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Fauci deputy was 'very impressed' with China's COVID lockdown methods, despite 'great cost'


Nov 4, 2011
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Fauci deputy was 'very impressed' with China's COVID lockdown methods, despite 'great cost'​

Isolation and contact tracing were two tools China developed and that the US ultimately adopted​

By Brianna Herlihy | Fox News

Published December 5, 2022 5:36pm EST


Dr. Anthony Fauci testified last week that his deputy at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Clifford Lane, was "very impressed" with how China was managing the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and said that the country "has demonstrated this infection can be controlled, albeit at great cost."

Fauci was deposed under oath by state GOP attorneys general Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry as part of their lawsuit against the Biden administration. The two AGs have accused top-ranking government officials of working with Twitter, YouTube and Meta, which owns Facebook, "under the guise of combating misinformation" in order to censor viewpoints on COVID that went against the Biden administration's position.

According to the transcript of the deposition released on Monday by Schmitt, Fauci said that Lane took note of China's "extreme" measures to combat the virus. Fauci said he believes that he recommended that Lane travel to China with the World Health Organization (WHO) to investigate the virus in February 2020.

"Dr. Lane was very impressed about how, from a clinical public health standpoint, the Chinese were handling the isolation, the contact tracing, the building of facilities to take care of people, and that's what I believed he meant when he said [they] were managing this in a very structured, organized way," Fauci said.

According to the transcript, Lane, who Fauci described as a "very well-known, competent person" with "extensive experience in dealing at the international level with a number of countries," reported back from the trip that China learned lessons about controlling the virus that they wanted to share.

"When we got there, the outbreak was already coming under control in China. The measures they put in place appear to be working. I think that they felt there were lessons learned they wanted to share with the rest of the world," Lane said, according to the transcript.

Missouri Solicitor General John Sauer conducted the deposition with Fauci. According to the transcript, Sauer pressed Fauci on a quote from an email from Lane.

"And he goes on in that last sentence on that page to say, ‘From what I saw in China, we may have to go to as extreme a degree of social distancing to help bring our outbreak under control,' correct?"

"Correct," Fauci replied.

"So, he drew the conclusion that there might have to be extreme, in his word, measures to mandate social distancing to bring the outbreak under control, correct?" Sauer asked.

"That's what this is implying, yes," Fauci said.

Sauer went on to reference an email from Lane dated Feb. 23, 2020, which, according to the transcript, read, "China has demonstrated this infection can be controlled, albeit at great cost."

"Did you think that social distancing – I'm talking about this time frame of around Feb. 20 of 2020 – did you think that social distancing would have to include only high-risk individuals or would it apply to society as a whole?" Sauer asked.

"When you're dealing with a respiratory illness that has the potential to kill a lot of people – we've lost over 1 million people in this country – in order to have an effective interruption, which would almost certainly be on a temporary basis, but to interrupt this enormous explosion of infections that we were seeing, you would have to involve essentially the entire community," Fauci said.

If the whole world can follow China's strict lockdown just for 3 weeks, the pandemic would've been over 3 years ago.
Then why hasn’t the pandemic end in china after 3 years lockdown?
Are you really that dumb? China is part of this world and when the rest of the world don't work with China together, the virus will just come in at some point, Omicron is an example.
It's great if China and USA can work together and learn from each other.

The world doesn't want another Cold War 2.0.

Beside, Covid-19 teaches us a great lesson.

In the future, there will be another pandemic like Covid-19, but at the time the world is already being prepared and learned the lesson from Covid-19.
Are you really that dumb? China is part of this world and when the rest of the world don't work with China together, the virus will just come in at some point, Omicron is an example.
Rest of the world got vaccinated and is normal, only china going in lockdown after three years, shameful period.
Rest of the world got vaccinated and is normal, only china going in lockdown after three years, shameful period.
Shameful, US and India, the governments do nothing and just let population die to the point of reducing general life expectancy and leaving human corposes to wild dogs , shameful is too soft a word for what happened in India. It's death of humanity.

While the CCP bots are valiantly defending in here, hopefully CCP is negotiating g with biotech, Moderna, astraZ etc to import working vaccines for chinese people.
Btw China did not have 3 years lockdown, we were relatively free for 2 years until March 2022 when one part of China was lockdown for 2 months. Never at anytime was >1% of China under lockdown. After Shanghai, there were no more citywide lockdown and only targeted ones.
China has veen locked down for 3 years that's why youvhave oeople rioting and Xi accepting defeat.

Now get ready for a huge wave of covid due to china govts stupid policies.
China has veen locked down for 3 years that's why youvhave oeople rioting and Xi accepting defeat.

Now get ready for a huge wave of covid due to china govts stupid policies.
I am in China since the pandemic began mate. Its impossible to grow 3% when everybody is locked up numb numb. There were protests in some areas, maybe few hundred to a thousand plus uni students, after 2 days it ended. The government is adapting but not 100% declared it open, tests are still ongoing for critical sectors and bug corporations still insists on 48 hours greencode. The purpose is to open slowly and not suddenly so we don't end up like India with 4 million dead. Lol.

Our vaccination is 90+% even higher than India. We had 2 years of bliss while Indians were burning bodies in carparks. So are we stupid? US had 100'000 dead since Shanghai lockdowns. India does not even tests anymore.
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