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first woman CIA director under Trump era

If Mike Pompeo is replacing Tillerson, there is a strong chance of Pakistan America ties going south again. He has used some very provocative statements against Pakistan in capacity of the CIA head.

CIA is going to run forigen policy of US. Pakistan needs to be prepared and roll up the sleeves.
There are no positive supporters that could be in that place and frankly, it doesn't matter with the size of ego trump has. He runs it all like a dictator or as a businessman would. An idea comes to his head and he shoots it off.
There are no positive supporters that could be in that place and frankly, it doesn't matter with the size of ego trump has. He runs it all like a dictator or as a businessman would. An idea comes to his head and he shoots it off.

I will disagree, there is definitely a method to this madness. Having a religious fundo like Mike Pence as vice president who got Trump moving on Jerusalem, replacing Tillerson who was soft on Iran with Pompoe who nearly declared war against Pakistan in capacity of CIA chief, and now to this Jewsih woman as CIA chief who without any shadow of doubt will have allegence to Israel.

These are not random thoughts or plans.

Anyway, congratulation of having CIA as your new foreign policy department, openly and officially. Some in Pakistan blame ISI for covertly and discreetly running our policy, poor guys at ISI HQ must be feeling very jealous right now.
If Mike Pompeo is replacing Tillerson, there is a strong chance of Pakistan America ties going south again. He has used some very provocative statements against Pakistan in capacity of the CIA head.

CIA is going to run forigen policy of US. Pakistan needs to be prepared and roll up the sleeves.

It was tactic to make foreign affairs messy and showing Mr Tillerson a failure at his job . with recent events let's call it smart move by Mr Pompeo . I don't think he will continue the same path as new secretary of state of U.S .:rolleyes:
I will disagree, there is definitely a method to this madness. Having a religious fundo like Mike Pence as vice president who got Trump moving on Jerusalem, replacing Tillerson who was soft on Iran with Pompoe who nearly declared war against Pakistan in capacity of CIA chief, and now to this Jewsih woman as CIA chief who without any shadow of doubt will have allegence to Israel.

These are not random thoughts or plans.

Anyway, congratulation of having CIA as your new foreign policy department, openly and officially. Some in Pakistan blame ISI for covertly and discreetly running our policy, poor guys at ISI HQ must be feeling very jealous right now.

Jewish woman? Why do you guys act so racist and call out a person's religion always? Honestly, last people who need to do this is you guys who keep shrilling islamophobia. Most of your ISI chief's were all fundamentalist extremist- but we don't point to their Muslim religion. And finally, the doldrums you find yourself as a country is all of your own doing. 34 out 35 countries feel the same. Get this through your head- it is your doing. Just like the foolishness Trump does is all our doing. We voted him and we have to own up to the consequences.
It was tactic to make foreign affairs messy and showing Mr Tillerson a failure at his job . with recent events let's call it smart move by Mr Pompeo . I don't think he will continue the same path as new secretary of state of U.S .:rolleyes:

Apparently Tillerson was perceived to be going soft on Iran. You should also watch your back.

Pence a evangelical fundo, Pompeo a war monger, Haspel a Zionist with some track record, what a lovely bunch is surrounding Trump!

Jewish woman? Why do you guys act so racist and call out a person's religion always? Honestly, last people who need to do this is you guys who keep shrilling islamophobia. Most of your ISI chief's were all fundamentalist extremist- but we don't point to their Muslim religion. And finally, the doldrums you find yourself as a country is all of your own doing. 34 out 35 countries feel the same. Get this through your head- it is your doing. Just like the foolishness Trump does is all our doing. We voted him and we have to own up to the consequences.

Isnt she Jewish??? Correct me if I am wrong.

We rasicts? LOL, don't blow your gaskit mate, we are just pointing to ground realities. Congratulations, Zionist got you by your balls, they are now incharge of your deep state. Our ISI chiefs were all homegrown , son of soils, you could speak to them and deal with issues one to one. Shall we now have to talk to Tel aviv in matters relating to you?
Isnt she Jewish??? Correct me if I am wrong.

We rasicts? LOL, don't blow your gaskit mate, we are just pointing to ground realities. Congratulations, Zionist got you by your balls, they are now incharge of your deep state. Our ISI chiefs were all homegrown , son of soils, you could speak to them and deal with issues one to one. Shall we now have to talk to Tel aviv in matters relating to you?

She is a woman defined by her decades of experience within the CIA and not her religion. I swear if we laid all the ills of Islamist on you people, you would shrill the world is an islamophobe! - always seeing a conspiracy than owning it.

And yet no1 killer of Muslims are Muslims themselves, be it in Pakistan or ME. No war monger, Zionist, and boogeyman Trump surrounds himself shall come close to it and absolves you from that truth. Honestly, this victim meme you guys have gets boring.

For the love of god, there is an article posted here that tells us a state in your union has banned dancing! Can you imagine in towards age, a modern Islamic country envisioned by Modern man Jinnah- is banning dancing in schools? No Zionist made you do this. This is Taliban like laws. Priorities!!!
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Well Pakistan isnt listening to calls for compliance and more transparency with international law and it is evident by failure of state at every department. Nothing moves in Karachi without a bribe, even a retired person has to suffer 6-8 months and pay bribes to get his pension done.
with internal issues like that who cares about trump ?
She is a woman defined by her decades of experience within the CIA and not her religion. I swear if we laid all the ills of Islamist on you people, you would shrill the world is an islamophobe! - always seeing a conspiracy than owning it.

And yet no1 killer of Muslims are Muslims themselves, be it in Pakistan or ME. No war monger, Zionist, and boogeyman Trump surrounds himself shall come close to it and absolves you from that truth. Honestly, this victim meme you guys have gets boring.

For the love of god, there is an article posted here that tells us a state in your union has banned dancing! Can you imagine in towards age, a modern Islamic country envisioned by Modern man Jinnah- is banning dancing in schools? No Zionist made you do this. This is Taliban like laws. Priorities!!!

What a pile of horse shite I just read!!

This woman, who happen to be a Jew, her past credentials were questioned by your own congressmen. Tillerson, who was perceived to be soft on Iran is replace by Pompeo, a war monger. Mike Penece , a evangelical nutcase, seems in a hurry for his rapture. Let that all sink in and yet people like you still call it all conspiracy theory. And yes ofcourse, those ISIS lot, somehow managed to reach Afghansitan on their flying carpets bypassing huge Iranian territory between Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, everything is conspiracy theory, but the sad reality is, it is not. I wish it was.

You didn't answer me, shall we talk to Tel aviv directly to the matters concerning you, now when it seems that Zionist hold of your country is complete?

You can create another topic about what Jinnah wanted, I will be a happy to reply to you, and also what goes in our schools and yours.
If Mike Pompeo is replacing Tillerson, there is a strong chance of Pakistan America ties going south again. He has used some very provocative statements against Pakistan in capacity of the CIA head.

CIA is going to run forigen policy of US. Pakistan needs to be prepared and roll up the sleeves.
If USA can have CIA cheif as Sectary of state then why not DG ISI be foreign minister of pakistan?:lol:
What a pile of horse shite I just read!!

This woman, who happen to be a Jew, her past credentials were questioned by your own congressmen. Tillerson, who was perceived to be soft on Iran is replace by Pompeo, a war monger. Mike Penece , a evangelical nutcase, seems in a hurry for his rapture. Let that all sink in and yet people like you still call it all conspiracy theory. And yes ofcourse, those ISIS lot, somehow managed to reach Afghansitan on their flying carpets bypassing huge Iranian territory between Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, everything is conspiracy theory, but the sad reality is, it is not. I wish it was.

You didn't answer me, shall we talk to Tel aviv directly to the matters concerning you, now when it seems that Zionist hold of your country is complete?

You can create another topic about what Jinnah wanted, I will be a happy to reply to you, and also what goes in our schools and yours.

You are the gatekeeper of Islam and the Muslim world- we get it...keep trippin around the edges and ignore that big freaking hole in the middle of your ship. It's Pence, its jews, its Americans, it's like watching a 3 stooges routine.

Go to tel aviv; go anywhere- your plight will still be on a downward trajectory while you try to act too cute by half. Good day, my man
If USA can have CIA cheif as Sectary of state then why not DG ISI be foreign minister of pakistan?:lol:

Blasphemy!!! TOBAH TOBAH.. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!

You are the gatekeeper of Islam and the Muslim world- we get it...keep trippin around the edges and ignore that big freaking hole in the middle of your ship. It's Pence, its jews, its Americans, it's like watching a 3 stooges routine.

Go to tel aviv; go anywhere- your plight will still be on a downward trajectory while you try to act too cute by half. Good day, my man

No, we like to call ourselves the fortress of Islam. We will let the Saudis and Persians act as champions of Islam.

I cant say for the rest of Muslim world, but we in Pakistan have very successfully managed to put our nutcases in meat grinder. When are you going to do the same in your country? O hang on, they are sitting in the white house as we speak!! O dear!
Blasphemy!!! TOBAH TOBAH.. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!

No, we like to call ourselves the fortress of Islam. We will let the Saudis and Persians act as champions of Islam.

I cant say for the rest of Muslim world, but we in Pakistan have very successfully managed to put our nutcases in meat grinder. When are you going to do the same in your country? O hang on, they are sitting in the white house as we speak!! O dear!

Did you just not see 34 out 35 countries called you out! what freaking parallel universe are you living in to say you have it all take care of. Am I in the twilight zone here- somebody please pinch me this is excruciating
Did you just not see 34 out 35 countries called you out! what freaking parallel universe are you living in to say you have it all take care of. Am I in the twilight zone here- somebody please pinch me this is excruciating

How cute!! I just felt the immense weight of guilt.

Its geopolitics son, get over it. Talk about realities on ground. No wonder the axis of evil, America, India and Israel is currently ruled over by the religious nutcases.
trump is idiot and anything can be expected
Too much power in hands of one man . now Mr Pompeo controlling both CIA movements and foreign affairs .:rolleyes:
err no. you can only have one portfolio as a cabinet sect.
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