spot:


Okay, then release the IDF footage so we can distinguish the sound of a live bullet versus rubber ammunition.
There is no any IDF footage. CNN footage clearly shows that soldiers who fired used rubber bullets. You can't fire live bullets when this device is installed on the rifle (in IDF its called "Tampon").
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