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First Look Inside the New Coronavirus Hospital in Wuahan finished in 8 days

Great but shouldn’t it be better they regulate the food industry

everything related to food in China is counterfeit
Those videos are not about the OP hospital, that dedicated hospital was just finished in a couple of days, your videos might be those taken days or weeks ago when this new virus first appeared and quickly overwhelmed Wuhan hospitals and that's the reason why Wuhan is building those new coronavirus dedicated hospitals.

This is the layout of wards of the Huoshenshan hospital

First of all, this is not my video.....The person I replied to have said there are such video exist, and they do exist, I don't think he specify the two newly built 1000 bed hospital

Secondly, it's just number, the "Confirmed" case stand at ~ 34,000 now, Wuhan itself have 6500 confirmed case. All those require isolation and critical care treatment, and then you have the suspected case and unconfirmed case, now, it does not take a math genius to see with 6500 cases alone, that alone will saturate the hospital service in Wuhan, and then you need to put in the suspect case, the unconfirmed case, and the general patient, you don't need serious calculation to see the two newly built hospital with 2500 bed will not be enough.

You seem to have trouble to tell the difference between a rumor and a joke.

lol, maybe you should speak against China to find out whether it is just a rumour or is it a joke.
lol, maybe you should speak against China to find out whether it is just a rumour or is it a joke.
Check weibo now and see how many there speak against the government. you seem starting to lose common sense in PDF.

First of all, this is not my video.....
This thread is about Huoshenshan dedicated hospital, not random unrelated posts.
Check weibo now and see how many there speak against the government. you seem starting to lose common sense in PDF.

And a lot of these Chinese disappeared.

As I said, if you are not dare to proof me otherwise, don't say anything at all. If you want to tell me I am wrong, go to weibo and start talking trash to China and see if that is a joke.

This thread is about Huoshenshan dedicated hospital, not random unrelated posts.

Yes, and it is overwhelmed by the diseases, again, you don't need a statistician to tell you the two newly build hospital would not be enough for the confirmed case alone.
And a lot of these Chinese disappeared.
As I said, if you are not dare to proof me otherwise, don't say anything at all. If you want to tell me I am wrong, go to weibo and start talking trash to China and see if that is a joke.
Ok, this new hospital was built to detain political dissidents, not coronavirus patients, happy now?

you don't need a statistician to tell you the two newly build hospital would not be enough for the confirmed case alone.
Those hospitals are for severe case, which account a fairly small percentage of all confirmed, most confirmed cases only experience mild symptoms who will not be admitted to this hospital, China will build more if they are not enough.
Ok, this new hospital was built to detain political dissidents, not coronavirus patients, happy now?

Well, I am not the one that said these are a joke, you are, so, are you happy now?

Those hospitals are for severe case, which account a fairly small percentage of all confirmed, most confirmed cases only experience mild symptoms who will not be admitted to this hospital, China will build more if they are not enough.

All confirmed case are severe case, I don't know what do you think Chinese Doctor treating the confirmed corona virus patient. In Hong Kong, they are put in Isolation and in Critical Care ward, some even put into ICU ward

There are no "mild patient" once they are confirmed, because when they confirmed to have the virus, they would have already developed Viral Pneumonia. And those are very serious condition.
Check weibo now and see how many there speak against the government. you seem starting to lose common sense in PDF.

Speak against Xi Jin Ping or speak against Wuhan administration handle on the virus ?
Speak against Xi Jin Ping or speak against Wuhan administration handle on the virus ?

Well, we all know the Hero Doctor first report this virus, then he got reprimanded and basically force into cold storage and work himself to death literally...….
Speak against Xi Jin Ping or speak against Wuhan administration handle on the virus ?
Against the government, Xi is just one person, the government is responsible for possible mistakes, Hubei government admitted their mistakes.

As Virus Spreads, Anger Floods Chinese Social Media
The sheer volume of criticism of the government, and the sometimes clever ways that critics dodge censors, are testing Beijing’s ability to control the narrative.

Well, we all know the Hero Doctor first report this virus, then he got reprimanded
Yes, Wuhan government admitted the mistake and central government sent a investigation team to Wuhan today.
20:20, 08-Feb-2020
Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital starts to admit coronavirus patients

The second prefab hospital dedicated to novel coronavirus patients, Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital, began admitting patients on Saturday.

It will provide 1,600 beds for the patients at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

The construction of the hospital started on January 27.

The first of the two prefab hospitals, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, completed construction on February 2 and accommodates 1,000 beds.

Yeah, a lot of these video surfaced. Especially after Hero Doctor Lee died of the virus, it show the true image of these hospital.

I just came back from Hong Kong, man, it's 800 km from the outbreak, but I can assure you, it's not a place you want to be.

There is a rumour in Hong Kong circulated that the Chinese government will place dissentient in one of those "Corona Virus Hospital" as an alternative way of detaining you. And many who spoke against the government are disappeared and reappeared in those hospital, I mean if they were used as a punishment, you can see how bad the situation was. But again, that is just some rumour

chinese cities become increasingly like the horror movie “residents evil”.

take care man
The second dedicated new hospital in Wuhan, leishenshan hospital, started to admit patients, this one is bigger than the first one and took 10 days to finish.

Patients being transferred to Leishenshan Hospital
For mild cases, there are these...

Wuhan creates more makeshift hospitals to ensure treatment for virus-infected patients
Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-05 14:11:25|Editor: huaxia

Workers are busy converting the Hongshan Gymnasium into a makeshift hospital in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 4, 2020. The Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, is racing to create more temporary hospitals to cope with the surging number of patients infected with the novel coronavirus. Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, has decided to convert 11 venues, including gymnasiums, exhibition centers and sports centers, into makeshift hospitals, which can provide a total of over 10,000 beds. The temporary hospitals, located in different districts of the city, will take in patients with mild symptoms caused by the coronavirus. (Xinhua/Feng Guodong)

WUHAN, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, is racing to create more temporary hospitals to cope with the surging number of patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, has decided to convert 11 venues, including gymnasiums, exhibition centers and sports centers, into makeshift hospitals, which can provide a total of over 10,000 beds.

The measure, which experts say is unprecedented in China, came as the hard-hit city is grappling to provide beds for over 8,000 infected patients and provincial authorities vowed to leave no patient unattended.

"Putting into operation temporary hospitals with a large number of beds inside a giant space is a major public health measure China has taken," said Wang Chen, a renowned respiratory expert and president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

"It is a key measure taken by the authorities at a critical time," said Wang. "Unlike field hospitals during wartime or quake-relief efforts, the makeshift hospitals in Wuhan are unprecedented in China."

The temporary hospitals, located in different districts of the city, will take in patients with mild symptoms caused by the coronavirus.

Wang said the new measure is specifically designed to address the pressing issue of virus transmission in households and communities.

"If a large number of patients with mild symptoms live at home or suspected patients roam around in the community, they will become the main source to spread the virus," Wang said.

Moreover, as hospital beds are in short supply, their lives could be in danger if they are not effectively treated, the expert added.



34 recovered patients leave cabin hospitals
By Wu Yong in Wuhan | China Daily | Updated: 2020-02-12 08:52

Discharged patients show their confidence outside Wuchang Fang Cang makeshift hospital in Central China's Hubei province on Feb 11, 2020. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/chinadaily.com.cn]

Thirty-four patients who had recovered from novel coronavirus pneumonia at two makeshift cabin hospitals in Wuhan were released on Tuesday.

"The healthy return of these patients means a lot for local people who were scared by the virus. You can see that we can treat patients with mild symptoms effectively and efficiently. There is no need to panic," said Wan Jun, president of the cabin hospital and vice-president of People's Hospital of Wuhan University.

After strict medical examinations, 28 patients with NCP, from a makeshift cabin hospital in Hongshan Gymnasium in Wuchang district of Wuhan met the medical requirements and went home on Tuesday afternoon.

Six patients were also discharged from the makeshift cabin hospital at the Wuhan International Exhibition and Convention Center in Jianghan district on Tuesday morning.

The 28 patients in Wuchang were treated for three to five days in the cabin hospital that started operation on Feb 5. The youngest patient was 25 years old and the oldest 69.

Most of the patients were about 60 years old. Women outnumbered men 2-to-1, according to the hospital.

From the night of Feb 5 to Tuesday morning, 537 patients with mild NCP were admitted to the cabin hospital, which has 120 doctors and 400 nurses.

"We make every effort to ensure that patients survive and that medical staff avoid infection," Wan said.

The hospital is also striving to maintain the supply of drugs, especially those related to the treatment of patients' underlying diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

"They took good care of me inside the hospital, and I exercise regularly, so I can recover quickly," said 60-year-old patient Yang Wanli.

Ma Yonggang, the medical team leader of the Wuchang cabin hospital, said that the patients are still relatively weak and should rest and eat properly.

"All patients should be isolated at home for 14 days in strict accordance with the medical standard and avoid getting infected again," Ma said.

The hospital reminded the patients to have their lungs checked in one month.

During the isolation period, patients should see a doctor in a timely manner if they feel uncomfortable.

At present, another 437 patients with mild illnesses are still receiving treatment at the hospital.

Han Jianyu and Liu Yingchun contributed to this story.
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