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Floating City Planned To Be Built In China


May 29, 2013
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After considering ways to minimize pollution and improve social & environmental conditions, a Chinese construction firm – CCCC – wants to build a floating city. The company which is also responsible for the building of the presently incomplete 31 mile bridge linked between Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai, commissioned the AT Design Office to make a plan for the city which should cover an area of four square miles using the same techniques that are being used to accomplish building the 31 mile bridge.

The team’s proposal to accomplish building the city involves a series of prefabricated hexagonal parts that overlap vertically to create all the infrastructures needed for the city on water – such as a transport system of yachts and submarines, to a floating hotel and entertainment complex.

The community will produce its own food and sustainably dispose of waste by placing facilities such as farms, hatcheries and rubbish collection facilities. As a means of transporting on the island submarines and electric vehicles will be used to keep the island free from air pollution and congestion caused by auto-mobiles. People will also be able to have access between islands by underwater tunnels with walkways and roads.

The ocean metropolis will feature a harbor centre used for parking submarines, an amusement city which has a hotel and a large commercial and entertainment centre. Public green belts will also be provided at both underwater and above water spaces to serve as public space usable for recreational activities.
Living spaces on the floating city will have ocean scenery with convenient connections to local facilities, services, public transportation and garden.
Architect Slavomir Siska stated, “The project will offer an opportunity to develop a new urban nucleus of world-class residential, commercial and cultural facilities, as well as to promote a zero-carbon, energy-efficient and self-sufficient city.” China Transport Investment Co. is currently reviewing the proposal and is likely to start to test this ambiguous project from a smaller scale next year.
Build it in the middle of the SCS。:enjoy:

Funny you should mentioned that, the technology for such a city would be related to deep sea drilling platforms. I wouldn't be surprised if the recent island expansion and oil drilling operation from China is related to these kinds of technological breakthrough.
How do they plan to support the weight of the infrastructure and construction on the water? Buoyancy I don't think would be ideal to rely on since there would be constant moving and if water or ocean conditions change or typhoon that can really harm the ocean "floating city".
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Much of my own city Hong Kong is actually built on reclaimed land. Especially near the waterfront of the main harbor.

And HK international airport was built on an island that was created out of reclaimed land.
How do they plan to support the weight of the infrastructure and construction on the water?

Like I said, It really isn't all that different from an oil rig. There are a couple of options:

1. For shallow water, the support pillar can be anchored onto the ocean floor. Notice the company that proposed this already have experience in building long distance bridges over the ocean, which require similar ocean anchors.

2. For deep water, floating platform can be used and the platform will be fixed to the location through cable connections to the ocean floor. During the sheer size of the platform, very little vibration and shifting will be experienced. It is just like a giant ship.
It would be interesting to see how they will solve issues like the generation of electricity, supply of water, garbbage disposal, sewage treatment, etc, all self-contained on the floating island. I hope to see some new tech. coming out of this project. :-)
not for another 20 years i guess``or it will ever be built````:D
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