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Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

GSLV Mk2 has a lift capacity of 2-2.5 tons to GTO and 5 tons to LEO .

The current payload is GSAT-14 weighing 1980kg and is a communication satellite .
Not as inspiring as a probe...but on the other hand....useful.
I'm assuming this is primarily military coms....no expert...but I have read that civie comms have actually devolved away from sats to cable (fiber-optic and all that)
This will be a important milestone if we do succeed this time around, best of luck to ISRO the nation is with you.
I'm assuming this is primarily military coms....no expert...but I have read that civie comms have actually devolved away from sats to cable (fiber-optic and all that)

Nope .... mostly civilian communication with enhanced broadcasting services .
Nope .... mostly civilian communication with enhanced broadcasting services .
Well...in the US is what I meant....surely tis has some military value?

from wiki....

GSAT-14 is part of the GSAT series of satellites. Constructed by ISRO, it is based around the I-2K satellite bus, and has a dry mass of 851 kilograms (1,880 lb). With fuel, its mass is 1,982 kilograms (4,370 lb). The spacecraft has a design life of 12 years.[2]

The satellite carries six Ku-band and six Extended C-band transponders to provide coverage of the whole of India. The satellite is expected to provide enhanced broadcasting services over the GSAT-3 satellite.[3] GSAT-14 also carries two Ka-band beacons which will be used to conduct research into how weather affects Ka-band satellite communications.[4] The satellite is powered by two solar arrays, generating 2,600 watts of power.[2]

most of the times,India skip the military application part.we've only handful of launch where it is openly admitted that this one is launched for Military purpose.
Good luck boys....what's the payload on this one? Hopefully a deep-space probe of some sort. (wouldn't be surprised if a milsat piggy-backed)

Hell no; no deep space probes or antything like tat.
Just a Work-Horse Satellite supposed to be a Communication Sat. But knowing India's long-running fondness for multi-purpose Sats, this may be mult-payload for sure, real "nuts and bolts" stuff.
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