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Firing on PIA Jet in Peshawar, Killing 1 Woman on Board

What is the range of AK-47s?
For that kind of firing to happen, the Gunner(s) should be sitting at the Runway Threshold and within the Airfield Perimeter. Post the Jinnah International attack; will that be allowed to happen?

So, you mean to say that a Jinnah Intl. type of attack can take place there also?
wait no news channel is reporting this
Woah...looks like the bullet penetrated...a check up required for the vintage 747.
Anything is possible. If they can have a wedding function inside a military base... why not at the airport complex? :woot:
At whom? At the "Baaraatis" coming by plane? Still confusing.
what he wanted to say is that People on weddings Fire In air , and The airport is in the middle of the city but i dont think thats possible cz TTP tried many times before but they coudnt achieve any thing So let just wait cz their is no news about it anywhr else
So, you mean to say that a Jinnah Intl. type of attack can take place there also?

Even Worse,The Airport is less than a km from Khyber agency border.And today 20 militants were bombed in Khyber agency.

Eye Witness(Name not made public): unidentified people targetted the Jet
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Range of an Ak 47 is reportedly 350 meters, and while landing, large planes do traverse 2-3 at a mere 100 mtrs.....maybe a wedding did take lace in the vicinity of the airport. But highly unlikely that it wasn't intentional.

The effective range of an AK is quite a bit less than that. If the news of casualties is correct, then the aircraft was punctured by bullets which is serious, even the cockpit would be easy to hit.

However, please remember that approach "funnel area" at the Runway threshold extends quite a bit onwards and it incorporates both the "over-run" gravel/sand area and then the approach lighting even beyond that. All of that is (or should be) well secured within the Airfield Perimeter and regularly well patrolled.

Even more so in light of the recent JIA attack. So still its not completely plausible.
The Second injured is also in critical condition with a head shot
The effective range of an AK is quite a bit less than that. If the news of casualties is correct, then the aircraft was punctured by bullets which is serious, even the cockpit would be easy to hit.

However, please remember that approach "funnel area" at the Runway threshold extends quite a bit onwards and it incorporates both the "over-run" gravel/sand area and then the approach lighting even beyond that. All of that is (or should be) well secured within the Airfield Perimeter and regularly well patrolled.

Even more so in light of the recent JIA attack. So still its not completely plausible.

Agreed. But Peshawar airport, like most subcontinental airports, is surrounded by densely populated suburbs. Have a looksy at the satellite view of the surrounding premises. Some civilian areas do look pretty close to the runway. Just pointing out that if someone could entrench themselves at a vantage point and score a hit on the aircraft, chances are that unintentional fire from similar range can theoretically hit an aircraft as well.

But as you opined, it can well be a shot fired from within the airport premises.
My question was: was the casualty in the aircraft (a passenger) or somebody on the ground?

In the aircraft.

Two steward also injured.

Otherwise had the casualties been on the ground, I doubt the pilots or pax would have even noticed the firing.
In the aircraft.

Two steward also injured.

Otherwise had the casualties been on the ground, I doubt the pilots or pax would have even noticed the firing.

OMG, this is really serious!
The Aircraft hull is damaged then apart from the human casualties of course. I shudder to think if the bullets were targeted at the Cockpit, or worse still; if RPGs were fired at the Engines. Post the JIA incident, this does not reflect well on the Perimeter Security measures.
Just in: Gunmen fire Shots at Pak plane during landing at Peshawar airport, 1 Killed

Source: TOI
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