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Fawad Chaudhry lands in hot waters over racist comment against Pathans


Sep 26, 2018
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PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry landed in hot waters after he passed a racist remark against Pathans during an interview with a private television channel.

On Wednesday night, Fawad was asked by a host of a private news channel programme about former FIA director general Bashir Memon’s claim that he was locked in a bathroom on Imran Khan’s order when he was the prime minister.

When the host pressed the former information minister on Memon’s statement that Khan had abused.

Fawad responded jokingly and said: “He also took a big risk by agreeing to go to the washroom with a Pathan.”

PTI MPA asks Fawad to seek 'Haqiqi Azadi' for his thinking​

Reacting to Fawad's remarks, PTI MPA Dr Hisham Inam Ullah Khan said that he thinks that the former federal minister disrespected the Pathans with the comments he made in jest.

“How did he become part of the PTI if he holds such a thinking,” asked Dr Hisham, adding that the party’s founder is also a Pathan.

“Pathans are behind the success of this movement,” said the PTI MPA from Lakki Marwat. Pathans, Punjabis, Sindhis, and Baloch worked together to build Pakistan, he added.

“Fawad Chaudhry should apologise to the Pathan nation,” he said, adding that the former information minister should seek "Haqiqi Azadi" for this kind of thinking.
He's suffering from Foot-in-Mouth disease. Or maybe he's just another parha likha jahil like most politicians.
woow Noon league is very active today..... seems Mariam very active in England... overtime payment will be soon.
Mariyam must be handing out hard cash.

Business must be good these days as her family is at the helm.
Thats just a good joke in a bad place. Even though i realize he didnt actually mean anything he said, its just bad, especially for a political leader.
In our part of the region, this is often used in jokes, but to say it on the mainstream media is utterly demeaning, derogatory and to some extent racist to a particular community of our country.
Agree, saying this joke between friends is fine, but on TV its utterly disgusting.
This is a common joke made about Pathans but I agree Fawad should be careful considering he wasn't sitting between friends but on live tv.
But this issue is deliberately being highlighted by the patwari cell. It will be wise for PTI MPA's not to make an issue out of it at this time. Yes Fawad needs to be thrashed indoor but no need to make a public statement.
Literally only 1 PTI MPA objected to it on Twitter and the whole of N backed media starts trying to somehow sow divide in the party and pitch them together.

Adil Shahzeb especially tagging PTI members and imploring on them to criticize this!

Although this was pretty stupid of him to say on live TV, he often does this.
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