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Fear and loathing in the House of Saud


Dec 6, 2010
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i think its worth reading.


By Pepe Escobar

Early last week, US President Barack Obama sent a letter to Saudi King Abdullah, delivered in person in Riyadh by US National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon. This happened less than a week after Pentagon head Robert Gates spent a full 90 minutes face to face with the king.

These two moves represented the final seal of approval of a deal struck between Washington and Riyadh even before the voting of UN Security Council resolution 1973 (see Exposed: the Saudi-US Libya deal, Apr 1, Asia Times Online). Essentially, the Obama administration will not say a word about how the House of Saud

conducts its ruthless repression of pro-democracy protests in Bahrain and across the Persian Gulf. No ''humanitarian'' operations. No R2P (''responsibility to protect''). No no-fly or no-drive zones.

Progressives of the world take note: the US-Saudi counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt is now official.

Those 'pretty influential guys'
The wealthy, truculent clan posing as a perpetual absolute monarchy that goes by the name House of Saud wins on all fronts.

Last month's ''Day of Rage'' inside the kingdom was ruthlessly preempted - with the (literal) threat that protesters would have their fingers cut off.

With the price of crude reaching stratospheric levels, and with Saudi refusal to increase production, it's a no brainer for Riyadh to dispense with a few billion dollars in pocket change to appease its subjects with some extra 60,000 ''security'' jobs and 500,000 low-rent apartments.

King Abdullah also recently ''received a verbal message'' from the emir of Bahrain, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, on the thriving ''bilateral issues'' - as in Saudi Arabia ruthlessly repressing the pro-democracy protests in Bahrain by invading their neighbor and deploying their ''security'' advisers.

The House of Saud's violent reaction to the peaceful protests in Bahrain may have been a message to Washington - as in ''we are in charge of the Persian Gulf''. But most of all it was dictated by an absolute fear of Bahrain becoming a constitutional monarchy that would reduce the king to a figurehead; a nefarious example to the Saudi neighbors.

Yet as much as real tensions between Iranian Shi'ites and Arab Shi'ites may persist, the Saudi reaction will end up uniting all Shi'ites, and turning Iran into Bahrain's only savior.

As for Washington's reaction, it was despicable to start with. When Sunnis in Iraq oppressed the Shi'ite majority, the result was Iraq shocked and awed to destruction by the neo-cons. When the same happens in Bahrain, liberal hawks have the Sunnis get away with it. (As much as there's been plenty of spinning to the contrary, the Pentagon's Gates knew Saudi Arabia would invade Bahrain on the spot, on a Saturday (the invasion started on Sunday night).

Not that Washington cares that much any way or another. Last week, in a Chicago restaurant, President Obama qualified the emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa, as a ''pretty influential guy''. He praised him as ''a big booster, big promoter of democracy all throughout the Middle East'.' But Obama didn't notice there was an open mike, and CBS News was listening; so he added, ''he himself is not reforming significantly. There's no big move towards democracy in Qatar. But you know part of the reason is that the per capita income of Qatar is $145,000 a year. That will dampen a lot of conflict.''

Translation; who cares whether these ''pretty influential guys'' in the Gulf reform or not as long as they remain our allies?

The Saudi war of terror
Way back in 1965, the opposition in Bahrain was accused (by the colonial British press) of Arab nationalism (the nightmare of assorted colonialists and also US imperial designs). Now, it is accused (by the al-Khalifas and House of Saud) of sectarianism.

The House of Saud has predictably terrorized the majority-Shi'ite democracy movement in Bahrain with fear, loathing and - what else - sectarianism, the ultimate pillar of its medieval Wahhabi ideology. For intolerant Wahhabis, Shi'ites are as heretical as Christians. Shi'ite holy sites in Bahrain are being demolished under the supervision of Saudi troops. Bahrainis via twitter are stressing Saudis are using ''Israeli tactics'', demolishing ''unauthorized'' mosques.

Once again, this may only lead to a total radicalization of the Sunni-Shi'ite divide across the Arab world. Everyone who followed the Bush administration-provoked Iraq tragedy remembers that when al-Qaeda blew up the revered Shi'ite shrine of al-Askari in Samarra, in 2006, that was the start of a horrible sectarian war that killed tens of thousands of people and sent hundreds of thousands into exile.

The House of Saud (as well as the US and Israel) backed Mubarak in Egypt until the 11th hour. They all knew if that ''pillar of stability'' fell, the other (Saudi) would also be in danger. For all its bluster, the House of Saud's actions are essentially moved by fear. In recent years it has lost power in Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and now Egypt. Its ''foreign policy'' consists in supporting ultra-reactionary regimes. The people? Let them eat kebab - if that. Their last bastion of power is the Gulf - crammed with political midgets such as Bahrain or Kuwait. With a little thrust, The House of Saud could reduce all these to the status of mere provinces.

Not yet. As the House of Saud developed its counter-revolutionary strategy, the Saudi-Israeli alliance morphed into a Saudi-Qatari alliance. Qatar could be destabilized via the tribal factor - the Saudis had attempted it before - but now they needed a close ally. And that, unfortunately, explains Qatar-based al-Jazeera's meek coverage of the repression in Bahrain.

It took only a few days for the House of Saud to force the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to toe the new hard line: we are the top dog; there's no room for democracy in the Gulf; sectarianism is the way to go; our relationship with Israel is now strategic; and Iran is to blame for everything. The ''Persian conspiracy'' is the key theme being deployed by the hefty Saudi propaganda machine especially in Bahrain and Kuwait.

Israeli hawks, not surprisingly, love it. There's plenty of flower power - or downright lunatic - rhetoric in the Israeli press about a ''strategic alliance'' between Tel Aviv and Riyadh, ''similar to the one between the Soviet Union and the US against the Nazis''.

And guess what - Obama is to blame for it. Without this strategic alliance, according to the Israeli narrative, the whole Gulf will fall ''victim of a nuclear Iran'', and the Obama administration won't lift a finger to save anybody. Obama is vilified as someone who ''only confronts and abandons allies'', while emboldening ''evil'' Syria and Iran. It's a narrative straight out of the Loony Tunes.

Shallow grave or bust
Trying to understand the stakes, Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal got it all backwards, blaring there's a new Cold War between Saudi Arabia and Iran. That's what you get when you regurgitate PR by ''Saudi officials''.

It's the House of Saud incendiary manipulation of sectarianism which is angering Shi'ites everywhere - not only Iranians; that may turn the Islamic Republic into the only substantial defender of all Shi'ites against Wahhabi medievalism.

It's the House of Saud counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt - condoned by the US - that has shattered America's ''credibility on democracy and reform''.

All this while the ''traditional security arrangement'' with Washington is not even working anymore. The House of Saud is not stabilizing global oil prices; by refusing to increase production, it will let it reach $160 a barrel-levels quite soon. And meanwhile the White House/Pentagon keeps protecting that medieval bunch that were the first to recognize the Taliban in the mid-1990s, and whose billionaires finance jihadis all across the world.

The Gulf political midgets are now in the process of being homogenized - and kept under a leash - by House of Saud force. Those Gulf kings and emirs may preserve their golden thrones - for now. But expect plenty of cultural and religious violence ahead; plenty of nasty tribalism and sectarian wars, with no possible political evolution and no possible development of a modern civil society. No surprise; fear and loathing are embedded in this reactionary House - an axis of multiple evils in itself that should only deserve a shallow grave in the desert sands.

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