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First ever China-India Naval Exercise

Yeh yeh... All the backstabing contract has been taken by India and rest of the all ASIAN countries crystal clear with there policy....

Nevermind, I dont think the policy makers of China would agree with you... Yes China is a good, strong, powerful, nation and who doesn't wan't a good relation with them.. India showed this to China by not siding completely with America... There was a excellent analysis by a Pakistani Member about India's policy on this very forum.. and I find no harm in increasing ties with china.. just have to keep your one eye open while sleeping, keeps you away from danger...

Atleast nothestern flank of India will be secured... and China will feel that atleast USA is not seting foot in their western theater..


You mean keeping our radars in training mode?:P
You mean keeping our radars in training mode?:P


But in order to be China's friend, on one hand you have to be strong and alert and on second one you should build more and more confidence amongst both nations...
^^ you are right

never deal with your neighbors from position of weakness
can you please elaborate what is not a good move in here.....

Do you really think, it needs to be elaborated??

PLA is an isolated force, with zero exposure to international forces and there techniques. So by training together, in one way, you are giving them your techniques & skills.

Since we can never trust Chinese, its better to stay away from them.
Do you really think, it needs to be elaborated??

PLA is an isolated force, with zero exposure to international forces and there techniques. So by training together, in one way, you are giving them your techniques & skills.

Since we can never trust Chinese, its better to stay away from them.
I dont agree, once the USSR was said as the iron curtain of the world for their secracy. but today look at modern Russia. they have a stronger media. CHINESE might not share what they are up too. but extending a friendly hand will loosen their elbow
I dont agree, once the USSR was said as the iron curtain of the world for their secracy. but today look at modern Russia. they have a stronger media. CHINESE might not share what they are up too. but extending a friendly hand will loosen their elbow

Difference of opinion is normal. Every one cannot think in same way as me.

Chinese are bunch of cunning ppl, who even keep there weapons Sugar Coated.

Do business with them. Try for co-ordeal relation. But never trust them. Never!
Difference of opinion is normal. Every one cannot think in same way as me.

Chinese are bunch of cunning ppl, who even keep there weapons Sugar Coated.

Do business with them. Try for co-ordeal relation. But never trust them. Never!

Yeah, indians are real angels, confirmed by one INCREDIBLE AND HONEST INDIAN here! LOLOL.
Yeah, indians are real angels, confirmed by one INCREDIBLE AND HONEST INDIAN here! LOLOL.

Show me one country in Asia that hasn't gotten it's hands dirty with petty politics and bickering. Pointing fingers gets people nowhere and doesn't help inter-personal relations one bit, forget diplo-relations,
Indians are so desperate for friendship with China but not with Pakistan? We all can gain alot with stable region.

Hope you never came across a name called Manmohan Singh ,who is doing everything to get his Noble prize for peace.:)
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