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Fierce encounter in J&K's Pampore underway; 6 troopers, 1 militant dead

Based on what data ?

What data you want? The problems with you guys is that no data provided by Indians can prove any link with Pakistani groups. You said the same after 26/11 and after Patankot.

Anyway, the kind of training, endurance and strategy exhibited by these guys can only be shown by military or military grade training. Then there is the question of so much ammunition that these guys have shows finger towards only one direction.
What data you want? The problems with you guys is that no data provided by Indians can prove any link with Pakistani groups. You said the same after 26/11 and after Patankot.

Anyway, the kind of training, endurance and strategy exhibited by these guys can only be shown by military or military grade training. Then there is the question of so much ammunition that these guys have shows finger towards only one direction.

Read my edited posts once again. Phatankot attack showed some calls were made in Pakistan by some yahoo. So we are verifying the digital data. Do you have anything else to show beside Digital data ?

Hizbul mujhaideen is the lead group in Occupied kashmir.So you want to say they dont have that kind of training, endurance and strategy ?
Based on what data ? This type of endurance and strategy can only be displayed by those who know the terrain well enough which means they are the son of the soils. not some Random pakistani

Based on more than 20 years of anti insurgency operations in that area.
They easily understand to whom they are up against.
They will understand from the fighting itself who they are, Pak-FM, Afgan, or local one.

There is s saying in the interview that Locals fire from 200-mtr away, Pak-FM. 7-=100 mtr..Afgans even fore near 20-30 mtrs against a search team.

Encounter finished...all terrorists killed
@Foxbat Alok did you miss the warning note in the text box that no Graphic pictures or videos are allowed?
please refrain from such pictures in future and if you find others doing that then report them instead of copying them.

Don't pull any crap on this thread. I don't need to tell you toddlers how to behave, so I'll just spell it out.

1. No mocking the dead.
2. No bloody facebook shairi forwards.
3. No blaming any party without credible proof.
4. Don't derail.

Consider this a warning, hereafter swift bans shall follow.
the guy @Foxbat Alok missed your post it seems. and I only deleted his graphic post but hopefully he wont do it again
RIP to the resistance fighters.

Those scumbag terrorists will meat their desired goal above and will meet their 72 friends soon. Inshah Allah.

Terrorists survived because of the ones who feed them, with their moral support like this, and they will cry, when they attack their own children. Terrorists are terrorist and can never be the Freedom Fighter.

I'm no comfortable with the current way of Operation by Army.... ring some tanks and Fighters... drop bombs while they're inside the building.... let the Rats get it on the head

Believe me I have spend my half of my life in the valley, first look at the strategy of the militants.

1. First, they came here in a suicidal mission, totally brainwashed, highly trained for such battle by military personals, heavily equiped. Usually they are from outside the valley either from P0K or from the other tribal part of Pakistan, brained washed to fight for the cause of Allah and Jihad, and save Islam and they are fueled to the extend of hatered for the Indians, I have seen even Afghan hired as mercenaries who are been paid 1 lakh for a soldier, and 3 lakh for an officers killed in the action to their families.

2. They lay down the trap near the road, and attacks the convoy bus carrying the CRPF vehicle. Now in such convoy of vehicle usually the first and the last vehicle are allert and armed.

3. A single grenade launch from the riffle lobbing inside the vehicle carrying nos of CRPF jawans would have high casualty high.

4 Usually they are guided to capture big, building such as govt. office, school, hotel etc and sustain the fight as long as they can after the attack and not to surrender but die, so that the news could be flashed long, and will bring the international attention.

5. The Army objective is clear --- To ensure the safety of the civilians first. Second don't allow the terrorist to escape even if it takes long time or the inhalation of the whole building with the RDX.

6. Such large casualty means, they are stuck with the bullet when Para decided to storm quick in the building to ensure the safety of the civilians and the terrorists have been moving from one part of the building to another, and I watched the statement of the army officer in the news which says that they are now in the main building and all civilians are safe now, because if the building is empty, and terrorists are inside, the army won't mind to blow the whole building.

7. Believe me those terrorists are not the problem, but the problem lies inside the institutions and factories where they are brain washed by the religious leaders like Hafiz.
@ Irfan Baloch for ur kind info that's not a graphics picture & I think u are in hangover bcoz of ur 3 terrorist died in encounter
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