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first interstellar Spaceship in the making


Nov 23, 2013
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Carl Sagan said it is the destiny of any civilisation to either go into space or extinct. And this is true. We are bound to a small planet and our fate is deeply connected with the fate of this small world.

Nothing that exists in our solar system can help us in the long run. Sure we can start bases on Mars, Europa, Titan and so on. But thise is all lifeless worlds and could never allow large amounts of human beings to live there.

Our galaxy the milkey way is full of planets. Billions of worlds which are similar to earth and there is so much for us to explore. But the biggest obstacle is the distance.

Even our fastest spaceships today would need minimum 25.000 years to reach the closest star system Alpha Centauri. Since nothing can travel faster than light this means we are bound to our solar system...but it turns out this is not true.

Einstein as well as Rosen predicted that worm holes exist and can be used for interstellar travel. We know now that we can generate our own wormholes and thanks CERN we know that we would need so called "strange matter". Initial calculations predicted that we would need the amount of the mass of the planet Jupiter of strange matter to do so. But new methods could break down this amount to just a few kg.

Now researchers work to put this theoretical theories into a real working machine. People often asked why the EU spends billions into the LHC at Cern to find highly theoretical particles like the Higgs Boson. Well here now is the result of this theoretical work: humanities first interstellar ship:



The ship bases in the so called Alcubierre drive. The gigantic rings around the ship contain the strange matter which create a warp bubble and bend space time:


Once the spaceship accellerates it would start to create a warp bubble and virtually travel faster than light. The Star System Alpha Centauri would be reached within two weeks.

Dr. White from NASA Jet Propulsion technology currently works on this system and says it would be perfectly safe for the crew. Time inside the bubble would run at same speed as at earth so one week in the space ship would also be one week on earth. That way we can explore, settle and claim our entire galaxy.

Imagine how evrything would change then. The results of this are immense. I see this as the greatest task of all mankind. At the moment the NASA and ESA work on early concepts for this system. The development costs will be astronomic and it will take decades till it will be real.

Many nations need to work together to make this real since it is too big for a single country to do so. At the moment only USA, ESA and the addtional CERN nations (like Canada and Japan) work on it but i´m sure any additional member would be welcome to fullfill this gigantic task. Step by step.

This is NASA's new concept spaceship for warp drive interstellar travel
Good pictures , seems hunt is going on to improve technology . Is it Nuclear powered ?
Good pictures , seems hunt is going on to improve technology . Is it Nuclear powered ?

No, it is not nuclear powered. Nuclear power is far too weak to achieve the forcefield needed to create a warp bubble. It is based in annihilation (matter - antimatter)
No, it is not nuclear powered. Nuclear power is far too weak to achieve the forcefield needed to create a warp bubble. It is based in annihilation (matter - antimatter)

Nuclear powered would be better as it would be on space trips and can even take passengers.
Nuclear powered would be better as it would be on space trips and can even take passengers.

I dont think you understand what this spaceship is.

Nuclear power is too weak to power a warp based spaceship. Its like saying a supersonic passenger jet like concorde should be powered with candles. Annihilation is a 1000 times more powerful energy concept than nuclear reactors.
Is it just like the documentary where Michio Kaku explains???? the ship looks almost the same??
I am talking about spaceship which goes in space and it seems you are talking about something else.

I'm talking about Interstellar Spaceship. A nuclear powered spaceship is too weak to reach other stars. nuclear power has no future in such technologies.

Is it just like the documentary where Michio Kaku explains???? the ship looks almost the same??

the ship looks like it looks because the technology demands this way of construction. Similar why all cars look the same or airplanes look all similar.
I'm talking about Interstellar Spaceship. A nuclear powered spaceship is too weak to reach other stars. nuclear power has no future in such technologies.

Nuclear power is a suitable technology and should be expanded in all sectors from trains to planes to spacecrafts.
No, it is not nuclear powered. Nuclear power is far too weak to achieve the forcefield needed to create a warp bubble. It is based in annihilation (matter - antimatter)
Nope. It is not based on annihilation. That matter-antimatter annihilation would form a source of propulsion, not a warp drive.
Warp drive is far beyond the technology we presently have. For one, we still don't understand Gravity...one of the fundamental forces of nature. It is so powerful, fascinating and perplexing that gravity has the ability to bend light, and yet we can easily overcome gravity when we pick up things which fall down to Earth! Unless that Theory of Everything is not solved, and that depends on the understanding of Gravity, there wont be any wrap drives, any time soon.
I may be wrong in my opinion, but from what I have read and understood, understanding gravity and how it permeates different dimensions is the key to interstellar travel and FTL/Wrap Drive engines!
Nuclear power is a suitable technology and should be expanded in all sectors from trains to planes to spacecrafts.

no it should not since it is too weak, depends on limited rescources and far to dangerous. Beside that, this is not the topic.

Nope. It is not based on annihilation. That matter-antimatter annihilation would form a source of propulsion, not a warp drive.
Warp drive is far beyond the technology we presently have. For one, we still don't understand Gravity...one of the fundamental forces of nature. It is so powerful, fascinating and perplexing that gravity has the ability to bend light, and yet we can easily overcome gravity when we pick up things which fall down to Earth! Unless that Theory of Everything is not solved, and that depends on the understanding of Gravity, there wont be any wrap drives, any time soon.
I may be wrong in my opinion, but from what I have read and understood, understanding gravity and how it permeates different dimensions is the key to interstellar travel and FTL/Wrap Drive engines!

Thats exactly what i said, the annihilation is the energy scource.
This is what i want:

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

@ topic:
As an exercise in imagination it’s great, but until you have a warp-drive engine sitting in your lab, you have no idea what kind of vessel you will need to build around it.
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This is what i want:

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

@ topic:
As an exercise in imagination it’s great, but until you have a warp-drive engine sitting in your lab, you have no idea what kind of vessel you will need to build around it.

"I got faith of the heart, going where my heart will take me"

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