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First Crimean War: The Indian connection & parallels with current Crimea conflict

May 21, 2010
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In late 1856 the British introduced a new rifle to their soldiers in India. It was called the Pattern 1853 Enfield and used a new kind of paper wrapped cartridge, pre-greased to make it waterproof and to lubricate the bullet. The Calcutta firm of Gangadarh Banerji & Co landed the contract to supply the grease and rumours soon spread that, as usual with military procurement, corners were being cut. In particular, it was alleged the grease was being mixed with pig and cow fat...

We know what came from this, but why were the British so quick to introduce the Enfield rifle? And why did no officers, many with decades of service in India and familiar with the feelings of sepoys, not catch on to what a problem the cartridges might be? Some answers might lie in the Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula which Vladimir Putin has just grabbed for Russia, but where in 1850s a British-led coalition scored a rather battered win over Russia, partly due to the new rifles.
That may now be called the First Crimean War and today it is mainly remembered for the nursing of Florence Nightingale and the suicidal charge of the Light Brigade. Yet despite the 160-year gap, there are interesting parallels between the two Crimean conflicts. Just as Putin claims he only stepped in to protect Russians in the Crimea from fascist Ukrainians, the tsar of Russia then claimed to be acting only to protect Orthodox Christians from the Muslim Ottomans who controlled the Black Sea coast.

The British were hardly guiltless in such matters in India, but sitting in Bombay, it was easy to forget the growing problems upcountry. As tensions mounted Times kept publishing Russian news, and there was now a lot available. From the 1830s the British government started reducing a longstanding tax on newspapers (it finally went in 1855) which resulted in a media boom and increasingly vivid coverage. Russian was an obvious focus, and it is one reason why Crimea has been called the first media war.
In its early days Times reprinted a lot of British news, and now it had many sources. It was getting them earlier, thanks to the telegraph, another breakthrough technology used in the Crimean War. Tom Standage, in The Victorian Internet, writes that, "for the first time French and British governments could communicate directly with commanders on a distant battlefield". News also flowed to the public, from sources like the London Times' war correspondent (a new designation) William Howard Russell. For the first time governments had to deal with an informed public, which rattled them, and made them send multiple, contradictory orders to the generals over the telegraph. Crimea was the first case of war's chaos made worse by data deluge.

Russian Bear Hug

In both cases the ostensible reasons covered something more basic: Russia's determination to extend its influence and the determination of European (now Western) powers to resist this. Caught between them was a hapless local state, Ukraine now, Ottoman then. And where the earlier crisis brought together a curious British-French-Turkish-Sardinian (yes, really) coalition, we may yet see a curious coalition come together against Russia now. India, like most of the world, will be an anxious observer, but it was deeply linked to the earlier war, and may even have been partly its cause.
Through the 19th century Russia and Britain fought over Asia. This has been called the Great Game, since it was mostly covert and done through spies, with Crimea being the rare time it actually came to battle. The Game's big prize was India, where after decades of battling both Indian and other European powers, the British were now in control and extracting considerable riches.
For the Russians India was a rich, warm target far more tempting than the bleak and chilly interiors of Asia that lay between them. And geography suggested a short-cut, sidestepping the barrier of the Himalayas. If they could control the Black Sea, then the Bosphorus gave them a sea road which was only guarded by the tottering Ottoman regime.
And if they could gain that, then the whole eastern Mediterranean was in their grasp and so the approach to Arabia and India. The British knew this and worried about Russia much as we do about China today.
When the Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce, which would become The Times of India, launched in November 1838, among the first long articles it published was a multi-part series by a Dr McNeil describing Russia in detail, with particular emphasis on its persecution of religious minorities: "When the power of Russia was consolidated, the Christians naturally became the favoured people...The Musselman saw a mosque converted into a stable and another into a tavern..." Media Blitz

In 1853 Times in Bombay was still getting the last leg of its news via ship (the telegraph would be in place by 1857), but slowly its coverage started reflecting this chaos. At first it was felt the war would be over soon. "The Russian forces have been in every way exaggerated and the conquest of Crimea will be a much easier affair than we anticipated," Times crowed on November 6, 1854.
Even better, there was money to be made - this was Bombay, where business mattered, and the paper eagerly noted reports that Indian fibres like jute could make up for the hemp and flax that had been among the few exports from Russia.

The India Hands
But as the war dragged on, reports of calamities like the pointless loss of the Light Brigade emerged and also the sheer mismanagement that created horrors like the hospital in Scutari where more soldiers died than on the warfront. The British army's high reputation, built on its defeat of Napoleon decades back, was looking fragile in the face of a modern age. It was headed by aristocrats, like the Lords Raglan, Lucan and Cardigan, who lost the Light Brigade largely because they were too snobbish to listen to experienced and professional, but lower-class officers.
Most of these officers had learned their skills in the hard conditions and constant campaigning of India. Yet it was these 'Indian' officers that the aristocrats were most prejudiced against, probably from fears of exposing their own failings. But as the Crimean War settled into stalemate with the long siege of Sebastopol, these "Indian" officers were in demand. (And not just by the British — some of the best like Sir Robert John Hussey Vivian of the General Madras Infantry joined the Anglo-Turkish Contingent, under the Ottoman sultan, where they didn't have to deal with the British lords).
Times started reporting about British officers moving to Crimea, followed by entire regiments: "Part of the 12th Lancers started from Bangalore, en route to Mangalore, for embarkation to Crimea...perhaps never to return to India," it wrote on February 10, 1855. As the casualties grew in Crimea someone suggested posting Indian sepoys there. On June 27, 1855 Times, perhaps reflecting general opinion in India, expressed real alarm: "A greater act of insanity than to take them beyond the limits of our Eastern dominions could not be conceived."
The reasons for this fear were both practical and prejudiced. Times doubted that Indians could operate in colder climates, without access to the food and the life they were used to. Many sepoys in the Bengal Army refused to travel abroad by sea for fear of losing caste status. And above all, there were the fears of attack from within India: "Had there been no British troops in India the Sikhs under Runjeet Sing, might have conquered the country any day they like."
The year 1857 was to prove these fears prescient. Historians have suggested that while the greased cartridges lit the fuse, grievances were growing in the Bengal army over issues like deployment abroad. In July 1856 the Indian authorities passed the General Services Enlistment Act, part of a package of British army reforms instituted based on Crimean learnings, which stipulated that future recruits had to expect foreign postings, and sepoys started suspecting it would apply to them.

What made it worse was that many of the British officers who best knew the sepoys were now posted in Crimea. The military historian Larry H Addington in his Patterns of War Since the Eighteenth Century makes the connection: "Most of the British regulars in India at the beginning of the Crimean War were siphoned off to Crimea and not many had returned to India when the revolt broke out. In consequence, there were only 23,000 European soldiers among the 151,000 troops in India at the start of the rebellion." Crimea, he writes, was an indirect cause of the 1857 rising in India.

And once the rising broke out, it was Crimea-hardened officers who subdued it. Sir Colin Campbell, who took back Lucknow played a critical role in Crimean battles like Alma and Balaklava. Sir Hugh Rose, who defeated the Rani of Jhansi and later became commander-in-chief of the Indian Army had an even longer role in the eastern Mediterranean.
In the end, Russia lost the Crimean war and the British hoped this ended the rivalry. In fact, as Peter Hopkirk points out in his wonderful history of the Great Game, the war was a half-time halt, after which it went into really high gear. The Russians had even planned during the war to divert British attention by launching an attack on India through Persia and Afghanistan. Nothing came of that, but after the loss put an end to their Black Sea ambitions, they focussed on Central Asia, conquering one Muslim khanate after another, to bring them close to India. Crimea drove the Russians to the climax of the Great Game in 1891 when the two powers came face to face in the Pamirs.

Amid all this fighting, perhaps the most lasting effect of the Crimea in India was more healing. It came from the most formidable person to emerge from the battlefield, Florence Nightingale, whose work at improving the standards of nursing care at Scutari tends to overshadow her much longer career after the War as a lobbyist for hygiene and medical reform, particularly in India.
Nightingale never came to India, but she used her formidable talent for studying reports, devising statistics and developing policy to lobby successive Viceroys to improve medical and sanitation standards in India.

Nightingale's initial focus, as in Crimea, was the British soldiers, but as she studied Indian conditions she realized that their lives in India couldn't be easily separated from that of the regular people. She lobbied for the creation of an Indian sanitary service, usually going straight to the viceroy of the day.
In his portrayal of her in Eminent Victorians, Lytton Strachey wrote how it was "de rigeur for the newly appointed Viceroy, before he left England, to pay a visit to Miss Nightingale", in the course of which he was lectured at length about hygiene priorities in India. Nightingale's work for better hygiene and hospitals in India, might be one of the few positive outcomes to come from the chaos in Crimea.

First Crimean War: The Indian connection & parallels with current Crimea conflict - Economic Times

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