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Female refugees from Ukraine are being offered a place to stay by British men in exchange for sex

Come on don't act holy, if an attractive woman offered you free accomodation, food and bills paid and a monthly allowance, only condition is you have to have sex with her once a week, that's not an offer you will reject.
I think he meant to say he online dated a girl with beautiful pictures
But when met in person she wasn't so ran away
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Female refugees from Ukraine are being offered a place to stay by British men in exchange for sex

British men are reportedly offering female refugees – who have fled their homes in Ukraine – a place to stay in exchange for sex.

Sadly, not all of the hosts using such platforms are doing so with good intentions, with an undercover investigation carried out by The Times revealing that British men are asking female refugees to share a bed, have sex in exchange for their stay and in some cases, get married for sponsorship into the UK.

As part of their investigation, a reporter from The Times posed as 22-year-old Natalya from Kyiv who was "bombarded with inappropriate and sexually suggestive messages from men seeking relationships" within minutes of posting on the largest Facebook group for UK hosts.

"I have a large bed. We could sleep together," read one message, with someone else sending a voice note that said: "I am ready to help you and maybe you can help me also." In another message, a 47-year-old man asked Natalya if she was single, before repeatedly proposing that they marry. "I [will] marry with you," the man said, according to the report. "Don’t worry. I am not [a] sex maniac. I am not that kind of m[a]n."

Another man said that he wouldn't offer a home to anyone who wouldn't engage in a sexual relationship. "What if I never want to be physical?" Natalya asked, to which the man reportedly said he was "not offering sponsorship to a person unwilling to have sex" although he said this would be "with the consent of both." The 43-year-old man claimed to have "passed all the safe checks" to be a member of the refugee-host matching group on Facebook.

Out of the 75 private messages that the reporter posing as Natalya received across two days, 41 were from single men who lived alone.

One 32-year-old woman from Bakhmut,
Ukraine, who has been searching for an appropriate person to match in the UK, wrote that she had received suggestive messages from men on Facebook’s Messenger app. “I was approached by one older guy from London who said that I would have to share a bedroom with him, and was asked if I was OK with that,” she said in an email seen by the Guardian.

The UN refugee agency has called on the UK government to intervene to stop single British men from being matched up with lone Ukrainian women seeking refuge from war because of fears of sexual exploitation.

Leading refugee charities raised their concerns about the Homes for Ukraine scheme in a letter to Michael Gove, the minister in charge of the scheme. Louise Calvey, the head of safeguarding at the charity Refugee Action, told the Observer it was at risk of being a “Tinder for sex traffickers”.


LMAO I wonder how many of these "British" men offering Ukrainian women homes are probably just Indians with British citizenship.
If govt is giving them refugee status it should protect them from predators.
Putin is of no real threat to British. Putin Oligarchs worked for Brexit to weaken the EU.

In the summer of 2012, Sergey Nalobin, a senior diplomat, whose father was an FSB general and whose brother also worked for the Russian intelligence agency, hosted a party at the Russian Embassy establishing the Conservative Friends of Russia. For three years, as donations from Russian oligarchs increased, he befriended senior Conservatives and their contacts, and particularly those associated with what would become the official Vote Leave campaign to exit the EU, including Boris Johnson, John Whittingdale and Matthew Elliott.

It was Ambassador Yakovenko himself who first made overtures to the burgeoning UK Independence Party. The Ambassador was photographed meeting Nigel Farage in the Russian Embassy 2013, after which Farage was regularly featured on state-sponsored RT (formerly Russia Today) not only as a studio guest, but also in the news segments that covered Farage’s speeches in the European Parliament.

Two events soon spurred the Russian influence operation into combat mode. In 2014, the bloody Maidan revolution, ousting Viktor Yanukovych as Ukrainian President and derailing Putin’s plans to create a Eurasian Union to match the EU, marked the real beginning of the war in Ukraine.

Putin was now wedded to any strategy that would weaken both the transatlantic alliance and the European Union which opposed his land grab. He began funding Eurosceptic and far-right parties across Europe, in France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. The Internet Research Agency, run by the oligarch who also funded Putin’s mercenary Wagner group army, began to spend $50 million a year supporting Donald Trump’s campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, David Cameron’s promise to allow a referendum on EU membership during his successful 2015 election campaign presented an opportunity against the US’s major ally. Brexit would become a strategic blow against the EU, separating one of its most powerful economies from the rest of Europe.

Another Russian Embassy official in London, Counsellor Alexander Udod, a familiar presence at British army and university functions celebrating wartime alliances with the Soviet Union, was tasked with infiltrating the other key Brexit player, UKIP.

Udod approached two linchpins of the movement, Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore, at the 2015 UKIP conference in Doncaster, when they were planning their Leave.EU campaign. For the next year, from November 2015 through to the election of Donald Trump in 2016, there were multiple meetings with Leave.EU officials and Russian embassy staff, in which preferential access to state monopolies in Russian gold and diamond deals were discussed.

In retrospect, Nalobin and Udod represent a concerted and successful campaign to shape British politics using the wedge issue of Brexit. According to RT, Nalobin was expelled from Britain in 2015, though the Embassy claimed his diplomatic visa simply expired. There is little doubt about Udod’s real mission, however. He was expelled in 2018 after the Salisbury poisonings of a former Russian spy and his daughter.

Yakovenko was recalled to Moscow after Boris Johnson took over the leadership of the Conservative Party in the summer of 2019. He was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky medal by Vladimir Putin himself and made President of the Diplomatic Academy. According to Luke Harding in his book Shadow State: Murder, Mayhem, and Russia’s Remaking of the West, Yakovenko told a fellow diplomat: “We have crushed the British to the ground. They are on their knees, and they will not rise for a very long time.”

UK/Russia plot to destroy the EU and destroy peace in Europe, reap the rewards in Ukrainians s-x workers, and homes for s-x.

British are thankful for the s-x workers from Ukraine. Known to everybody else as Ukrainian women and youths.
Marry them and keep them as respect member of household, provide for them, care for them if you are honest.
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