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Filipino Christian settler-militias and violence in Mindanao


May 14, 2013
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The Philippine government encouraged Filipino Christian settlers on Mindanao to form militia groups in order to fight the native Muslim Moro inhabitants of the islands. These pro government militias were responsible for some of the worst atrocities in the conflict and operate largely autonomously, out of government oversight, since they, in effect, replace the government as the effective administration and local governing power. These militias still exist to this day, and every year, hundreds of violent and armed clashes occur between various militia groups and private armies, fueling a constant cycle of violence. The Philippine government has apparently done nothing to disarm or reign them in. The Llaga were the worst militia group.

Ilaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ilaga Philippines - The Filipino Christian Militia - YouTube


Massacre in Mindanao: The Irresistible Urge to Blame Religion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Filipino Christian vigilantes get set for battle - CSMonitor.com

New Ilaga revives fears of Mindanao in ’70s - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

AFP, PNP either clueless on Bagani armed group, or turning blind eye, solons say | MindaNews


These Filipino Christian settler-militias like the Bagani forces threaten both Moro Muslim and Animist Lumad civilians, who are natives of Mindanao.

Philippines: SAMMICCO Complains Vs BAGANI-Task Force Gantangan Concerning Land Actions - Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources

PRWC: Rights groups condemn military abuses in Mindanao, Ang Bayan, 7 August 2013 - philippinerevolution.net

Any peace agreement is destined to fail again, like it has in the past, when there are literally hundreds of different non state actors with conflicting interests. The accords signed in the 1970s and 1996 failed and this one will too, unless all the Christian militias are disarmed.

America claims that it assists the Philippines because of Al Qaeda's (Abu Sayyaf's) involvement in the insurgency, but it does nothing against the Christian Al-qaeda groups like Llagas and the hundreds of other militias who engage in murder every single week.

Yup never hear such stuff in the news because it isnt the Muslim oppressing the rest ....
Ha this old like in the 90s nice try imperial changing the topics to cover your expansionist moves fact it you and your commie brothers are troublemakers your using an old wound to side track your imperial march in Asia but the rest world even your client states knows better.
Ha this old like in the 90s nice try imperial changing the topics to cover your expansionist moves fact it you and your commie brothers are troublemakers your using an old wound to side track your imperial march in Asia but the rest world even your client states knows better.

Wrong, the news are actually from 2008-2013, learn to read the dates.
The Philippine government encouraged Filipino Christian settlers on Mindanao to form militia groups in order to fight the native Muslim Moro inhabitants of the islands. These pro government militias were responsible for some of the worst atrocities in the conflict and operate largely autonomously, out of government oversight, since they, in effect, replace the government as the effective administration and local governing power. These militias still exist to this day, and every year, hundreds of violent and armed clashes occur between various militia groups and private armies, fueling a constant cycle of violence. The Philippine government has apparently done nothing to disarm or reign them in. The Llaga were the worst militia group.

Ilaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ilaga Philippines - The Filipino Christian Militia - YouTube


Massacre in Mindanao: The Irresistible Urge to Blame Religion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Filipino Christian vigilantes get set for battle - CSMonitor.com

New Ilaga revives fears of Mindanao in ’70s - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

AFP, PNP either clueless on Bagani armed group, or turning blind eye, solons say | MindaNews


These Filipino Christian settler-militias like the Bagani forces threaten both Moro Muslim and Animist Lumad civilians, who are natives of Mindanao.

Philippines: SAMMICCO Complains Vs BAGANI-Task Force Gantangan Concerning Land Actions - Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources

PRWC: Rights groups condemn military abuses in Mindanao, Ang Bayan, 7 August 2013 - philippinerevolution.net

Any peace agreement is destined to fail again, like it has in the past, when there are literally hundreds of different non state actors with conflicting interests. The accords signed in the 1970s and 1996 failed and this one will too, unless all the Christian militias are disarmed.

America claims that it assists the Philippines because of Al Qaeda's (Abu Sayyaf's) involvement in the insurgency, but it does nothing against the Christian Al-qaeda groups like Llagas and the hundreds of other militias who engage in murder every single week.


Don be a fool and keep ranting on Pinoy Christians militias only-- given the fact that clan base politics, especially among Muslim communities is a way of life in Mindanao. The Muslim groups commit a lot of terrorism, not just Abul Sayyaf but others like Ampatuan.


In addtion, the Muslim Pinoy thugs are rockstars today for kidnapping. They even conduct such business in Malaysia. Recently your "country folks", Taiwanese got screwed.

The Muslim Pinoy commit a lot of atrocities.

Maguindanao massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2004 SuperFerry 14 bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Filipino al Qaeda group Abu Sayyaf blamed for murder/kidnapping of Taiwanese tourists in Malaysia | Opinion - Conservative

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Philippines kidnappers identified

Malaysian escapes militant kidnappers in Philippines | Fox News

Freed Finn Says Rebels Raped Female Hostages - ABC News

Muslim Rebels In Philippines Free Hostages After Battle - NYTimes.com
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Wrong, the news are actually from 2008-2013, learn to read the dates.

Oh please this wound your trying to open up is old way old heck older than me face it you can spend the rest of your imperialistic life trying to slander my country to side track your peoples imperial policies and plundering of other peoples resources but the fact remains your just trying to create trouble that is already done and over heck if Muslims are discriminated why are they successful here in manila heck even in Visayas as part of the community
Don be a fool and keep ranting on Pinoy Christians militias only-- given the fact that clan base politics, especially among Muslim communities is a way of life in Mindanao. The Muslim groups commit a lot of terrorism, not just Abul Sayyaf but others like Ampatuan.


In addtion, the Muslim Pinoy thugs are rockstars today for kidnapping. They even conduct such business in Malaysia. Recently your "country folks", Taiwanese got screwed.

The Muslim Pinoy commit a lot of atrocities.

Maguindanao massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2004 SuperFerry 14 bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Filipino al Qaeda group Abu Sayyaf blamed for murder/kidnapping of Taiwanese tourists in Malaysia | Opinion - Conservative

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Philippines kidnappers identified

Malaysian escapes militant kidnappers in Philippines | Fox News

Freed Finn Says Rebels Raped Female Hostages - ABC News

Muslim Rebels In Philippines Free Hostages After Battle - NYTimes.com

Wrong again. The massacre had little to do with religion.

Massacre in Mindanao: The Irresistible Urge to Blame Religion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Moro groups like MNLF have fought against terrorist kidnappers like Abu Sayyaf.

22 killed in Abu Sayyaf-MNLF clashes | ABS-CBN News
Wrong again. The massacre had little to do with religion.

Massacre in Mindanao: The Irresistible Urge to Blame Religion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Moro groups like MNLF have fought against terrorist kidnappers like Abu Sayyaf.

22 killed in Abu Sayyaf-MNLF clashes | ABS-CBN News

When Muslims in Mindanao do kidnapping or all terrorist act, and repeatedly go into front page, it may have nothing to do with Islam but nevertheless, there will be image problem, even if 99.9% of Muslim are peaceful people.

Just like people say Al Qaeda got nothing to do with Muslims or Sunni conduct in Syrian civil war got nothing to do with Muslim...

To be fair, You may as well highlight the Christian militia conduct got nothing to do with , Christian.
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When Muslims in Mindanao do kidnapping or all terrorist act, and repeatedly go into front page, it may have nothing to do with Islam but nevertheless, there will be image problem, even if 99.9% of Muslim are peaceful people.

Just like people say Al Qaeda got nothing to do with Muslims or Sunni conduct in Syrian civil war got nothing to do with Muslim...

To be fair, You may as well highlight the Christian militia conduct got nothing to do with , Christian.

The Moro Muslim MNLF opposes Mahatir and Malaysia, Mahatir was the one who arrested Misuari and turned him over to the Philippines. MNLF ally Sulu Sultan Jamulul Kiram III even engaged in a shootout with Malaysian forces at Lahad Datu last year. (The Sultan passed away recently)

Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party also opposes UMNO and Mahatir, and supports introduction of Sharia in Malaysia and making it and Islamic state.

You should clarify your position on all of these parties because you seem to be solely anti-Malay and making claims about UMNO doing Islamification in Malaysia.
Man this guys are anti filipino chinese propagandist writhing slanders about the Philippines which they never been too by the way because only brainwash meat heads would write slanderous propaganda like this.

They were some christian militia back in the 70s but they all retied now they do keep their weapons to protect themselves and some join the CAFGUS (Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit) but they part of the active reserves of the AFP)
Man this guys are anti filipino chinese propagandist writhing slanders about the Philippines which they never been too by the way because only brainwash meat heads would write slanderous propaganda like this.

They were some christian militia back in the 70s but they all retied now they do keep their weapons to protect themselves and some join the CAFGUS (Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit) but they part of the active reserves of the AFP)

Which means they are legally part of the Philippine military and therefore any murder and attacks they commit is legally sanctioned.
Bob Ong seems oblivious as to what his countrymen consume after he threw a few choice words on this thread.

China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison | Page 3

Time to expose the facts.

Ilaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As part of their ritual, they eat parts of their victims ears, nose and internal organs sure as heart and liver.[7] Most of them have amulets of some sort, even strange smelling oils to make them, as they believe, impervious to bullets and Moro sword strikes.[8] They are also reported to cut limbs, foot and breast of women that they captured.

In The Know: The Manero case - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

The group were targeting Italian priest Fr. Peter Geremia, but ended up killing another, Fr. Tullio Favali....

Norberto's brother, Edilberto, shot Favali 22 times. The men kicked and stomped on the priest's fallen body, and Norberto scattered the brain. Witnesses said the killers ate bits of Favali's brain....

The Maneros were members of the dreaded Ilaga group, which fought Moro insurgents in Mindanao in the early 1970s

Manero pardon makes mockery of justice - Roses And Thorns | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

Manero, not only fired 22 bullets into Fr. Tullio Favali, his group even feasted on his victim's brains. In short, he is a cannibal. Now a cannibal who belongs to a primitive tribe is not insane. But any person in our society that practices cannibalism is definitely insane. We sincerely doubt whether Muntinglupa penitentiary has qualified psychiatrists who can treat patients who enjoyed feasting on the scattered brain of a person he had just murdered.
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