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Female school teacher gunned down in pakistan

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i am thinking which of these local indian news deserve a thread-

Two held for shooting obscene video of woman, raping her

Woman killed by husband in Delhi Metro station shootout

Two SSC students stabbed outside exam centre

-- @ishaqzaade-
OP you dont care for your own women?-
They are in worse situation aswell- :pop:-
Rape- Murder- Assault- Harassment- you name the crimes- and indian women are suffering-

Create a thread for your own women miseries for a change- Jai Hind-

You missed out on these two.

21-year-old girl allegedly gang-raped in moving car in Amritsar - The Times of India

BSP leader gunned down in Delhi farmhouse
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We are deeply saddened to read about the death of this teacher. Who would’ve thought that being a teacher would become a risky proposition in this part of the world? One would expect these enemies of the region to have some mercy towards those who are harmless, and are only working to better the society. But it is only safe to say that they are not leaving any stone unturned in their bid to destabilize the region. Incidents like these should send a wakeup call to those who allow conspiracy theories to plague their mind. These terrorists are not wasting any time in furthering their dangerous objectives. We must not set ourselves back by becoming our own enemies. We must refrain from indulging in conspiracy theories and support our governments in going after these terrorists. After overcoming many challenges over the years, our governments have realized the importance of working together to combat our common enemies. We hope to continue our partnership for the sake of restoring peace in the region. Otherwise, these militants will continue to spread fear and chaos through the killings of innocents.

Our most sincere and heartfelt condolences go out to the friends and families of this teacher who fell victim to this senseless act of terror.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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