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FBR Unveils ‘Mega Scam’ Involving 45,012 Freelancers, 27 Banks, And Payoneer

You need to learn basic income tax rules. It does not matter if the customers are overseas on living on Mars or the Moon, THESE PEOPLE STILL HAVE TO DECLARE THEIR INCOME. Happens in every country in the World including Australia.

Don't teach me or advising, when people in Pakistan looting the money, stuffing in such racist countries who turn deaf to the calls of returning the looting wealth.
I know many western who enjoy tax free income, while working outside their countries.
Now, miserably failed institutes of Pakistan are turning their guns to common people who find Clint themselves, get orders from them starting from 2-5 US $. All benefits and ignorance are enjoyed by elite class.
One country two system will miserably fail, if such approach continued.
don't think there is proper legislation regarding freelancing in Pakistan. you can't call the freelancers scamming. their earning is from abroad, if they are sitting here and FBR wants to bring them in tax net then define laws.
the tragedy here is bureaucracy itself is a curse in out country. they even take advantage of the good initiative if ever taken by a govt.
straight away bring freelancers to the tax net after legislation then grab those who do not pay.
the OP is misleading readers by calling this ' mega scam' and what not
i would request moderators to change the topic heading and not create uncessary Fear and uncertainty

^^ here is the Income tax ordinance 2001 amended upto june 19;

simply put, any income made outside pakistan is NOT taxable under pakistani tax law ( basics of tax laws ) .

if any freelancer reading this gets a notice from fbr, contact me, ill help you draft a response to shove on their face

, any money you make OUTSIDE Pakistan is only taxable in that jurisdiction only . when that income is brought to pakistan, it is a remittance under pakistani banking regulations . simple

regarding the freelancers filing their returns or not , thats another topic

OP seems like a newer member perhaps garnering attention by using such a tagline. Cheap media and our youtuber seem to hang on to cheap tagline big words but crap inside.

If I remember right there is a special section in income tax return for foreign income.

All income which comes in the form of Forex either for companies or individual normally "freelancers" are tax exempt on that particular income. For companies it is called zero tax regime.

The only issue here would be that these individuals have not registered their NTN, despite the fact that they have zero tax liability, they still have to file a tax return so its not so much of an out of this world thing the way the topic of the thread is.

And FBR unearthing a mega scam is a joke unto itself, this corrupt, retard department is the key driver behind grey economy. I know one of the largest tile manufacturer of Pakistan having head office in Gujranwala has declared only 10 employees in its tax documents, while rest of the 990 are undeclared. FBR and labor department get in excess of 3 million per month bribe.
The commissioner who calls this an achievement should be ashamed of himself. This is a classic example of prolonged procrastination, an evident flaw in the FBR system. Payoneer was in service for more than 11 years now. All funds are transferred through valid banking channels (that are ALWAYS monitored). The funds are received as "One-link PK Home Remittance". Home remittance is tax exempted and is favored by the Govt. Bafoon this is not a scam of xxBn rupees. This xxBn Rs came into Pakistan in exchange for foreign currency (i.e. USD or GBP etc). Are you working on Anti Pakistani establishment agenda to call it a Scam! Gadhay
All income which comes in the form of Forex either for companies or individual normally "freelancers" are tax exempt on that particular income. For companies it is called zero tax regime.

You are right. I was thinking the same thing. Freelancers' forign income is tax exempt, so what is the big deal here?
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