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First women-only buses start plying


Sep 12, 2008
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First women-only buses start plying

LAHORE – Though only three in number and, according to the Punjab government, part of a pilot project, the Lahore Transport Company on Thursday introduced “women-only” public transport at three major routes of the City. The Pink Bus Service was started on Routes # B22 (from Thokar Niaz Beg to Jalo), B33 (from Green Town to Railway Station), and at B1 (from RA Bazaar to Sanda). Giving a comfortable look and run by the transport companies, namely “First Bus Service”, “Max Met”, and “Askar Metro,” the buses would, run on CNG fuel, have female ticket collectors.

The PML-N-led provincial government, which in fact has launched its election campaign, claims that more women-only buses would be introduced. PML-N MNA Hamza Shahbaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister’s Advisor Begum Zakiya Shahnawaz, along with other party members, inaugurated the project at Club Chowk, The Mall. There is a severe shortage of public transport in all the major cities of Punjab including Lahore. About 2,000 buses are required to meet the demand of hundreds of thousands daily commuters in the City, but not more than 250 buses are currently plying at all routes of Lahore. The LTC has also recently injected about 40 Chinese buses at the City’s routes, thanks to the fast approaching general election. At the already plying few buses, the passengers are separated by gender, female in front and male behind. Female passengers having small areas at front portion of a bus are usually not feeling too uncomfortable with the ride. In all the buses, male staffs collect ticket from packed women passengers which creates further nuisance for them. Though, the female staffs are already working at inter-city transport, a newly operated transport company has recently introduced female bus conductors at a intra-city route, but these mini buses are not women specific and plying only at route no 1, the buses are small in numbers.

A female student of Punjab University appreciated the idea of separate bus service for the females. She said that she travelled from Thokar Niaz Beg to PU Campus on daily basis and felt difficulty on travelling buses at the route B22 because only small numbers of buses were plying at the route.

She said that hundreds of female students have to stand at bus stops for hours in waiting of transport. “It might help now, I am delighted,” said the student when she was informed about the female bus service. People from different walks of life appreciated the step of the Punjab government for introducing the service. However, they demanded more buses and urged the government to work on war footing in introducing public transport in all the cities.

Hamza Shahbaz Sharif while inaugurating the buses said that provision of modern and affordable transport facilities to the people was the priority of the government. He said that development of transport sector would provide relief to the people and reduce their problems. In case of the success of the pilot project, Hamza said the service would be started on more routes. He announced that 550 more buses would be introduced on city roads in March which would resolve the transport problem.

First women-only buses start plying | The Nation gives news details

This is great news for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. They should have started this years ago.
Even though busses have female compartment in it them but its very nice to see that special buses are provided to females. :tup:
Pink bus service..sounds more like..a project of homosexual advocates!
Good one. I am not for segregation but till women feel safe in cities, they need to be provided separate transport.
One of the main reasons I use the bus sometimes is to check out all the hot girls that are on the bus.
This is actually a bad deal, waste of money, pml-n another corruption project. Not to forget these and other buses are CNG. CNG shortage and also CNG service is getting poor and dangerous.

Let me tell you people Hino Pak Pakistan can manufacture-develop Buses, the question is why did pml-n ordered these and many more from another country, why not circulate money with-in Pakistan, why not enter a contract-deal Hino Pak can establish another manufacturing plant and develop more buses per year.

We do havewomen special busses in chennai for quite some time and it has been a big hit although a lot of guys don't like them. Anyways all the best. :)
This is actually a bad deal, waste of money, pml-n another corruption project. Not to forget these and other buses are CNG. CNG shortage and also CNG service is getting poor and dangerous.

Let me tell you people Hino Pak Pakistan can manufacture-develop Buses, the question is why did pml-n ordered these and many more from another country, why not circulate money with-in Pakistan, why not enter a contract-deal Hino Pak can establish another manufacturing plant and develop more buses per year.


I am no fan of PML-N but I think women deserve their separate buses in Pakistan. I have seen how crowded the buses get in Pakistan, people are on top of each other. I would not want any of the female members of my family travelling on those buses. Females deserve their own buses because now days a lot of women in Pakistan rely on public transportation.
That is the problem, we do not want the system to be implemented and enforced we want ways to escape. Once danda sahib is there all men will get the treatment and they would act civilized instead of educating and making our population civilized we are heading the other direction.

PS. :D No CNG No Bus services.
PML-N vision BUS TAXI MOTORWAY.... as another poster said why not buy from HINO local made ??? And we have also no CNG.... Why why was Hamza Sharif allowed to open bus service ? Not Governar Kosa ??? PML-N is using public money for there election campain thats why they dont want to resgin !!!!
okay-- there are only 3 buses, mindlessly painted pink.... and its fares are more than usual rate.... hence going to fail...
In kerala ( India. Not pakistan ) there are no segregated buses. But interestingly, female ticket collectors have become a rather common sight....compared to say, 6 years ago.

Most southern states...as far as i know.
This means they're accepting Pakistani men are like..............
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