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Faultines : Evangelism in U.S military.


Sep 14, 2010
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United States

An astonishing video. Spread of Evangelical Christianity in U.S military. U.S soldiers see themselves as "Soldiers of God". U.S military sees itself as "God's military".

U.S soldiers in Iraq spray painted mosques with "crosses" ...and many units painted their armoured vehicles with words "JESUS KILLED MUHAMMAD" etc.

A exceptionally wonderful Al Jazeera documentary that uncovers the influence of evangelistic influence on U.S military.

Many soldiers see United States' wars against Muslims as "Crusade against the devil (Islam)"...

One U.S chaplain wrote a book "Need for American Jihad against the devil of Islam", he was promoted in coming years and he still serves in U.S military as an officer...

@gambit can definitely relate to all this....cuz his thoughts are same as U.S military's chaplains...


Note : Evangelism is an aggressive form of Christianity that just H A T E Islam (and other religions too). They believe in "spreading the biblical message to the whole humanity" and they take bible as a 'literal, uncorrupted' word of God.

This situation is scary as fcuk!
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Killing and Christianity does not go with each other at all, if those military soldiers only knew what they have done to Christians in Iraq, and now in Syria.
WOW! This is quite scary situation for Middle-Easteners.

Not only middle-easterners, but for the whole world. Imagine the most powerful military of world seeing itself as "God's Military"...they'll just butcher everyone in the name of religion....
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