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FIR against ex-ISI boss lands police officers in trouble


Sep 7, 2010
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An FIR against the former deputy DG ISI (Counter Intelligence), Maj Gen (retd) Nusrat Naeem on fraud charges has resulted in the removal of a Superintendent of Police, an SHO and an investigation officer who dared to arrest him on the court’s order.

Nusrat Naeem made headlines when the UN Commission’s report on Benazir Bhutto’s assassination was made public. He enjoys good relations with the high and mighty. Nusrat Naeem was implicated in issuing a bogus cheque of Rs35 million to one Mohammad Ali from whom he purchased a steel mill for Rs140 million.

When the cheque bounced, Mohammad Ali went to the local court, which directed the Islamabad Police to register an FIR against him and subsequently arrest him. The case fell in the jurisdiction of the Industrial Area Police. Dr Khurram Rashid, SP (Industrial Area) directed SHO I-9 Police Station to comply with the court order that resulted in registration of FIR 446 on November 26.

Then followed a stream of calls from the high-ups to pre-empt his arrest. A well-placed government official is said to have summoned a senior police officer at his residence on Friday. As the officer reached there, he found the wanted accused having lunch with the government official. The police were directed not to proceed further against him. When Nusrat Naeem came out of the official’s residence, he received a call from SHO I-9 Police Station Shafique Ahmad who had summoned him. As Nusrat Naeem reached there, he was told in plain words about his likely arrest on the court’s directives, sources privy to the details say.

In the meanwhile two serving military officers reached there to rescue him. Nusrat Naeem was released on the condition that he would pay Rs35 million to Mohammad Ali by December 1. He was allowed to leave on the consent of the complainant.

As the deadline expired on Saturday without Nusrat Naeem keeping the promise, efforts resumed to arrest him. But before that could happen, the officers dealing with the case were sidelined.

The services of Dr Khurram, SP (Industrial), have been surrendered back to the Establishment Division. The SHO and the investigation officer have been suspended in the meanwhile.

Earlier, Islamabad Police failed to nab a serving Army Major Zubair Ali Khan (PA 38111 of 63 FF Regiment) implicated in a land fraud case. The complainant, Yawar Saeed, has been struggling for the last six years to get justice. The local court declared Zubair a proclaimed offender in 2010 but he is still in service. Neither has he been handed over to the Islamabad Police as was demanded several times for investigation nor did the GHQ proceed against him.

FIR against ex-ISI boss lands police officers in trouble - thenews.com.pk

Any surprises ?

There are a class of ppl on both sides who are more equal than the rest.
Idiot, i have come across army officers, who owned more than $140 million, even before joining army.

They send all the salary to charity.

PTI hypocrites keep protecting the fake petrol receipts of Ifit. but joining hands with RAW to malign ISI.

How about IK's loyalties! Where does those lies.. with UK or with Pakistan?

Another traitor party in making... being remote controlled by RAW and they even take pride in it.
Dude, please do tell what sort of herb you are on? Seems to be working very efficiently! :D

Idiot, i have come across army officers, who owned more than $140 million, even before joining army.

They send all the salary to charity.

PTI hypocrites keep protecting the fake petrol receipts of Ifit. but joining hands with RAW to malign ISI.

How about IK's loyalties! Where does those lies.. with UK or with Pakistan?

Another traitor party in making... being remote controlled by RAW and they even take pride in it.

His salary, most probably. He was a Maj.Gen. in the Army. Not a small fry.
Nah dude. Not possible.
Dude, please do tell what sort of herb you are on? Seems to be working very efficiently! :D

Nah dude. Not possible.

Dude, would you mind telling us about your pay masters?

What is impossible?
How is it impossible?
Liquid cash of Rs.140,000,00.00 lying around? I'm sure you have quite a few relatives in army, I have couple dozen too. One of them was also DDG ISI during the 1990's. Yes, they were all very wealthy from our grand parents lands and stuff, however, none of them at any given time had that much disposable cash lying around.

Besides, if there is an investigation, then let it take it's course. We all get too emotional as soon as such a thing happens, no one is above the law, not even the protectors of our borders.
Liquid cash of Rs.140,000,00.00 lying around? I'm sure you have quite a few relatives in army, I have couple dozen too. One of them was also DDG ISI during the 1990's. Yes, they were all very wealthy from our grand parents lands and stuff, however, none of them at any given time had that much disposable cash lying around.

Besides, if there is an investigation, then let it take it's course. We all get too emotional as soon as such a thing happens, no one is above the law, not even the protectors of our borders.

It should actually be Specially the protectors of our borders... Since they guard the most precious of our inheritance..
Idiot, i have come across army officers, who owned more than $140 million, even before joining army.

They send all the salary to charity.
PTI hypocrites keep protecting the fake petrol receipts of Ifit. but joining hands with RAW to malign ISI.

How about IK's loyalties! Where does those lies.. with UK or with Pakistan?

Another traitor party in making... being remote controlled by RAW and they even take pride in it.

If the underlined is true, that is great :tup: and Abul Sattar Edhi has some serious activities so far as Charitable Work is concerned.
But was'nt there some thing abouut a previous COAS and Habib Bank pecadilloes. IIRC he was the one who pushed a Journo around for asking too many 'uncomfortable' questions.
Then way back in the past Zia-ul-Haq had some rather 'muddied ties' with the BCCI. So there must be all kinds of Khakis; some very charitable and some not so charitable- or those that believe that "charity begins and ends at home".
Things like these undermine Pak Army, If Army want to get the respect of people of Pakistan they should stop looting and stop aiding and protecting the looters.
This is nothing more then a Showcase news , just to Humiliate Army & ISI , You have your PM , President , & Every Person of Cabinet involved in Scams worth Billions , but no , all the Media see is What ISI & Army is doing , who cares if Politicians Eat the country for lunch , We All must Unite together & Prove that ISI is the reason for Pakistan's problems , since that is what we are told to do so , & that why we get $$ .

I am not saying, that Army is made of Angles , sue they have their share of Rats , but For Heavens sake , Stop Blaming the 99% for the doings of the 1% , you are doing nothing more then pointing a finger at a Burglar while ignoring the devil standing behind you.

The Day ISI & Army Stopped giving a Damn about this country , these days will feel like Heaven. & then you will Regret what you had but could not Appreciate.
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