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Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

Yes....just as I don't care what India does to her Muslims, Iran to her Sunnis or Saudi Arabia to her Shias - I may not like it but as long as they don't tell me how I should run my country....I don't care how they run theirs !

At any rate you paint a very 'extreme' picture - Its like saying that Turkiye would ban everything to do with Kurds in her country or Pakistan would ban everything to do with Baluch in ours - Ain't gonna happen...is it ?

Besides China isn't Anti-Islam - Just ask the Hui, Han & other Muslim ethnic groups in China !

And by-the-way so far as I know this 'ban' is not Islam centric its for 'all' religions - I may not agree with it but the Chinese aren't asking for my Opinion about their country just as I'm not asking them for their Opinion about my country - Its none of my business !

P.S Haven't any of our country's regulated 'Islam' one way or the other ?

You've banned the head-scarf in the past...haven't you ?

We've banned our soldiers & our security personnel from fasting on duty - So far as I know !

You should always speak out against wrong things no matter where it happens. However I think smart Chinese of which there are many know that the government policy in Xinjiang has not worked.
Nope, i just asked mate... i would ask next "would you say the same thing if Chinese rounds up the muslims and executed every one of them just because of being muslim"... hypothetically. But i can guess your answer now.

Its an extreme occurrence just as likely to occur anywhere else; in fact in some European Countries (Greece for one...because Pakistanis were victims) the upsurge in Neo-Nazis already pose a threat !

I hear that in Athens they're still debating whether allowing Muslims to open a mosque or not is a good idea - I don't hear the Chinese Government doing that !

I dunno mate, everyday we hear something in Turkey. Like preventing them to do their friday prayers, closing mosques, banning fasting..

You can ask @Hu Songshan - He is a Hui Muslims himself; things aren't what they're made out to be !

There have been Chinese Muslims for hundreds of years & baring Separatists in Xinjiang who were first supported by the Soviets in the '50s & are now supported by heaven's knows whom - Muslims in China are doing pretty much alright....including Uighur Muslims !

We have say for this
"Bana dokunmayan yılan bin yaşasın."
"The snake that doesn't touches me, may lives a thousand years"

Once upon a time I cared...now I don't !

Do you know why ? Because no one cared when it came to us !

No one was bothered when My People - the Kashmiris - were butchered & thrown into mass-graves dotting Indian Occupied Kashmir and no one cared when my Mothers, my Sisters & my Daughters in Kashmir were being raped - If my People can be brushed away by everyone of my 'so-called' Muslim Brothers for economic or political reasons - Why should I care then about something that doesn't even concern me & isn't remotely comparable to what happened to the Kashmiris ?
To Pakistani brothers I want to ask. How would you feel if India invaded Pakistan, annexed it and said you are not allowed to fast? It is wrong to be blind supporters of Kafur over your Muslim brothers. If you really believe in Allah, how will you answer to him when he asks you about it in the after life?
Brother why are you believing an Indian troll? They all came on the thread to count how many Pakistanis visited, how many pages went by and contributed zilch to the thread! How is that any better than not showing up (What some Pakistanis did)..The few Pakistanis who did show up did condemn it...of course a few went on saying the same slogan everyone sings: Their land their laws!

Have you visited Kazakhstan. I have .Most of the people there are moderates,atheists or nominal muslim. Religion is controlled by state strongly.

No but I have met many Kazakhs here. Besides post pictures of your visit to Kazakhstan, how do I know you ain't just making stuff up? :pop:
You should always speak out against wrong things no matter where it happens. However I think smart Chinese of which there are many know that the government policy in Xinjiang has not worked.

I don't care if any other country raises her Citizens to the level of a Messiah or degrades them to Eternal Damnation - I'm not bothered !
To Pakistani brothers I want to ask. How would you feel if India invaded Pakistan, annexed it and said you are not allowed to fast? It is wrong to be blind supporters of Kafur over your Muslim brothers. If you really believe in Allah, how will you answer to him when he asks you about it in the after life?

We do not support them if they really said that but honestly how can they enforce such a thing? Are they shoving food down people's throats?

I don't care if any other country raises her Citizens to the level of a Messiah or degrades them to Eternal Damnation - I'm not bothered !

Yet you cry when other Muslim countries do not recognize plight of Kashmiris? You are a hypocrite butt sahib. :mad:
No but I have met many Kazakhs here. Besides post pictures of your visit to Kazakhstan, how do I know you ain't just making stuff up? :pop:

Even I have met few Khazakistanis and none remembered to mention this :pop:
Yet you cry when other Muslim countries do not recognize plight of Kashmiris? You are a hypocrite butt sahib. :mad:

I don't - I say that only when some 'other Muslim Country' chooses to emotionally blackmail me in supporting their 'Palestine' or their 'Rohingya' or some other issue by evoking the Ummah Concept !
I don't care if any other country raises her Citizens to the level of a Messiah or degrades them to Eternal Damnation - I'm not bothered !
oay! Roza lagra hai kiya? :(
oay! Roza lagra hai kiya? :(

Its been 4 hours since the Iftar ! :unsure:
No but I have met many Kazakhs here. Besides post pictures of your visit to Kazakhstan, how do I know you ain't just making stuff up? :pop:

Because I have gone for conferences in Kazakhstan and Russia where minerals industry is concerned. Maybe if I find some of the old PSC's which were from kazakh in russian language. In Kazakhstan ,many major oil contracts ,tenders in cyrillic script.
Because I have gone for conferences in Kazakhstan and Russia where minerals industry is concerned. Maybe if I find some of the old PSC's which were from kazakh in russian language. In Kazakhstan ,many major oil contracts ,tenders in cyrillic script.

Many Russians in Kazakhstan that may explain the Cyrillic script. 20% of Kazakhstanis are ethnic Russians.
Its an extreme occurrence just as likely to occur anywhere else; in fact in some European Countries (Greece for one...because Pakistanis were victims) the upsurge in Neo-Nazis already pose a threat !
I hear that in Athens they're still debating whether allowing Muslims to open a mosque or not is a good idea - I don't hear the Chinese Government doing that !

Don't worry over Greece. We made these incase we need to invade them.

They are fearful of Turkey, they won't start shıt.
They do that mosque thing.... and and in return we are not giving them the orthodox xhurches properties.

You can ask @Hu Songshan - He is a Hui Muslims himself; things aren't what they're made out to be !
There have been Chinese Muslims for hundreds of years & baring Separatists in Xinjiang who were first supported by the Soviets in the '50s & are now supported by heaven's knows whom - Muslims in China are doing pretty much alright....including Uighur Muslims !
You know i won't form my opinion over some internet guys words...i have pretty much seen so far from our media.

Once upon a time I cared...now I don't !
Do you know why ? Because no one cared when it came to us !
No one was bothered when My People - the Kashmiris - were butchered & thrown into mass-graves dotting Indian Occupied Kashmir and no one cared when my Mothers, my Sisters & my Daughters in Kashmir were being raped - If my People can be brushed away by everyone of my 'so-called' Muslim Brothers for economic or political reasons - Why should I care then about something that doesn't even concern me & isn't remotely comparable to what happened to the Kashmiris ?
Fair enough mate. :)
I don't - I say that only when some 'other Muslim Country' chooses to emotionally blackmail me in supporting their 'Palestine' or their 'Rohingya' or some other issue by evoking the Ummah Concept !

Cmon mate Rohingyas don't stoop so low. :o:
@Icarus - Janaab aap nei Iftari karanii thiiii but you never showed up ? :(

As a treat for your Uncle becoming the Pakistan representative at the ICC Executive Committee ! :whistle:

Cmon mate Rohingyas don't stoop so low. :o:

I concede that I have a soft-spot for the Rohingyas because a dear friend of mine is a Burmese Pakistani !

But I still would slap myself a couple of times to prevent me from interfering in the internal affairs of another country especially Burma - the country - that helped us in the '71 War when the so-called Freedom Fighters were butchering every Pro-Pakistan person left, right & center !
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