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Firing at a Gurudwara in US, several people shot

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When I was in secondary school, we had a class trip to a Sikh Temple in Wan Chai (that's in Hong Kong).

The Sikhs were very good to us students, and even gave us free food when we went inside.

It is a disgrace that anyone would want to shoot up a Sikh Temple.

4 dead inside, 3 dead outside including the gunman.

RIP to the dead.
They do not yet have any information on the suspect and how many people have been injured. About 300 to 400 people were reported to be at the Gurudwara, which was built about 6-7 years ago, and is spread over an expansive area.

More than a dozen ambulances have been parked outside the temple.

A Sikh priest had specially come from India to address the gathering on Sunday.

Media reports said about 12 children have been held hostages. The president of the temple is also reportedly shot and has been rushed to the hospital, they said.

A police spokesman said a law enforcement officer was shot multiple times by the unidentified shooter, who was "put down". It was not immediately known if the shooter was injured or killed.

"We do not know if there are additional shooters at the temple," he said. The officer has been transported to hospital and was expected to survive.

The spokesman said tactical operations are ongoing and that the situation was "very fluid".

Police said another shooter could be inside the Gurudwara.

According to the Milwaukee Sentinel, the head priest of the Gurudwara was locked inside a restroom with a cell phone.
Cnn reports seven dead including the gunman . RIP

What might have been the motive of this hate filled gunman to kill members of such a peaceful community ??
My guess Racism !!
Revise gun control laws NOW!! This is insane!

RIP to the dead. Good job by the cop who shot the killer despite having been shot multiple times. Speedy recovery to him.
The Hindu

At least six persons have been killed and several injured, some critically by one or more gunmen at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, a gurudwara, in what appeared to be a hate crime in Oak Creek, a quiet suburb of Milwaukee.
RIP to the Dead

Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple - CNN.com

(CNN) -- At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack on worshippers at a Sikh temple in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on Sunday, police said.

The officer was wounded but "returned fire, and that shooter was put down," said Bradley Wentlandt, the police chief in nearby Greenfield, who briefed reporters. Investigators who picked through the building afterward found four bodies inside the temple and two other victims outside, plus the gunman, Wentlandt said.

Though early reports had suggested there may have been more than one attacker, he said officers had not identified any other gunmen.

The wounded officer, a 20-year veteran, was in surgery Sunday afternoon after being shot multiple times, but was expected to survive, Wentlandt said. He was sent to the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, south of Milwaukee, after a 911 call about 10:25 a.m. (11:25 a.m. ET).

Carolyn Bellin, a spokeswoman for Milwaukee's Froedtert Hospital, said one of three men brought there from the incident was in surgery early Sunday morning, while another was in the surgical intensive care unit. The third was being evaluated in the emergency room. All three were in critical condition.

The temple has a congregation of 250 to 400, according to its website.

"I just want to say this temple was built a number of years ago and there have never been any problems with this temple," Oak Creek Alderman Dan Jakubczyk
rest easy guys

before blaming it on Muslims or ISI

read this out about the identity of attackers

At least two reports from inside the temple suggest the perpetrator or perpetrators were white and male.

BBC News - 'Seven killed' in Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting


Police urged media at the scene not to broadcast aerial footage that could compromise their operation

"if it was Pakistani media, it would have done the opposite and blown the cover of operation.

by the way rest in peace to the dead and thank goodness it was most likely a white supremacist attack and nothing to suggest an Islamic terrorism (as the west coins it) otherwise all anti Muslim blowhards would have been barking mad by now

shame that I have to say that. for the dead and grieving it doesnt really matter who were their culprits because that doesnt ease their pain if the killers were just "confused or angry" white American patriots , not "fanatic Muslims"
^ You didn't have to try to flamebait with whole "Easy guys before you blame muslims or ISI".

Anyway the current scoop is that he was dropped of by a car which sped away. 3 people were shot outside the entrance and 3 inside.

RIP to the victims and the police officer
I dont understand when some sikhs say that we are not muslims as if it would have been alright if this crime was committed against muslims.....

I effing hate religion ...it always divide us ....even in these worst of circumstances which should bring us together
So far I am not hearing any new information on the news, the channels are still giving very little information. So far they are showing 25 people are shot but no report on their conditions. Hope they get out. RIP to the dead.

Hate crime....BTW why people are trying to see Muslim and Islamic angle ?

These type of spree killers are not new in US. Its one of the few incidents where Sikhs or foreign nationals/ origin are involved.

These perpetrators have twisted logic. Did we forget that shooter in the cinema hall showing The Dark Night Rises ?

Wait for concrete information to be released then making accusations or blaming others because of prejudice.
I dont understand when some sikhs say that we are not muslims as if it would have been alright if this crime was committed against muslims.....

I effing hate religion ...it always divide us ....even in these worst of circumstances which should bring us together

exactly my dear

I see the irony here

the Sikhs had to cry and march after 9/11 related shooting that we are not Muslims
and the media started mourning that the dead were mistaken identity as if it would have been "understandable" or fine even if the killed were Muslims.. there was no condemnation on the killing and the focus remained on seeking blood revenge for the main twin tower atrocity.

till now, the Police is keeping the identity of slain gunman secret and wants to raid his apartment to figure out the motive and any possible accomplice, it suggests that he is not identified as a Muslim so the AQ/ ISI link has to be "sadly" ruled out.

by the way, in the end I must say... please dont hate the religion... those killed might have died due to the different pigment of their skin and their race. nothing that was their fault.. maybe blame and hate the mother nature for making us different?

man is very imaginative and creative my dear, he will always find reasons to hate and wage war. the biggest murderers of present and fear past all happen to be non-religious examples are many from East to West.
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