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Five of instinct()

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Apr 28, 2012
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- Removing the pubic hair:
It means removing the hair from around the masculine User (Ooualemant) In other words, shaving pubic hair, a delegate to the male and female and if so, for the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. Has been scientifically proven that this region accumulated sweat and secretions of the skin significantly and are prone to dirt contamination because of its proximity to the place of front and back passages. The neglect of shave pubic hair will help lead to hair abundance in this region and thus find germs and fungi fertile ground to grow it.
This leads to infection of many chronic skin diseases. Thus, the process of removing hair from this area are cleared continuously, and become easier to remove when washing Altarqat and microbes.

- Plucking the armpit:
For the reasons the former, we find that the area under the armpits where hair grows and increases sweating and secretions of the fat, the fungi and bacteria find a suitable place to live. Thus removing the hair from the underarms means to remove these bacteria remains pure, clean body.

- Nail trimming:
Scientific research has shown that failure to cut the nail and prolong the cause of the accumulation of germs and dirt under it, and therefore cause infections and odors. The bacteria accumulated under the nails grow and multiply rapidly because of the conditions for it, then move to inside the human body during the food. Thus, the Prophet forbade mercy peace be upon him for prolonging the nails because of the resulting pollution and poisoning, and if prolonged may lead to a lot of inflammation in the ends of the fingers and cracks due to bleeding and trauma injuries.
- Cut the mustache:

The area above the nose, mouth and under the mustache is also a fertile ground to collect bacteria and transmitted easily to the inside of the mouth during eating and drinking. So it must Sa mustache to avoid this infection.
Thus it is clear good effect to worship the believer and that is what we find ratifications him to tell the truth the Almighty: ((97) Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do) [Nahl: 97].

- Circumcision:
Is removed or cut off excess skin that covers the User masculine men. If you do not remove this skin which will accumulate dirt and germs and bacteria grow and multiply until the cause of many diseases Calcelan and syphilis. With the continued accumulation and the growth of bacteria may become infected men with penile cancer, or the futility of the whole man is not circumcised will accumulate under the foreskin remains of urine and the magnitude of the bacteria and fungi may move this to the bladder and kidneys and cause many infections and excruciating pain. The matter becomes complicated if the bacteria moved to the wife during sex, causing a variety of infections may end infertility, or cancer of the uterus. As a result, there are many risks due to lack of circumcision: So the Prophet ordered us to peace be upon him Nkhttn promised that this matter of human nature by order of God.
I came to you today one of the miracles of the words is better than walking with his foot on the ground, Muhammad peace be upon him
It's a great interview if humans continue to layer them a lot of chronic diseases that we see today, such as skin diseases, infectious diseases, to read and ponder ....

The Prophet peace be upon him: (five of the instinct of circumcision, shaving the pubes, plucking the armpit hairs, cutting the nails, trimming the mustache) [Bukhari]. This should be a great talk on every believer to take it and apply it in his life. The scientifically proven benefits that accrue to the believer's application of the teachings of the Holy Prophet. Now, to enumerate some of the medical benefits of all that came in the Hadith.

Glory to my Lord has great praise for the blessing of Islam, that Islam is the religion of all prophets and messengers, which urges us always on the purity and cleanliness
The problem is not in the you know many things


Problem is to apply what I learned from the things

That is the surprise and the monopoly of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

A commitment to the application of Islamic law

Unlike other religions

I see long nails - and the hair under the armpit - and the genitals Harafy

Are revolting
That makes me feel that Islam is a religion of cleanliness
Islam also encourages that one wash his hands prior and subsequent to meals. The Messenger of Islam, Muhammad said:

"Food is blessed when one washes his hands before and after it." (Tirmidhi)

It encourages that one keep his mouth and teeth clean. The Messenger of Islam said:

"Had I not found it difficult for my followers, I would have ordered them to cleanse their teeth before every prayer." (Bukhari)

It encourages that one cleanse and purify those places that may become a breeding ground for germs and *****. The Messenger of Islam, The Messenger of Islam, Muhammad said:

"There are five acts which are from the innate nature with which Allah created humans: circumcision, removing the pubic hair, plucking the hair of the armpits, shortening the moustache, and clipping the nails." (Bukhari)
Facial hair must be removed for women to be clean and beautiful

Facial hair for men

Is often a light on the cheeks

If you use a razor to remove no problem with that

Should not remove the beard because this Suuna of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

danger-zone,,,,JonAsad,,,,THANK YOU

In the scientific study carried out by the University of University of Southern Queensland show that the beard extend the life of skin cells and maintain the freshness and vitality of the face and delay the symptoms of aging and protect against skin cancer caused by prolonged exposure to the sun!

If we look at everything that came by Islam
Must find the good health and happiness and for man and society. Here is modern science and through his experiences
And by non-Muslim scholars, reveals the benefits of the beard,
The Prophet, peace be upon him by fourteen centuries wanted us these benefits,
worthy of the Holy Prophet respect and appreciation?

Dosimetric investigation of the solar erythemal UV radiation protection provided by beards and moustaches

This is not a Islamic forum dear
Millions of people shave/wax pubic hair, under arm hair and many others. You do not need religious obligation/motivation to do it.
Health and hygiene

The vast majority of people (Muslims)
Non-Muslims in the West
A very few

Commitment to the teachings of the Hadith
Indicates the direction in terms of sound natural instinct

This is a proof of Islam to maintain cleanliness of internal and external to humans

As for the woman

Must remove all of her hair from her body through the easy way does not cause her pain, such as cream or waxing machine

For men

Five things existing in the Hadith

Does not have to remove all body hair

Because the hands and feet felt the appearance of manhood
Atheist dialogue with Ahmed Deedat .... how i can know if there are a faith - YouTube

Circumcision as prescribed by Islam involves cutting the foreskin covering the glans of the ***** only. Those who flay the skin surrounding the ***** or flay the entire *****, as is done in some savage countries, and claim in their ignorance that this is the circumcision prescribed in Islam, this is nothing but something prescribed by the Shaytaan and made attractive to the ignorant, and it is a torment to the one who is circumcised. It goes against the Sunnah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Islamic sharee'ah which is based on ease and which enjoins preservation of life.

It is haraam for a number of reasons, including the following:

1 - The Sunnah mentions cutting off the foreskin covering the glans of the ***** only.

2 - This is torture and mutilation, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade mutilation and torture of dumb beasts, committing outrages upon them or cutting off their limbs. It is more appropriate that tormenting the sons of Adam should be more forbidden, and a more serious sin.

3 - This is contrary to the humanity and kindness encouraged by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said, "Allaah has decreed humanity in all things."

4 - This may lead to disease or death of the one who is circumcised, and that is not permissible because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

"And do not throw yourselves into destruction"

[Al-Baqarah 2:195]

"And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another)"

[Al-Nisa '4:29]
A New Study

The new study says that Male circumcision decrease the opportunity of the infection by the disease of immunodeficiency (AIDS). Officially United Nations agrees to facilitate Male circumcision in African countries. As UNAIDS declared that Male circumcision is an important step in fighting with AIDS. YOB LANG as an AIDS expert in the medical center of Amsterdam agrees on that opinion.

He says: (there is a lack of prevention from AIDS, every year there are new 4 million infections , we know that condom has an efficiency , but it is not used and is not available and we have to apply all available techniques to reduce the infection by AIDS . Male circumcision reduces the danger of transferring the disease from women to men by 50 to 60 % this is a high percentage.)

In Africa there are 25 million person infected by AIDS from total of 40 million in the entire world. Infection spreads in Africa through sexual relations between man and woman, World health organization and the UNAIDS are expecting reduction of the infection by AIDS because of Male circumcision during the next 20 years by 6 million infection.

There is no evidence that women are less exposed to the disease when they practice a sexual relation with a circumcised man, but there are continuous studies concerning that issue. There is a summarized study which illustrate that AIDS transition ratio from men to women will be deceased. But effect of that could be limited in comparison with the disease transition from women to men. We need to use women techniques which are unknown by men.

But it would be so dangerous if circumcised men decided not to use condom especially in African countries where Rape is common. Edification is so important. If circumcised men will not use condom, reversed results may occur as Circumcision don't offer full protection. And infection by AIDS may increase. United Nations confirms on the linking between the success of Circumcision and dissemination of sexual knowledge to fight AIDS.

In general circumcised men represent 30 % of men in the world. And that is due to religious reasons for Jews, Muslims and in some cases for protective reasons. According to UN, countries should facilitate Circumcision, as cost of the Circumcise operation is from 50 to 100 $ for each male. UN suggests making it free of charge.

Male circumcision is also useful for women

A new three studies confirmed that circumcision may protect men from AIDS and also protect women from a transferred virus through sexual relations which may cause cervical cancer. Published results in journal of Infectious Diseases in 16/12/2008 may increase the debate about the importance of men and new born male circumcision to protect their health and health of their wife in the future.

Dr Bertrand Auvert from Versailles University and his colleagues in South Africa had examined 1200 man who visits a clinic in south Africa and they found that less than 15% of the circumcised men and 22% of the non circumcised men had infected by virus ( HPV) which cause cervical cancer and Genital diseases . Researchers had reported '' these results explains why women who are in sexual relations with circumcised men have a low possibility to be infected by cervical cancer in comparison with other women."

A result of another research on some American men was less clear, but Carey Nelson from University of Oregon for science and health and his colleague said that they had found some new indications that circumcision may protect men. Circumcised men were 50% less possible to be exposed to virus (HPV) than non circumcised men.

In the third study, lee Warner from the American centers for struggling and prevention of diseases and his colleagues had examined afro American people in Baltimore and they found that only 10 % of circumcised men are exposed to be infected by that virus in comparison with 22 % of non circumcised men . Statistics says that 33 million person all over the world are infected by AIDS which is a disease with no treatment. There are 20 million American who are infected by virus (HPV). This virus is the most common virus to be spread through sexual relations and cause cervical cancer which kills every year more than 300000 women.
From here, we clearly see the mercy of Allah and His Messenger for People

The issue here
That there are some women and girls

They have a large clitoris and slightly high

In that case requires circumcision
By a very small

This is to avoid falling into adultery in early age

This makes her think of committing adultery with the other

And circumcision in those cases
Protection and prevention

These very few cases when girls

You're talking about something completely different
You are talking about the peoples and tribes apply circumcision on girls
Simply the application of the customs
Without regard to the need for it or not

Circumcision is not a basis for girls

But very few cases that require

This is a result of medical examination

Not affected by the girl physically and psychologically

Circumcision is Mandatory for men but for female but not obligatory.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have passed by a woman performing circumcision on a young girl. He instructed the woman by saying: "Cut off only the foreskin (outer fold of skin over the femalecore; the prepuce) but do not cut off deeply (i.e. the femalecore itself), for this is brighter for the face (of the girl) and more favourable with the husband."
Al-Bukhaari (6298) and Muslim (2370) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) circumcised himself when he was eighty years old, and he circumcised himself with an adze. "

An adze (qadoom) is a carpenter's tool; it was also said that al-Qadoom is a place is Syria.

Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said:

It is most likely that what is referred to in the hadeeth is the tool. Abu Ya'laa narrated that 'Ali ibn Rabaah said: "Ibraaheem was commanded to circumcise himself, so he circumcised himself with an adze and it was very painful for him. Then Allaah revealed to him saying," You rushed to do it before We told you what tool to use. "He said," O Lord, I did not want to delay obeying Your command. "

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

Circumcision was one of the things with which Allaah tested Ibraaheem, His Close Friend. He did them perfectly so Allaah made him a leader of mankind. It was narrated that he was the first one who was circumcised, as mentioned above. What it says in al-Saheeh is that Ibraaheem circumcised himself when he was eighty years old. After him, circumcision continued among the Messengers and their followers, even the Messiah. He was circumcised and the Christians affirm that, and do not deny that, as they also affirm that

Muhammad (PBUH) in Judaism, Christian and Hinduism Scriptures - Dr. Zakir Naik - YouTube

Al-Bukhaari (6298) and Muslim (2370) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) circumcised himself when he was eighty years old, and he circumcised himself with an adze. "

An adze (qadoom) is a carpenter's tool; it was also said that al-Qadoom is a place is Syria.

Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said:

It is most likely that what is referred to in the hadeeth is the tool. Abu Ya'laa narrated that 'Ali ibn Rabaah said: "Ibraaheem was commanded to circumcise himself, so he circumcised himself with an adze and it was very painful for him. Then Allaah revealed to him saying," You rushed to do it before We told you what tool to use. "He said," O Lord, I did not want to delay obeying Your command. "

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

Circumcision was one of the things with which Allaah tested Ibraaheem, His Close Friend. He did them perfectly so Allaah made him a leader of mankind. It was narrated that he was the first one who was circumcised, as mentioned above. What it says in al-Saheeh is that Ibraaheem circumcised himself when he was eighty years old. After him, circumcision continued among the Messengers and their followers, even the Messiah. He was circumcised and the Christians affirm that, and do not deny that, as they also affirm that

- allah created Adam circumcised and born of the prophets circumcised seventeen
- Create circumcised prophets seventeen: Adam and Seth and Idris, Noah, Sam and Lot, Joseph, Moses and Shoaib and Solomon and Hood and Saleh and Zechariah and Yahya and Isa and hanzala bin Safwan, and خاتمهم Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
- Story of Ibrahim circumcision and Jesus, and Mohammed (peace be upon them) are listed

- That Abraham first circumcised by his hands

-And Abdul Muttalib circumcised him (Prophet Muhammad )on the seventh day

even the Messiah. He was circumcised and the Christians affirm that, and do not deny that, as they also affirm that
Christ, peace be upon him had been circumcised in childhood
Listen carefully to the lecture(in luke 2;21)

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