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FC-20 needs a partner!

I am not dreaming. I am thinking in realty
and A-5 is an old platform it has don its job as for now and it need to rest and being replaced by Thunders we Should consider high tech fleet mostly of 4.5th generation fighters around 150 to counter 230MKI + 126 MRCA. For tejas Mig-29 Mirage-2000 jaguares Mig-27 our F-16 and thunders are enough to deal with them but Fc-20 and plus another 4.5 gen fighter from west should be considerd before it goes too late:pakistan::pakistan:
I said it before and I am telling this again that FC-20 really needs either Rafale or Euro Fighter Typhoon as early as possible. No matter how they come but they indeed a big need for PAF to counter 126+ MRCA and 230 to 280 SU 30MKI.

We really need to think about this matter on a really serious note from now on to be able to stand against hi tech indian fighters.:pakistan:
I said it before and I am telling this again that FC-20 really needs either Rafale or Euro Fighter Typhoon as early as possible. No matter how they come but they indeed a big need for PAF to counter 126+ MRCA and 230 to 280 SU 30MKI.

We really need to think about this matter on a really serious note from now on to be able to stand against hi tech indian fighters.:pakistan:
to me i think the best deal is jas gripen not thr french they will rip us off..
to me i think the best deal is jas gripen not thr french they will rip us off..

If its possible to replace the GE414 in Gripen NG and other American Components with some Chinese Parts This Could be a real deal for PAF.
If US allows the sale, too good for them.

Gripen is Cheap, Comes with AESA and Has everything u can ask for.
Has low RCS and Can be a Good counter to IAF's MKIs.

Rafale is Good. Infact very Good but It comes at a very heavy price.
I already told you that we to buy a westren jet either rafale or gripen ng at least 3 squdrons for first batch then go for another batch of same aircraft after induction of first batch of three sqaudrons but some member think we jus dream if our leadres have guts then they will buy some real thing to partner FC-20. if cut spending of army and navy for 3 to 5 years we can have monies for our airforce. we hav men but those men cannot fight without machines take it seriousely mebers:pakistan::china:
well jas gripen is now 100% swedish from what i know of so americans cant do nothing
well , i think JAS Gripen is just a piece of junk , we should rather modifay our Jf17 thunder & equip it with AESA and new Avionics suite & weapns systems.

Rafale / EF2000 is good enough but expensive , should we compromise on Quality for bit more money ? i would say NO!!
well , i think JAS Gripen is just a piece of junk , we should rather modifay our Jf17 thunder & equip it with AESA and new Avionics suite & weapns systems.

Rafale / EF2000 is good enough but expensive , should we compromise on Quality for bit more money ? i would say NO!!

wow and our jf 17? it is not even close to being from what paf wanted AESA? sir with all do respect it dosent come like ( POOF) you do know not everyone has a fairy god mother :victory: ... just trying to get a AESA is hard we came up with gifro all i know is that it aint good.:undecided: plus the jf 17 needs a proper engine more sturdy wings for carrying weapons! from what i know its only giveing 40 % of block 15 f 16 sir . soo i think we should use it as strike fighter and let fc 20 or ef 2000 or rafael:smitten: or jas gripen do the dog fighting:bunny:
saalam brother
How can u say Gripen is a piece of junk it is an advance fighter jet which can take on any fighter of 4.5 generation n eurofighter is too much expencive can any body tell ow much 54 ef2000 T-3 costs how much 54 rafales are and how much 54 gripen ng cost
plus the jf 17 needs a proper engine more sturdy wings for carrying weapons! from what i know its only giveing 40 % of block 15 f 16 sir . soo i think we should use it as strike fighter and let fc 20 or ef 2000 or rafael:smitten: or jas gripen do the dog fighting:bunny:
saalam brother

oh really:rofl::rofl:
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