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Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

what is the significance of GSLV for India ?

The launch of GSLV has put India in the select League of Nations with the capability to place multipurpose satellites in orbit and send space missions.
India has been paying $70 million to Ariane Space for Launch of INSAT satellites. Now this amount can be saved. Besides India can enter the multibillion dollar market for launching communication satellites. India can benefit through its lower launch price and target the lighter satellites of developing countries.
GSLV gives India the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) status which can direct an explosive to a distance of 5000 km. Besides, the immaculate guidance system of GSLV is an added advantage.
The armed forces use IRS satellites for surveillance but this is a poor substitute because this satellite is designed for civil application. The armed forces need a dedicated satellite which can provide them imagery of a particular region on demand. They also need ability to launch low earth satellites for detailed surveillance. With the launch of GSLV such a scenario has become a reality.

Eventually GSLV is expected to replace PSLV as ISRO's work horse being more efficient than PSLV .

India's Space exploration ambitions hinges on successful heavy duty launch vehicle like GSLV .

GSLV will form basis of several forthcoming space missions...Chandrayaan-2 , Human space Flight , Mangalyaan 2 , Space station etc ...to name a few !
Slight update it again drifted to this

And soon it will be this

The GSLV MK III will be the answer to most of our satellite launch problems for the near future.
Indians and Pakistanis have a lot in common. You are both horny people. Therefore you can use that commonality and have mass orgie. lol
Then you will forget all rivalry.

In fact I suggest that India, Pakistan and Iran all become one single country. lol

Friend ..Dont argue with him.It will not work and it wont worth.Iranians have wisdom and that is something lack in the Pakistani Mind.
If we have that Pakistan mind then we will spit rant like this against China and become a joke in the world .But we trade peacefully with them even if they occupy our land and routine aggression against us
Better get back to the topic.We also wish you to become a major apace nation in the middle easat
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i don know why Oscar or other Mods don stop such trolling.. suddenly in last few months the standard and decorum in PDF seems to sky dive.. rather than being happy abt an achievement of neighbor and trying hard to become better by upgrading thyselves, it seems a incessant mud slinging madness is always there in the forum...

Feel sad that when we are having a good day and providing new avenues for cheaper satellite launch to asian and other countries, the thread gt just lost in silly trolling...

Grow up ... a nation cant become better by doing mindless things.. take inspiration.. take challenges and become better.. as a human being evolve...
after 32 pages of cheering , once again as a member representing iranian nation , i congratulate the brother nation of india in their great achievement !!

may your haters burst in hell :D


also please wish us luck for our upcoming launch ;) :D
Congrats to ISRO and all Indians and a very fitting reply to america for denying India the cryo tech .Cheers

you should be thanking us for forcing you to make it on your own. :P .

anyways the denial was not because of India , the refusal or rather objection raised by americans to the russians was because they will use this as an excuse to provide such technology to ' other nations' ... if you know what i mean. US has no issue with india getting it , if it was guaranteed to only India getting it. Hope it clears it up for you ...
hahahaha.. joke of the century india declaring war. one mention of the word nuclear and your politicians become pussiessss. hahahahahahaha

china already gave us a weapon.
If this is trolling then I guess you are doing a good job of getting on the nerves of some people. But, if these are your serious comments, thought of at the maximum capacity of your brain, then I really pity you and would request everyone else to please understand his situation and leave him alone.
after 32 pages of cheering , once again as a member representing iranian nation , i congratulate the brother nation of india in their great achievement !!

may your haters burst in hell :D


also please wish us luck for our upcoming launch ;) :D
oh... bursting they are! that's the only way they can counter!
btw good luck to your upcoming launch.. & congratulations in advance :cheers:
If this is trolling then I guess you are doing a good job of getting on the nerves of some people. But, if these are your serious comments, thought of at the maximum capacity of your brain, then I really pity you and would request everyone else to please understand his situation and leave him alone.

Its pointless talking to mindless retards and brain washed pussies.
after 32 pages of cheering , once again as a member representing iranian nation , i congratulate the brother nation of india in their great achievement !!

may your haters burst in hell :D


also please wish us luck for our upcoming launch ;) :D

Thanks man, and enjoy the haters. They just add spice to the meal :D

And good luck for your upcoming launches, success cannot elude hard work!
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