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First Amendment of US Constitution



New Recruit

Sep 19, 2012
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Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Ok fine! Agreed, got that, understood, roger that etc etc.

What i dont understand is, Ok fine! American law gives good people of US freedom to choose what they do, say and so on. They can choose their religion, choose profession, choose to marry who ever, choose to vote, choose to do and not do many sort of things but at this point there seems to be a long burning issue. The issue is that American can say whatever they want about any other person who is not even in America, is not even American and this is just beyond my understanding.

As a student of politics, I would like to know when this 1st amendment was being drafted, did someone from US called Muslims and said "hey dude! we are allowing our country men to say whatever they want about not just anything and anyone in US but also outside our borders all over the world. You guys dont have any problem with that right?"

American constitution has had 27 amendments so far and i think this is a good time for amendment # 28!!!!

No one in this world should do acts which hurt other peoples feeling whether they are Jews, Christian, Hindus, Sikh, Muslims or any other religion/nationality. Therefore, American people may have the right to freedom of speech but that freedom of speech should not hurt other people's feelings especially when those peoples are not even Americans and "never signed up for it".
No one in this world should do acts which hurt other peoples feeling whether they are Jews, Christian, Hindus, Sikh, Muslims or any other religion/nationality. Therefore, American people may have the right to freedom of speech but that freedom of speech should not hurt other people's feelings especially when those peoples are not even Americans and "never signed up for it".

so when a celebrity calls up on a live telivison and says 'Hindoon ki zehniyat hi aisi hai' ...is he protected by Freedom of speech?
That is called "stereotyping" and may be it can be passed as freedom of speech, may be it cant. I cant comment on that because law is not my subject, common sense is. Also, Indians do more stereo typing of Pakistanis then we do of you guys.

We are both full of all types of people at both sides i.e. Good, Normal, Bad and since, you guys are 5 times more in population, you can do the math who does more stereo typing?

Lastly, why are you even giving such comments? Issue is between Muslims and Free Speech wanna be upholders of west. India has enough muslims for you to start raising your voice against such useless disrespectful provocation against Islam.

Cheers & Good Luck for T20 ;)

so when a celebrity calls up on a live telivison and says 'Hindoon ki zehniyat hi aisi hai' ...is he protected by Freedom of speech?
Religious hate speech is not banned in the United States for the same reason that the assholes from the Westborough Baptist Church aren't banned from picketing military funerals. Americans believe that, unless you are actively inciting violence against other citizens (and I don't mean "I'll kill that guy" on a random forum or comments section), you have a right to voice your opinions, however unsavory they may be.

The early US's only major interactions with the Muslim world was the conflict with the Barbary States of the Maghreb, an early peace treaty with which afterwords included the significant clause (although only in its English translation):

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
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