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First anniversary of Awami League massacre of Muslims


Dec 14, 2008
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First anniversary of Awami League massacre of Muslims

Today is first anniversary of india backed and Awami League led massacre of Muslims who gathered may 5th, 2013, at the heart of Dhaka, to protest insult and repression against Islam and Muslims. Awami League sent more than 20 thousands troops and law enforcement officers and sprayed more than 140,000 round bullets on unarmed people at the dead of night. Before the the massacre electricity were cut off, media were kicked out and and even shut down to commit most heinous crime against humanity in post independent Bangladesh.

Human rigs organization who investigated this genocide by Awami league regime were tortured and and jailed.

শাপলা চত্বরে হেফাজত হত্যাকাণ্ডের প্রথমবার্ষিকী আজ
ডেস্ক রিপোর্ট

আজ বিভীষিকাময় ৫ মে। শাপলাচত্বরে নির্বিচারে আলেম ওলামাদের হত্যাকাণ্ডের প্রথম বার্ষিকী। সরকারের অনুমতি নিয়ে সমাবেশ করতে এসে সময় মতো ফিরে না যাওয়ায় সরকারি বাহিনীর নির্বিচার গুলিবর্ষণে হেফাজতকর্মী অসংখ্য আলেম ও এতিম হতাহত হয়েছিল। ২০১৩ সালের এই দিনে অরাজনৈতিক সংগঠন হেফাজতে ইসলাম বাংলাদেশ ১৩ দফা দাবিতে ঢাকা অবরোধ কর্মসূচি শেষে ঢাকায় ইতিহাসের বৃহত্তম সমাবেশের আয়োজন করে। বস্তুত বাংলাদেশের রাজনৈতিক ও সামাজিক জীবনে ৫ মে ছিল এক টার্নিং পয়েন্ট।



শাপলা চত্বরে হেফাজত হত্যাকাণ্ডের প্রথমবার্ষিকী আজ
Sensationalist reporting...
Firstly, this line : "india backed and Awami League led massacre of Muslims "
FYI the forces were muslim themselves.Could have been reported simply as radical Bdeshis killed or simply Bdeshis. Also, these "peace loving" people murdered both police and BDR members in the name of peace. But glaringly that doesnt figure out anywhere in this posted section? WHY ? Life of soldiers/jawans is less than radicals?

Secondly, these were no ordinary folks, rather a group of narrow minded islamic radicals. The name alone should give away their motives.
Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh is a madrasa based fundamentalist Islamic group in Bangladesh, was formed in January 2010.This group, politically backed by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, was formed in 2010 to protest against the secular education policy of Bangladeshi government. In 2011, they showed violent demonstrations against the women's equal rights policy of the government and in 2013, became headlines after holding large rallies asking the government to take action against the Shahbag protesters, who are demanding capital punishment of Bangladesh liberation war criminals

Amongst the 13 demands as demanded by the radicals to be implemented by govt, have a look at the following:

  • "Officially declare Qadianis (Ahmadiyyas) as non-Muslim and stop their propaganda and all conspiratorial ill-moves"
  • "Stop infiltration of all alien-culture, including shamelessness in the name of individual’s freedom of expression, ant-social activities, adultery, free mixing of male and female and candle lighting"
Candle lighting is a shameless social activity? Thats hefaziti radicals for you in a nutshell.
Sensationalist reporting...
Candle lighting is a shameless social activity? Thats hefaziti radicals for you in a nutshell.

Candle lighting is termed as 'Agnee Puja' / 'Fire worship' by Hefajatis. They consider it as a Pagan culture. I wonder why they didn't include 'Ban Pohela Boishakh in Bangladesh, the biggest Bengali 'pagan' festival held in Bangladesh. Even Indian Bengalis don't celebrate it as grandly as Bangladeshis.
There are no concrete evidence about how many people actually killed the security forces that night the figure could be 100~ may be more can we ever get the true picture .
There are no concrete evidence about how many people actually killed the security forces that night the figure could be 100~ may be more can we ever get the true picture .

and your point being, no massacre happened?

Please explain to the world,

why electricity was cut down before massacre?
why media was shut down and thrown out from the area?
why more than 120,000 round of bullet were sprayed?
why body were dumped in mass grave and in garbage dump?

to kill "100" people?

Don't bull sh i t around unless you have some proof?
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Sad to see these horrific pictures of Bangladeshis killed by their own TRAITOR GOVERNMENT.....
sab chalta hai . this what happen when politics and religion mixed be it hindu religion of haseena or islam of jamat :-)
sab chalta hai . this what happen when politics and religion mixed be it hindu religion of haseena or islam of jamat :-)

This has nothing to do with Jamaat and much bigger than them.
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