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Fitting the Trans-Pacific Partnership within Japanese National Interest

All I'm saying, is that if Vietnam does actually gets wealthy a preemptive nuclear strike on Hanoi and Saigon followed by 12 months of carpet bombing and shelling, then annexing what's left will be a smart economic move for China.

That's the final answer to "NiceGuy" :)

There is a saying i want to impart to you.

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spouts folly.…"

Be the wise, my friend.
All I'm saying, is that if Vietnam does actually gets wealthy a preemptive nuclear strike on Hanoi and Saigon followed by 12 months of carpet bombing and shelling, then annexing what's left will be a smart economic move for China.

That's the final answer to "NiceGuy" :)
Butthurt again ?? no use , dude. When all disagreements r settled, none TPP member in Pacific region like China will face wt economy collapse coz no one buy your cheap-toxic-copied products any more. :)
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