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First Sino-American War will Inflict Catastrophic Losses on China, says Rand Report

Unlike many others, I don't fear a war with the US as I know we can outproduce them. We control the steel, iron ore, and have the necessary manpower and technology to boost our war effort unlike the German or the Japan who lack those ingredient to fight with the US on equal footing. As for nuke, I'm sure once we sink your AC, you will use nuke so it is important that we build more nuke to ensure the US will be wiped out along with their ally in the Pacific so no GI prisoners can escaped. Yes, we will suffer nuke and many of our population will died. As long as we have 10% left survive through our thousand miles tunnel, we can ensure continuity of our civilization as we have proven to be very persistent in regaining our glory. As for the US, most of their citizen never live a life without food so it will be interesting to see how they live without foods and live like a third world dwellers in the nuclear fallout era.
With the Trident submarines, its enough to wipe out the whole Chinese population and destruction of its culture and civilization. China cannot intercept the Trident missiles and its MIRVs. It be unthinkable for China. Too dangerous to start a war with the U.S.

Oh, so you nuke U.S. you decide to nuke India and Vietnam, taking them down with you? Probably nuke Indonesia, Japan, Australia and other countries to make sure they cannot defeat you.
US can't intercept China DF-5B 10 MIRV and most important, it's proven HSV cannot be intercepted. We are having a mutal destruction of each other. It is is naive our American forumer thinking US will be safe from a conflict with China. US don't even dare to spare men to fight ISIS and Ukraine war and we have US smart Alec bragging about having thousands of US sailor killed fighting for a SCS which has no r/s with them. What a joke :rofl:

When US send 50000 men to fight ISIS on ground then I will start to take yr words seriously. :enjoy:
We can do that. We got hurt and China got destroyed. Good deal.

We do not need to go as far as what RAND said. All we have to do is sink the PLAN and China will be as good as defeated. But if we cannot sink the PLAN, then we could still scared the shit out of it that the PLAN would be confined to ports.
do you mean in a nuke war?
A great strategy to the US. They use their supposedly ally as their meat shield. So maybe the US land won't suffer from the war. Because they have surrounded China with their shield. I can name some; Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippine and maybe Vietnam (if they are stupid enough to join the fray). And guess what, China may lose the battle, US will win, but these countries will suffer the most because of the war. Because with harboring US military elements in their land, means that their land is justified to be targeted by China. PRC will attack the US bases there, bomb them to a flat land; And thus, US will send their armies there to counter China; At the end their countries will become the battlefield. Win or lose, these countries will suffer not only economically, but also physically.

This is the ultimate US strategy to solve their economy problem. First, with the war, they can destroy China (not with their soldiers, but with their minion sacrificial lambs). Not only that, they can also destroy Japan, South Korea, Taiwan economically, and prevent Vietnam from become a smaller China (industry giant country). Because when this war finish, everyone will suffer and can only depend on them (US), just like the European depend on US after the WW 2 over.

So wise Vietnamese and Philippine forumers shouldn't become cheer leader here; as the best course for your country is the peace in the region, not the war. We should pray for peace, not encourage the war.
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Yes of course. Point is Chinese lack long legs deep into American continent. While US keep bombing ports airports dams cities with less resistance from Chinese air defence. US and Russia are super power for the reason they would inflict damage on any of their enemies no mater where they are from. China and India lacks.

Think about it war between China and US...

What Vietnam Australia Japan Nato will be be doing? May be Nato will be passive to keep out Russian ls out of the conflict. But Japan Australia Vietnam India Phillipines will directly involved. Each of them can inflict serious damage in one on one battle against China.

China is making grave error

As an Indian I. Can't wait for the China when China throw itself into any conflicts against India Japanese or US. Or Vietnam. The day the reality and bragging will be separated
Someone is censoring my ( Nothing--but--the--Truth ) posts.
With All Due Respects to Mods and Web Master.
Just curious -- does the censoring Mod come from the so called ( faked democratic )
and ( faked freedom of speech ) usa ?
Are you under direct order of usa Homeland Security ?



Unlike many others, I don't fear a war with the US as I know we can outproduce them. We control the steel, iron ore, and have the necessary manpower and technology to boost our war effort unlike the German or the Japan who lack those ingredient to fight with the US on equal footing.

As for nuke, I'm sure once we sink your AC, you will use nuke so it is important that we build more nuke to ensure the US will be wiped out along with their ally in the Pacific so no GI prisoners can escaped.

... .... As long as we have 10% left survive through our thousand miles tunnel, we can ensure continuity of our civilization as we have proven to be very persistent in regaining our glory.

As for the US, most of their citizen never live a life without food so it will be interesting to see how they live without foods and live like a third world dwellers in the nuclear fallout era.

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To all true Patriotic Zhong Guo Ren, PRC Civilization can most Definitely Survive the
Nuclear Exchanges with USA after PLA sink the usn carriers.

PRC Civilization can most Definitely Survive for 2000 more years at minimum.
Here is the Scientific Reasons why ... ...
Answers =

1) We are getting more and more Patriotic and United PRC.

2) PRC have the Tunnels Labyrinth system, such as 816地下核工程 below.
It was built around 1960 -- 56 years ago.

To those americans who do not know Global Geography at all ... ...
FYI, this is only a very, very tiny portion of the Unused Tunnels Labyrinth revealed to the public.
~ The revealed to the public Unused Tunnels Labyrinth 816地下核工程 is currently the Largest and the Longest Tunnels Labyrinth system in the world, and easily Largest and Longest by a Scale of 20+.


There are many more Thousand Tunnels Labyrinth systems that are even Bigger Scale and Complexities than ( 816地下核工程 ). ~ In times of war, PRC will protect all their Best and Brightest Scientists and Engineers and Best and Brightest Master Craft Experts ( 工匠 ~ 钳工 ), and Best and Brightest Medical Experts, and Best and Brightest PLA Soldiers inside these Thousand Tunnels Labyrinth systems, hence they can survive and flourish again to rebuild CHINA using China Speed, and after we regain enough Strength, then United PRC will attack and Disintegrate and Exterminate Left-over--USA and all its Left--over Cockroaches and Maggots who defend usa during the 1st Nuclear Exchanges.

816地下--核工程--Tunnels Labyrinth system--1b.jpg

816地下--核工程--Tunnels Labyrinth system--1c.jpg

816地下--核工程--Tunnels Labyrinth system--1a.jpg

816地下--核工程--Tunnels Labyrinth system--1e.jpg

This post above is not directed to some Half Breed Maggots Traitor such as Hungry Barbarian from Down Under.
And, you Half Breed Maggots soldiers will perish after PLA flattened Australia.
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Yes of course. Point is Chinese lack long legs deep into American continent. While US keep bombing ports airports dams cities with less resistance from Chinese air defence. US and Russia are super power for the reason they would inflict damage on any of their enemies no mater where they are from. China and India lacks.

Think about it war between China and US...

What Vietnam Australia Japan Nato will be be doing? May be Nato will be passive to keep out Russian ls out of the conflict. But Japan Australia Vietnam India Phillipines will directly involved. Each of them can inflict serious damage in one on one battle against China.

China is making grave error

As an Indian I. Can't wait for the China when China throw itself into any conflicts against India Japanese or US. Or Vietnam. The day the reality and bragging will be separated

China can surely afford to deal with India, just make sure you have someone's for cry again :rofl: : we can make India navy-less with DF-21D, we can make India capital-less with our cheap long range rocket, we can make India worthless without water...how many more "less" you want from China :lol:
Nobody know what will happen in the next ten yrs, China military strength only grow bigger as time go by since China increase military expenditure for spending on military weapons, for better train and better paid soldier to promote higher soldier morality and the improvement of soldier professionalism, China increase spending on weapon R&D to close the gap with the US military capacity 10 yrs into the future. China main focus on the capacity of China military to defend China near sea and space, China build up the military for the offensive strike on the US military base in Asia. Who know when China being attack by many nation, will China not escalate the war into a totally MAD nuclear war. US only have the upperhand against China becuase US surrounded China with major base in the Asia and pacific. That only the advantages US still have against China 10 yrs from now.
That is not an upper hand, because all those countries near China who are hosting US milatary bases will need to approveThe US war, meaning they need to be ready to sacrifice their own populations and infrastructures.. would any sane country do that?
First Sin-American War under First Woman President of US!!
A great strategy to the US. They use their supposedly ally as their meat shield. So maybe the US land won't suffer from the war. Because they have surrounded China with their shield. I can name some; Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippine and maybe Vietnam (if they are stupid enough to join the fray).

And guess what, China may lose the battle, US will win, but these countries will suffer the most because of the war. Because with harboring US military elements in their land, means that their land is justified to be targeted by China. PRC will attack the US bases there, bomb them to a flat land; And thus, US will send their armies there to counter China; At the end their countries will become the battlefield. Win or lose, these countries will suffer not only economically, but also physically.

This is the ultimate US strategy to solve their economy problem.

First, with the war, they can destroy China (not with their soldiers, but with their minion sacrificial lambs). Not only that, they can also destroy Japan, South Korea, Taiwan economically, and prevent Vietnam from become a smaller China (industry giant country). Because when this war finish, everyone will suffer and can only depend on them (US), just like the European depend on US after the WW 2 over.

So wise Vietnamese and Philippine forumers shouldn't become cheer leader here; as the best course for your country is the peace in the region, not the war. We should pray for peace, not encourage the war

Great post brother. Absolutely well said.

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I joined this forum in '09. Started debating and debunking Chinese out-of-this-world claims about the J-20. Since then, how many J-20 have been built ?

You think it will take 10 yrs to root out the corruption in the PLA ? The rot that been there since the end of WW II and thru the Cold War decades ? In order to cleanse the PLA within 10 yrs, China must get rid of the PLA's entire upper management, which means civilian personnel as well as all the generals and admirals. You can bet your next yr's salary that Xi Jinping have no idea how much money these generals and admirals stashed away overseas. But Xi cannot afford to fire all of them. Despite their incompetence and corrupt nature, they know the PLA better than he does. If all of them leave, either voluntarily or axed, so will each man's immediate deputy. That mean each branch of service will be led by the third in command.

If there is going to be a US-China war, the PLAN will be sunk, the PLAAF will be grounded, and the PLA will be wondering WTF happened.
The next war will not be with usa china but usa vs china india Russia bloc

If india and china become friendly nations Russia already cornered by west will follow which make this alliance strong enough to implement economic ban on usa like they do to Russians
Which will lead to war

Thats the reason for usa's sudden india love and they know pkistan is the missing link so when ever indo pak peace talk starts some thing bad will happen either in india or pak with clear evidence leading to enemy

My own propaganda ;)
America should recall viets or Afghanistan first then think again what is China all about
USA need to let there people in peace and the rest of world
What if rest of world join against USA around 2025??/
I don't think USA has now balls to open another front or counter country like China ??
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