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Flowers flowing Out of "Human Rights Activist" Asama Jahangir

Oye Irfan Bhai, zulm na karein, I only got a dried plate of pulses (mash ki daaal !) left over from last evening because the cook in our office had decided to go for the Friday prayers 3 hours earlier than the prescribed time ! :cry:

P.S If I ever come to Quetta I expect you to treat me with some Sajji and if you ever come to Lahore, I'd get you the best Nihari and Halwa Purri that man has ever come up with ! :D

Saji is an expensive affair ..(cost over 5k brother had one prepared) just had one recently .. this is the screenshot from the video so forgive me if its not clear.
the goat or lamb is marinated in salt and slow cooked on steam and stuffed with rice, eggs and herbs.
the meat just comes off with knife or even with hand (bit messy) then put some rice as well and eat your fill.


Asma is not a traitor, she is simply a self hating Pakistani.
her entire human rights work is spent on bullying policemen and hating the army.
and see how addresses the people in the video, can you tell if some illiterate politician is speaking or a president of bar association? she suffers from the same feudal mentality where they punish and tell off people for speaking out of the turn.

well these journalists and commentators should know their place (as she puts it) what right do they have to comment about how the righteous Lawyer movement is run and how she conducts her self.
just because they are journalists , it doesnt mean they can just report about her

because they are not self hating Pakistanis
because they dont hate the army as they much do
because they dont wear the black coat
because they are not human rights activist like she is (can you think of any HR work she done recently?)
ISI conspiracy nothing else. She never misbehaved with anyone. It is actually ISI who edited this video and dubbed all this on her. Ask Najam Sethi if you don't agree with me.
ISI conspiracy nothing else. She never misbehaved with anyone. It is actually ISI who edited this video and dubbed all this on her. Ask Najam Sethi if you don't agree with me.

Or maybe Hamid Mir can testify ... he is also a senior journalist, activities and a hero of media that holds a position in investigating establishment's conspiracies.
where is the previous part of thsi conversation. i beleive she lost her temper after these backward mulla writers of ordu newspapers was talking **** about her. she turned out to be brave women not like women these mullas are so used to bully.
where is the previous part of thsi conversation. i beleive she lost her temper after these backward mulla writers of ordu newspapers was talking **** about her. she turned out to be brave women not like women these mullas are so used to bully.

I totally agree with you

these Zionist mullah worshippers cant stand the awesome sight of Asma Jahangir.. how dare they speak out of their turn
those low caste journalists should know their place
Asma Jahangir rubs her shoulders and **** with the rich and famous of India and elites of elites. these worthless mullah worshippers who are on ISI payroll are going to pay for their insolence.

I think Asma Jahangir must be awarded Nobel prize for the speech of Hearts and Minds.

ISI conspiracy nothing else. She never misbehaved with anyone. It is actually ISI who edited this video and dubbed all this on her. Ask Najam Sethi if you don't agree with me.

thank god
truth at last. I am so happy that there is someone who can suss out the evil ISI plot. I am sure Najam Sethi will shed more light on it
he just bought a industry grade electric Lantern that runs on 24 cell battery and lasts for 24 hour.
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