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First batch of Mi-17B5 helicopters arrived in India

India ordered 139 Mi-17 V5. It will significantly improve our air lifting capabilities and swift movement of troops and war machines. Mi-17 V5 can optionally carry weapons like rocket launchers and machine guns.
i don't think we have signed the deal for another 50-60 Mi17. The order still stand s at 80. Not to mention the olde Mi17 and Mi8 will be retired but slowly.

am surprised how members here come out with numbers from their hats . thinking they know best what is required for the defense of our nation .
No u shouldn't be because its a forum for giving your opinion. Its not a place to just post news because that you can get from google also. If you don't wanna join us just sit behind the scene and keep your mouth shut.

ust be happy for what has come , no need to assert your opinions as to how much we need . i think the air force is in a better position to do that .
Seriously mate... our forces don't have anything and that is why modernization is going on but because of lack of money we are purchasing the whole thing.
Also as far as what i said about the requirement of 400 medium category choppers in indian armed forces then i am right. Its not a speculation. Its a figure on which based on which IMRH will be developed. In all Indian aviation has aplan to operate 1000 choppers but IAF is not letting them. You remember the recent feud during Indian aviation celebration ? Every country's air force and army aviation face such kind of feud its not new. US also faced this, israel faced it 5-6 years ago. But it could only be resolved if MOD interferes and resolves it but our MOD has always kept it away from such feuds.

Also whats wrong in Indian forces having 400-500 medium category choppers ? US forces operates around 4500 choppers.
India should go for a few of these... They send shock signals deep into enemy territory.

India should go for a few of these... They send shock signals deep into enemy territory.


Yeah looks cool but it is just updated soviet era tech. That's why IAF is going for the best- Apache Blk.III, this thing is by far the most advanced and deadly Helo ever to exist.
i don't think we have signed the deal for another 50-60 Mi17. The order still stand s at 80. Not to mention the olde Mi17 and Mi8 will be retired but slowly.

No, India already ordered 59 more Mi-17 V5 in addition to 80 ordered earlier.

IAF to procure 59 Mi-17 choppers from Russia - Indian Express
Sep 09 2010
Aiming to strengthen its medium-lift helicopter fleet, the IAF is planning to procure 59 more Mi-17 IV choppers in addition to the 80 ordered earlier from Russia.

The 80 choppers ordered in 2008 will be for enhancing the medium-lift helicopter fleet of the IAF whereas the next 59 would be used for replacing the older ones in the existing fleet which will be phased out in coming years, Defence Ministry officials said.

The proposal for acquiring the 59 choppers has already been cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council and will be put up for Cabinet Committee on Security clearance soon, they said.
Yeah the article is saying IAF is planning to purchase 59 more but they haven't placed the order yet.

The 80 choppers ordered in 2008 will be for enhancing the medium-lift helicopter fleet of the IAF whereas the next 59 would be used for replacing the older ones in the existing fleet which will be phased out in coming years, Defence Ministry officials said.
Thats good news...
Yeah the article is saying IAF is planning to purchase 59 more but they haven't placed the order yet.

Thats good news...

The deal cleared by DAC means its finale and ordered. No deal cleared by DAC ever failed.

The proposal for acquiring the 59 choppers has already been cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council and will be put up for Cabinet Committee on Security clearance soon, they said.
i don't think we have signed the deal for another 50-60 Mi17. The order still stand s at 80. Not to mention the olde Mi17 and Mi8 will be retired but slowly.

No u shouldn't be because its a forum for giving your opinion. Its not a place to just post news because that you can get from google also. If you don't wanna join us just sit behind the scene and keep your mouth shut.

look mate i am not saying you shouldn't voice your opinions , but when you say that so many numbers of choppers are needed i question that ,as you are in no way qualified to make that statement . the air ministry is . they know the needs of the nation , i have a problem when people quote numbers out of their hats, not when they ask for more choppers..
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