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Fazlullah Reported Injured

I'm hearing from a source in Pakistan, that Fazlullah urf Mullah Radio is dead! It is unconfirmed, as of yet.
This will be great news. Hopefully he dies and it is confirmed.

This will bring some joy to the IDP's that have suffered because of him
Let the bastard die and go to hell and the rest goes for all his follwing bastards as well! they are discrace to be muslim better yet to be human.
Mullah FM back on the air in Swat

Mullah FM back on the air in Swat - The Long War Journal

By Bill Roggio July 18, 2009 8:38 PM

As the Pakistani government and military rush to declare victory against the Taliban in the war-torn district of Swat, Mullah Fazlullah has broadcast on the airwaves for the first time in months.

Fazlullah has not been heard on the radio for months after the military launched a major operation to clear the Taliban from Swat and the neighboring districts of Dir and Buner at the end of April.

Fazlullah's broadcasts were infamous for the anti-government screeds and the radical interpretations of Islam. He was nicknamed Mullah FM and Radio Mullah for pioneering the use of illegal radio broadcasts to promote his radical agenda.

Residents of Swat became glued to the radio as Fazlullah would issue lists of government and security officials, as well as tribal leaders who were to be executed for opposing the Taliban. Fazlullah would also campaign against polio vaccination drives, insisting the shots were a Jewish plot to sterilize Muslims, and railed against young girls attending school. More than 200 schools have been torched by the Taliban in Swat since 2007.

Residents in Mingora said Fazlullah's speech was subdued and lacking in invective against the military. "You can feel as if the operation has taken the sting out of him," one resident told Daily Times.

Fazlullah's re-emergence on the airwaves crushed the Pakistan government and the military's claim that he gravely wounded during fighting in his home town. Fazlullah was reported to have been killed, wounded and surrounded multiple times since the operation began.

Last week, Swat Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar said Fazlullah was alive, along with all of the group's senior leadership.

"Fazlullah is safe and the government claim is totally baseless," Omar told Pakistani journalists. He also said the Taliban leadership had gone underground "as part of their overall strategy" once the Army launched operations in Buner, Dir, and Swat, Daily Times reported.
this guy is an expert in twisting the news to make it fit in his messed up ideological prism. this is the whole report from the was filed by the dailytimes

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

PESHAWAR: Taliban leader Fazlullah addressed the residents of Swat via his illegal radio station a few days ago, the first such broadcast since reports emerged that the Taliban leader was injured during the military operation in the district. “Fazlullah was heard on his illegal FM radio channel three or four days ago,” residents of Mingora city told Daily Times by phone. However, they added, the Taliban leader seemed to have lost his drive and was not as aggressive when referring to the security forces as he had once been. “You can feel as if the operation has taken the sting out of him,” they said. The residents, however, were unable to confirm whether Fazlullah was broadcasting live or whether it was a pre-recorded message to keep the government confused about his present status.
I love how Bill Roggio jumps at any chance to post news that validates the Taliban's claims that they are unbeatable in Pakistan, but has not posted even one post on the so far less than spectacular results of the US operation in Helmand where Taliban are simply no where to be found.

His obsession with Pakistan's missteps (and there have been many) continues, but he dares not criticize the continuing failure of US strategy in Afghanistan.
I love how Bill Roggio jumps at any chance to post news that validates the Taliban's claims that they are unbeatable in Pakistan, but has not posted even one post on the so far less than spectacular results of the US operation in Helmand where Taliban are simply no where to be found.

His obsession with Pakistan's missteps (and there have been many) continues, but he dares not criticize the continuing failure of US strategy in Afghanistan.

Ha ha - he's still obsessed with regurgitating his solitary anonymous intelligence source that says Pakistan has done less than a spectacular job in Swat, and mostly killed civilians in the 1800+ dead.

I had him cornered when I pointed out that almost his entire military leadership had glowing words for the success of the PA's Swat operation - that meant that either his source was wrong, or his entire military leadership was lying through its teeth - lying to the media, the US legislature and to the American people.

What does the latter say about the credibility of the US administration and military then?
"...the so far less than spectacular results of the US operation in Helmand where Taliban are simply no where to be found."

What were your expectations, sir, that would qualify as "spectacular" Further, on what basis would you be a judge of success or failure? The operation is but a few weeks old and I'm unaware of any disappointing setback.

Perhaps you can answer those two questions...?
"...the so far less than spectacular results of the US operation in Helmand where Taliban are simply no where to be found."

What were your expectations, sir, that would qualify as "spectacular" Further, on what basis would you be a judge of success or failure? The operation is but a few weeks old and I'm unaware of any disappointing setback.

Perhaps you can answer those two questions...?
Expectations were based on the US hype itself that this would be the turning point of the war against the Taliban. Allegedly killing 30 or so talibs and then having marines faint from exhaustion and boredom while marching, and not even encountering any talibs for days now is simply repeating the same story that has been repeated since day one of the invasion. Maybe you can answer the question of what the helmand ops are supposed to accomplish - create a permanent base for US marines?

I also love how an unconfirmed rumor of osama's sons (out of his thousand or so sons and a low or mid level AQ leader by all accounts) death is a headline in the LWJ blog, but the confirmed death of deputy of Swati Talib leader Shah Dauran doesn't make the cut as a headline. Instead the headline is that Fazlu may or may not be still be alive according to taliban spokesman.

In every article on Swat, Bill R mentions how Mullah Fazlu is still not confirmed death. Should he also mention in every article on US forces in Afg, that Osama and Mullah Omar are still not dead or in every article on Iraq how Muqtada Al-Sadr is still alive?
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