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First Look Inside the New Coronavirus Hospital in Wuahan finished in 8 days

Makeshift hospitals devised from military equipment to help Iran amid COVID-19 outbreak
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/3/12 19:08:40

Wuchang Fangcang makeshift hospital adapted from Hongshan Stadium in Wuhan, under preparation Photo: Cui Meng/GT

Iran is learning from China's experience in enhancing its capacity to receive and treat confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients. Some Iranian provinces ravaged by the virus announced to take over exhibition centers, parking lots and factories to establish makeshift hospitals, Iranian media reported on Tuesday.

These makeshift hospitals are designed based on portable battle field hospitals that are composed of shelters and tents. It was also the first time the military concept was applied in epidemic control efforts. It took only 29 hours to build the first three makeshift hospitals with more than 4,000 beds in Wuhan since the decision was made in February 3.

In Wuhan, one of every four cured patients from the COVID-19 pneumonia was treated in a makeshift hospital, according to Xinhua.

During the Wenchuan earthquake in Southwest China's Sichuan Province in 2008 and the 2010 Yushu earthquake in Northwest China's Ganshu Province, makeshift hospitals had played a major role in medical rescue.

After the last 49 patients stepped out from Hongshan Stadium in Wuhan, or Wuchang Fangcang makeshift hospital, the temporary hospital that operated for 35 days closed on Tuesday. As of that day, all 16 makeshift hospitals closed after receiving and treating more than 12,000 COVID-19 patients, reported the Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday.

"Fangcang makeshift hospitals will be scripted in the history of China's fight against the COVID-19 as it has created the 'China approach' to dealing with health crises," said Jiao Yahui on Tuesday, reported Xinhua. Jiao is a hospital management official of the National Health Commission.

A doctor observes patients and logs their symptoms. Photo: Cui Meng/GT
A glimpse of patients' daily lives in Wuchang Fangcang makeshift hospital Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Medical workers and patients pose for a group photo in front of a Chinese national flag hung on a wall of Wuchang Fangcang makeshift hospital. Photo: Cui Meng/GT
A cured patient discharged from Wuchang Fangcang makeshift hospital waves hand from a bus. Photo: Cui Meng/GT
After this incident, I am never doubting China again. Nobody in the world can come close to our governance.

After this incident, I am never doubting China again. Nobody in the world can come close to our governance.
After this incident, I am never doubting China again. Nobody in the world can come close to our governance.

After this incident, I am never doubting China again. Nobody in the world can come close to our governance.

Just look at how poor trump regime govt handle this kind of outbreak, a fail governance system totally
After this incident, I am never doubting China again.
Not just you, the entire world can't doubt China.. even Trump is thinking probably why he wasn't born in China..

Hope they keep the hospital instead of demolishing it afterwards.
China can keep it as a tourist attraction.. it will be visited by millions in the coming years and China can recover the cost in months.

This shouldn't be demolished for one more reason, you never know when is the next bio weapon being launched by the US.
Not just you, the entire world can't doubt China.. even Trump is thinking probably why he wasn't born in China..

China can keep it as a tourist attraction.. it will be visited by millions in the coming years and China can recover the cost in months.

This shouldn't be demolished for one more reason, you never know when is the next bio weapon being launched by the US.
I don't think they demolish it, xiaotangshan is almost 15 years old. Thery rdcently reactivated it.
Moscow Workers Race to Finish 'Chinese-Inspired' Virus Hospital
3 hours ago

Denis Voronin / Moskva News Agency

Surrounded by police roadblocks, the vacant lot on the outskirts of Moscow is guarded like a military site.

Moscow city authorities are rushing here to construct a medical facility for coronavirus patients styled after a hospital built in record time after China's outbreak.

The building site, where ground broke just last week, is frantic, with a non-stop parade of Kamaz trucks and concrete mixers.

Located in Golokhvastovo, a village about 70 kilometers (40 miles) southwest of Moscow, the facility was inspired by the "experience of Chinese partners," city officials said last week.

In February, China built a prefabricated hospital with 1,000 beds over 10 days in Wuhan, the epicenter of its coronavirus epidemic.

Laborers from across Russia and Central Asia - already accustomed to working on giant public projects in Moscow - are surrounded by diggers, huge mounds of earth and sand, and ditches dug between bouts of freezing rain.

"We don't have a precise timetable, but we hope to finish within a month. Maybe sooner," said Pavel, a 28-year-old worker from Russia's Chuvash republic, 600 kilometers (370 miles) from Moscow.

Many of the 3,200 builders, who are working day and night, live on the site in prefabricated buildings and a purpose-built tent village.

"The first patients with coronavirus should arrive here in April," said Arthur, 31, a foreman in charge of environmental protection at the site.

The 500-bed facility, extending over 43 hectares (106 acres), will be a "medical center among the most modern," deputy Moscow mayor Andrei Bochkarev said in a statement last week announcing the facility.

Residents worried

It will include "operating theatres, resuscitation and diagnostic services", and facilities for children, he said.

Authorities have not disclosed the cost of the project, but Russian news website Znak, citing city hall documents, said it would cost 8.5 billion rubles ($107 million).

President Vladimir Putin has said the coronavirus situation is "under control" in Russia, although the number of official cases is increasing rapidly, with 253 recorded as of Friday.

But many Russians are skeptical of these figures and worried about a major potential outbreak.

Anticipating concerns from residents living near the new facility, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the hospital would be built 250 meters (yards) from several old wooden houses, the nearest homes in the village.

But resident Anatoly Bulychev is unimpressed.

"They are building a giant infection. It will not bring anything good," the 79-year-old says, sitting on a bench as trucks parade past.

"Let Sobyanin build this hospital near his country house! It's not like we are running out of space in Russia."

Moscow Workers Race to Finish 'Chinese-Inspired' Virus Hospital - The Moscow Times
After Wuhan outbreak, China built a massive covid dedicated hospital in 10 days in the city and hundreds of similar facilities all across China to contain the virus.

One year after the outbreak in US, there is still no such facilities anywhere in the country, so this grim result is nothing unpredicable.

China basically wipe out virus in Wuhan and Hubei in 3 months, and the rest of China never had major outbreaks at all.
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